
The Iron Dome myth, the Nato myth have all been destroyed. There is a big hole to be busted.

 The 'Iron Dome' was indeed a myth created by Israel to deter the Arabs and Muslims from doing anything to Israel. This fear that missiles cannot break Israel is what cowed the Arabs and Muslims from attacking Israel. That myth managed to withstand for more than decade, a length of time during which the Arabs and Muslims were practically paralyzed with fear of the Israeli threat. No Arab or Muslim country tried to break it; no scrutiny mounted to test the theoretical effectiveness of the system.

The 'Iron Dome' myth had already been busted by Hamas in October 2023 and by Hezbollah months later by the Lebanese shooting cheap rockets and duds that needed expensive Patriot Missiles to counter. When those Patriots were exhausted in numbers, then the real destructive missiles and drones will do the job.

Lessons are learnt, not forgotten and Hezbollah knows now how to counter the 'Iron Dome' defense system. As in all things created by humans, sooner or later someone will find a way to counter it. Just look at Russia and how it is countering all the sanctions and deflecting the damage towards the perpetrators. Are the sanctions working and if not, that must be the biggest shame on the USA and the West. Russia alone is able to counter the might of the USA and NATO, rich countries inside the G7 and top of the crop in economic power. How NATO is suffering today and how Russia is becoming great again is a slap on the face of the USA and the West.

I still cannot fathom the mantra that the USA is almost in recession. It is already in recession and the only reason is that they are denying it. What is the reason for cutting interest rates when the economy is said to be doing so well? As Professor Richard Wolff said, Janet Yellen knows but is pretending not to know. She and her fellow juggler, Powell have reached the end of their tethers and can no longer kick the can further down the road.


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