
Chinese missiles cannot be intercepte...travelling at Mach 20 - Mach 30


China launched the DF31AG, the latest modified missiles of the DF31 series. This missile travels at a hypersonic speed of Mach 23, and carries 6-9 nuclear warheads. It is virtually uninterceptable by anything the Americans have. See the two missiles the Americans launched to try to take it down, but trailing far behind in the envelope of light behind the DF31AG?

China is launching this missile at this moment to stop the American adventurism of thinking of mounting a nuclear war with China. It is also China's way of telling the Mickey Mouse that Chinese missiles can hit anywhere on earth. The DF31AG has a ranged of 12,000 km. DF41 and DF51 have 14,000 km and 16,000 km range respectively.

By the way, the flight path of this DF31G overflew Luzon Island. Mickey Mouse and the Americans think they have mid range missiles in the Philippines will be a threat to China. China would not use nuke against countries without nuclear weapons. With nuclear weapons in the Philippines, it becomes a legitimate target for China to nuke.

Iran and the Arab and Muslim states can be assured that China's nukes can reach the Middle East comfortably to protect them.

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