
China is seriously de coupling from the USA

 China is weaning itself from USA and EU agricultural products. China has found alternative supplies from Russia and Brazil, among others.

Food security is one area that the USA may try to weaponize and China knew that all along. That is why China is attempting to be relatively less dependent on imports from USA and EU and concentrating on producing more food domestically. China is relentlessly reclaiming deserts to grow food, an area that no other country has done on such scale. China is building artificial canals for water diversion to barren areas for growing food, which no other country has done on such scale too.

China is developing aquaculture for fish breeding in the Bohai Sea with massive structures, even using large unused ships to provide fish tanks to rear fish in the sea. These are to supplement the imports that it currently is doing. Which is why China can survive after cutting off Japanese seafood earlier due to the Fukushima wastewater scandal.

When China wants to do away with importing USA and EU sourced foodstuffs, it is going to make life really miserable for farmers in the USA and EU. Russia and Brazil are laughing all the way to the bank with China as their biggest export market for agricultural products. China is killing two birds with one stone - on the one hand giving BRICS countries all the benefits rather than benefitting those that are out to destroy China, and secondly to preserve China's food security, the next weaponization usage against China to come. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

De-coupling from the USA is good for China. Coupling with BRICS countries is just as good for China. All that fear mongering about the consequence of China decoupling from the USA is all hogwashes. Just look at how dependent China is on the USA and vice versa and you will understand who is going to suffer the consequences.

If you are still not convinced, looking at the trade surpluses chalked up by China consistently, will tell us who is still importing more from whom. China is importing less from USA, in other words less dependent on the USA than the other way round. Can there be a different way to interpret the situation. Under the 'Rules Based Order' definition maybe.