
Pax Israeli is by genociding the Arabs and Muslims, like the native Americans in USA and Canada

 There can never be peace in the Middle East even if all the Muslim countries fall to Israel. How is Israel going to control the whole of the Middle East? Suffice to say, even a Israeli nuclear war in the Middle East is not going to make Israel safe from revenge attacks. And Israel is plonked right in the Middle of the region. Will it be even safe from the after-effects of a nuclear war?

Like China during the Opium War era, with the Eight Nations combining resources and military strength trying to put down Chinese opposition with force, it failed. Trying to control a country as big as China is not possible. When Japan tried to do the same during WW2, they Japs only managed to control the Eastern and Northern part of China and even then, the Japs do not have the manpower to control the whole of China. What they did was using genocide against the male Chinese population that was spearheading the opposition.

The Middle East may not be as wide an area as China, or cohesive a population as China, but Muslims are as tenacious as the Chinese in fighting back. Not to forget than China was also divided between the communists and nationalists then, but they later came together to fight the Japanese.

There is history to remind us that those wars against between Christianity and Islam for centuries failed to put down the Muslims. Coupled with that, there are other Muslim countries outside the Middle East lending moral and constructive support with countries like Pakistan, no puny pushovers by any means. There is Malaysia doing its part and Africans supporting the Muslim cause. 


PS. The AngloSaxons and the Jews will treat the Arabs and Muslims like the native Americans. Not many would be left when they achieved what they wanted to do.


Anonymous said...

Times are different. The Native American Indians were not as streetwise or having experience with the evils of the Anglo-Saxon Whites and fell prey to their genocidal intentions from the very onset. They thought the Anglo-Saxons were really' Men of God' trying to spread the word of God to innocent Natives. Little do they realized that the Whites were the Devil in Saint's clothing.

The Muslims and Arabs are much more streetwise and experienced with the evil intent of the Anglo-Saxon Whites and know their agenda. They have fought wars against them since ancient times, against the Anglo-Saxon Christians. There were the later wars in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and now in Gaza that taught them why they should never trust the Whites. Least of all, they are not going to be tricked into exchanging their land for the Bible trick. They will fight tooth and nail for their existence. Therefore, total genocide is not going to be as easy as exchanging the Bible for land. Maybe in small enclave like the Gaza strip can genocide be committed against global condemnation.

Israel may harbor big intentions with an equally big appetite, like a snake wanting to swallow an elephant. It is almost one year of fighting in Gaza and total victory is still elusive. The days of a six-day war is over and ought not to be considered as the norm. Arabs and Muslim countries are now better prepared for a long war of attrition. Can Israel afford a long war that is already sapping its tattered economy? Can the USA continue to support Israel with unlimited supply of weapons when Ukraine is already left in the lurch and crying unfairness about Israel having all the support? And can the USA hope to stay around the Middle East for another 20 years with its aircraft carriers, putting immense strain on its resources?

Anonymous said...

Iran must get its nuclear bomb !