
An attack on UN Peace Keeping forces by US backed Zionist Israel terrorists anywhere is tantamount to making war on the rest of the Free World

An attack on UN Peace Keeping Forces anywhere in Gaza, Lebanon or anywhere in Middle East by US backed Zionist terrorists is tantamount to making war on the rest of the world. Israel is an illegal and illicit Jewish terrorist state planted in the Middle East by Anglo-Saxons UK and US backed by white European countries to further the geopolitical interests and motive of the Western powers led by US and UK. As pointed out before, since the 1860s all the European countries and US had always wanted to get rid of the despicable Jews and so they had to find a place where they could expel the Jews. The Anglo-Saxons UK and US then collaborated with the Jews to found a Jewish state in Palestine at the expense of the Palestinian Arabs. 

Thus in 1948 the imperialist UK and US forcefully dislodged the Palestinians from a large area of Palestinian land and brought in over a million or two Jewish settlers to occupy the space. Eventually the Zionist state of Israel is to be made a lynch pin for further US, UK and Jewish imperial expansion in Middle East and Africa. Their ultimate aim was to invade these places and to eventually displace or exterminate the native populations in Middle East and Africa so that the white people and Jews can be brought in to colonize them. This is to replicate their genocide and extermination of the North American natives before claiming the whole continent for white colonization. 

It is imperative for the Middle East Arabs and Muslims to get rid of the illegal Jewish state of Israel and the Western colonialists and imperialists headed by the Anglo-Saxon US before they can find peace and security. For the Arabs, Palestinians and Muslims to gain self-respect, honour and dignity, no quarter must be given to the evil white powers headed by the Anglo-Saxon Americans and the hateful Zionist terrorists. 

A way must be found quickly to arm the Arabs and the Palestinians with nuclear weapons and other latest modern weapons to help them in driving out the evil invaders from United States and Europe. The Arabs and Muslims can rope in Nuclear power Pakistan, Iran and Russia to help. Palestine and Middle East will have no peace and security and Africa is in grave danger until the abominable Jewish enclave of Israel is destroyed and the West headed by US is driven out. 

Southernglory1 Monday 21st October, 2024.


Anonymous said...

There is no doubt the Zionist Jews must be destroyed for good. It was the British Jews idea of smuggling opium and later forcing the illegal clandestine opium trade on China that caused the disastrous Opium War on China. From 1830s to 1880s the Jews collaborated with the British and American barbarians as well as France to impose the clandestine opium business on China so as to make up for their trade deficit with China in the tea, porcelain and silk business. The West led by the British in conducting the illeal and illicit opium trade and smuggling almost bankrupt China.

Shi Zhong Shen

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Shi Zhong Shen.

Anonymous said...

The savage barbaric Anglo-Saxons UK, US and the Jews try to conquer and dismember the Middle East Arab States and ultimately the African continental countries. Well, with the full force of solid support for the Middle East Arab muslims and all the African countries by all the countries of the South led by BRICS with Russia and China leading the front it is not going to be easy for Western aggression especially from the United States, UK, France and the Jews.

The bloody despicable Jews and the British led Opium War on China from 1830s to 1940s almost dismembered the whole of China. However, China was already half dismembered by 1946 when China lost a total of over three million square miles of land to Russia, England, France, Germany and Japan. Russia the ever cunning and deceitful country occupied over three million square miles of Chinese lands through their treachery of deception and subterfuge.

Lee Tai Chong

Anonymous said...

What is the use of UN Peace Keeping force if it has no authority at all. What is even more ridiculous is that it is even under attack by Israel. Netanyahu is treating the UNFIL like he is God Almighty, doing what he likes.

Hitler did the right thing, but he unfortunately did not complete his total destruction of the Jews which is causing all the trouble around the world.