
Condemn individual acts of terrorism but support genocide and state terrorism

 Whenever an act of terrorism occurred in the West, killing a handful of people, often just one or two victims, there will be outpouring of compassion and condemnation of the acts by individuals and even govt leaders. And the condemnation would be loudest when the victims were whites.  And many coloured people would also join in the chorus, condeming the terrorists. People from all walks of lives would be queuing up to pay respect and buying flowers to show how much they cared.

The terrorism committed by the Israelis and Americans in Gaza is happening every day, every hour, every minute, with hundreds and thousands of women and children being killed. Did anyone breathe a word of care and compassion, did any govt leader open his big mouth to say anything? Oh, what is happening in Gaza is war, not terrorism. Or it is not conducted by a so called terrorist. It is state terrorism, conducted by respected men and women in uniforms, in suits and pretty dresses in Washington or Tel Aviv. So cannot condemn them as they are not terrorists. They are soldiers, leaders of states. Terrorists are poor and dirty looking individuals that can kill or two at a time, and if they are lucky, may kill a few more.

This is the hypocrisy of the 21st Century. And the so called compassionate and crying men and women, national leaders. They would make sure their condemnation of the so called terrorists would be heard loud and clear or be printed in the news. See, we condemn terrorism and terrorist acts.

The biggest terrorist nation is the USA and Israel, with UK and France coming closely next. The likes of Biden, Blinken, Nethanyahu, and Gallant should be arrested and executed for terrorist acts, war crimes and crimes against thousands and millions of victims. Instead, they would be greeted and welcomed like movie stars, dine and wine and party together with the same world leaders that condemned individual acts of terrorism.

What do you think? Are you proud of such people condemning individual acts of terrorism but supporting state terrorism and genocides? Which is more evil and barbaric?


Anonymous said...

The Israelis always claim that they were targeting Hamas fighters hiding inside schools, hospitals, refugee camps and aid centers. This is impossible to prove, and the Israelis are using this vague argument to continue its genocidal mission. Even the UN refugee centers have been targeted. And the UN is powerless to stop it.

The USA, UK and Israel are the real Axis of Evil, and their agenda is the killing of the Arabs and Muslims and reduce their numbers in the Middle East to allow them once again to colonize the region that is rich in oil. It worked in North America, in Australia and the Pacific Islands. When Natives of those places are decimated, they pose no danger to the Axis of Evil in future.

They tried that in China, but the Chinese population, undivided patriotism and land area made their mission an impossibility. And the Chinese were not as divided as the Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East today, which left a gaping divide for the Axis of Evil to take advantage of.

If the Arabs and Muslims do not wake up fast enough, they are toast, like the Native American Indians, the Aborigines of Australia and the Pacific Islanders.

Virgo49 said...


Listen to George Yeo of all Government Medias Brainswashing all their Daft Hillibies days in and days out having their advantage to hold to their powers.

That's why die die must subsidies the Main Stream Medias for their advantage.