
America is an authoritative regime disguised as a democracy by lying to its people

 That is also what I want to say. The two parties, Democrats and Republicans are just the right and left hands of the Deep State, ruling USA with policies culled from the same playbook.

The USA voters undoubtedly do not know that they are voting for the same Evil hiding behind the throne, controlling the two parties and having them to carry out policies that favor the super-rich and making them richer. The super rich are among those behind the scenes, making up the Deep State and it is just a matter of you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours, taking turns to cannibalize the ordinary USA voters who are none the wiser. It was only after migrating to Rednote from Tik Tok that they realized what they had been missing after all the decades of sacrifices.

How is the USA Government going to explain the differences between the Chinese living standards in China and their own citizen's alarming discomfort upon realizing that they had been lied to all those years? It must come as a great shock for the USA voters to know that they are not really any better than the Chinese in China by a long shot in almost everything, except having the right to vote.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chinese Apps allowing the comparison of living conditions between USA citizens and Chinese citizens are going to be banned for sure. Rednote for one is directly in the path of being banned soon, with the ban extending to making it illegal to be downloaded on VPN or Virtual Private Network.

Welcome to the end of USA Freedom under an authoritative regime disguised as a so-called democracy. Of course, gloating about the right to vote and criticizing the government is at the top of a democracy, where the citizens voted without any choice, choosing between the right and left hand. Just keeping these two freedoms alive, but impotent, is good enough to justify and gloat about USA democracy. All others, like the freedom to choose is slowly being taken away, like the right to choose what cars to buy and how much to pay for it. It is no longer a choice that citizens can exercise, as much as having to suffer exorbitant insurance premiums, healthcare and the housing crunch.

As for having the right to criticize the Government, turning a deaf ear is a simple response by the USA Government. Might as well just legislate the USA Government to alternate between the Democrats and Republicans. But the show must carry on, and the circus must keep performing since the audience still believe in the clowning going on.

Oh yes, there is another freedom that is being kept and that is living on the streets. Homelessness is touted as a 'lifestyle choice' and will be retained. I am indeed flabbergasted by such an argument.