Africa is still not that united in wanting to get rid of the Anglo-Saxon colonizers, with some dictators still in the pockets of the Whites and helping them to exploit Africa. Africa is not one unified country, but many countries put together with different agendas. But the majority of Africans are realizing that getting rid of the Whites is an important recipe for progress, a lesson they learnt from the decades of benefitting from Chinese aid and learning from the Chinese. After all, China had a big hand in helping African countries fighting against their colonizers. China's anti-colonial aid to Africa was an affront to the Whites. Russia and North Korea were also instrumental in their aid to Africa to fight colonialism in Africa.
The Arab/Muslims are even more divisive and not getting together to fight for their rights, content to be exploited and falling under the Western 'divide and rule' doctrine. Iran and Saudi were not on good terms before their peace brokered by the Chinese. Iran and Iraq had a long history of conflicts in the past over ideological differences. The USA, Israel and the West had exploited such differences and wants to keep the Middle East divided and easier to control. Now the Saudis are again falling into the evil hands of the USA.
1 comment:
African countries must unite to really get rid of imperialism. But that is easier said than done, with some dictators still in the pockets of the Western countries. Arabs and Muslim countries must likewise unite to fight for their cause for survival against the Axis of Evil - the USA, UK and Israel. That is the reality if they want to progress and be strong like China.
The USA and the West have long used their 'Divide and Rule' modus operandi to control the world. To divide means creating conflicts and war between countries. This is still ongoing in Africa today. This is also happening in the Middle East today as well. It is a works-in-progress in East Asia, with even a NATO expansion on the cards.
The peace deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran was a spanner thrown into the USA's toxic agenda by China. Now the USA is harping up the demonization of Iran using Israel as its accomplice-in-chief.
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