
Weaponisation of dollar, consumer items....next would be food and drinks

Do not worry about the Americans and the white men. They are angels. They do not kill wantonly, recklessly, senselessly. They even warned the world about using Chinese technology that would spy on the users and harm the users. They are so kind and protective, so caring?

What happened in Lebanon did not need any explanation. It is the most cruel and indiscriminate attack on civilians, women and children. It is mass terrorism. Only the most daft would not see it this way. It is the weaponisation of consumer items that are used commercially by private inidividuals, by anyone. And who were behind this mass murder? Dunno? Are you that stupid?

The murderers of this crime against humanity are the exact people warning about using Chinese technology. They are the people behind it, using technology to harm the innocent civilians. This precedent would lead to severe repercussion in the world about safety of equipment and consumer items. Many orders are now pouring into China for manufacturing of electronic goods with specific instructions that not a single western part must be used, and the whole production process must be done in China for the safety of these goods. Even the supply chain must be fully and carefully controlled, not to be intercepted by the West to plant dangerous explosives, poison or listening devices in them.

China is now the most dependable, reliable and safe manufacturer and supplier of consumer goods. This is in direct contrast to the smear and lies spread by the Americans and the West that Chinese goods are not safe. It is the other way round. All American and western products are NOT safe for use. Either they listen on you, spy on you or may have explosives or harmful items embedded in them.

Throw away all western manufactured devices and goods for your own safety, including iPhones and Apple products.

The next hideous step would be the weaponisation of food and drinks. Oh, they have already weaponised medicine and drugs. For the ignorants, think about the fake and dangerous mRNA vaccines during the Pandemic.

When food and drinks are weaponised, the bottle of Coke you are about to drink, the hamburger or chips or Coffeebean, Starbuck coffee, beware, beware. They may not be what they are. The world is going to be a very dangerous place when these terrorists and maniacs have their ways. And these are many many times more dangerous than the terrorists they claimed to be their enemies and your enemies. These are the real terrorists of the world, state terrorists, protected by the Americans and the West, with the Americans using their veto right in the UN to keep these terrorists safe and to continue to terrorise the rest of the world. 

Be warned, the food, water, aids and medicine going into Gaza for the Palestinians must be carefully controlled and checked. They could be spiked or poisoned, just like the days when the Europeans were genociding the native Americans by offering blankets and clothing infected with European diseases to kill them en masse. The Palestinians in Gaza are living dangerously when their food and water are out of their control.


Anonymous said...

China is weaning itself from USA and EU agricultural products. China has found alternative supplies from Russia and Brazil, among others.

Food security is one area that the USA may try to weaponize and China knew that all along. That is why China is attempting to be relatively less dependent on imports from USA and EU and concentrating on producing more food domestically. China is relentlessly reclaiming deserts to grow food, an area that no other country has done on such scale. China is building artificial canals for water diversion to barren areas for growing food, which no other country has done on such scale too.

China is developing aquaculture for fish breeding in the Bohai Sea with massive structures, even using large unused ships to provide fish tanks to rear fish in the sea. These are to supplement the imports that it currently is doing. Which is why China can survive after cutting off Japanese seafood earlier due to the Fukushima wastewater scandal.

When China wants to do away with importing USA and EU sourced foodstuffs, it is going to make life really miserable for farmers in the USA and EU. Russia and Brazil are laughing all the way to the bank with China as their biggest export market for agricultural products. China is killing two birds with one stone - on the one hand giving BRICS countries all the benefits rather than benefitting those that are out to destroy China, and secondly to preserve China's food security, the next weaponization usage against China to come.

Anonymous said...

Food production also needs a market like many other things. USA may be the food basket of the world, but China is the biggest market for their products.

Weaponization of food is also going to backfire on the USA and EU if they ever were to attempt doing that to China. Now that China is well prepared for that, even before the first shot is fired by the USA, it is backfiring on all cylinders.

In fact, we could say that China is using food as a weapon of retaliation at the start of the trade war by cutting off soya bean imports from the USA. China knows how to strike where it really hurts. This created a big problem for USA farmers with nowhere else to sell their soya bean harvest. China is the biggest soya bean market, imports of which are used both as animal feed and for human consumption. There are so many things the Chinese can do with soya beans and is as important as rice.