
The Chinese Dragon Spirit and China's 75th National Day Anniversary

Congratulations & Well wishes to China's 75TH National Day Anniversary. On this China's 75th National Day Anniversary let all Chinese people remember that without this Chinese Dragon Spirit China would not have been able to see and witness the proud Chinese nation standing tall and glorious above the chaotic and tumultuous world fomented and engineered by the evil Anglo-Saxon United States and its gang of savage allies. The Chinese Dragon Spirit has been with the Chinese people and nation since time immemorial for thousands of millenium. 

All Chinese people wherever they may be whether in China or overseas are endowed with the vigour of the powerful Dragon Spirit. Without the fighting vigour and spirit of the Chinese Dragon Spirit China would not have been able to survive the hundred over years of Western aggression and invasion from 1830s to 1940s; the Japanese aggression and invasion from 1931 to 1945 and the American aggression from the 1930s to the present. It was the Chinese Dragon Spirit that spurred the Chinese to endure and overcome all odds and difficulties in overcoming and defeating all diabolical foreign invaders. It was also the dragon spirit that alerted and enabled all patriotic Chinese to seize and destroy internal traitors like Chiang Kai Shek and his lawless gang of bandits. It was the Dragon Spirit that goaded Chairman Mao and his 12,000 PLA volunteers to undertake the Long Much of ten thousand miles to the safe haven at Yenan in Shanxi Province to escape encirclement by Chiang and the Americans who kept on bombing the communist army. 

The Long March was tortuous and dangerous as Chairman and his army of followers had to cross hundreds of rivers and snow covered mountains as well as through marshlands infested with dangerous snakes and mosquitoes. They had to take convoluted paths moving westward from Hokkien Province, through Kweizhou and Yunnan and then northward through Chinghai, Szechwan, Gangsu and finally Yenan in Shanxi province. Only about 8,000 survived the epic Long March when they finally arrived in Yenan, Shanxi. 

Remnants of Chiang's gang of bandits now exist in Taiwan as the DPP under US protection and control. They too will be defeated and destroyed sooner or later and Taiwan will then be reunited with the mainland motherland. The Chinese Dragon Spirit is with the Chinese everywhere and in whatever endeavour, plans or undertakings they intend to do. The power of the Chinese Dragon Spirit is always there in the sports field, in science and technology, in computer science and cyber, in semiconductors and micro chips manufacturing, in infrastructures like HSR and ship building as well as in quantum computing, rocket and missiles, AI and space station technology. In many and in fact in most of these fields China now outstripped and outclassed all Western countries inclusive of US and Japan in spite of US/Western sanctions and blockades. 

In the Chinese 75th National Day Anniversary China and the Chinese people are really blessed with the progress and advancement in all these important fields of human endeavour. The Chinese Dragon Spirit was highly stirred during the tumultuous and dangerous years of Japanese invasion and in the Korean War 1950 to 1953. Fortified with the spirit of the Chinese Dragon spirit Chairman Mao Tse-Tung and his comrade in arms and his army of volunteers and the PLA - People's Liberation Army defeated all the enemies. These victories enabled China to evolve with greater strength and energy and with greater resolve and vibrant spirit. 

Immediately after the establishment of the People's Republic of China the Chinese Dragon Spirit forwarned Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, Premier Zhou En Lai and their core members in the central government to waste no time in undertaking crash programmes like The Great Leap Forward in scientific and technological development to forestall dangers ahead from enemies on all fronts from United States and its Western allies and also from unknown sources. 

Even eminent patriotic Chinese nuclear and rocket scientists and engineers were aroused with the dragon spirit to return home from overseas to the motherland China to help China progress and develop quickly technologically and scientifically to strengthen and protect China from potential enemies. They in turn over the years taught and trained endless thousands of young Chinese students to become great scientists, engineers and technologists in their own fields of endeavour. This greatly jump start China's effort to build nuclear weapons like the atomic and hydrogen bombs, the missiles and rockets, all of which enhance China's safety and security by deterring potential aggressors and trouble makers. 

The Chinese Dragon Spirit again was in great play during the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s. The Chinese administration was infiltrated with many officials influenced by toxic American thoughts and ideologies and also by adulterated Russian communist ideas and ideology. Many agitated to follow the hollow and fake American democracy and decadent life styles. Chairman Mao saw the danger that such bourgeoisie thoughts would derail his plan for the correct path of Chinese socialist development and advancement and thus will again lead China to danger and failure. Chairman Mao therefore instituted the Cultural Revolution to get rid of traitors to the cause and ideals of Chinese communist and socialist government. 

If Chairman Mao had not used the Cultural Revolution to weed out all the traitors and American spies and disruptors China today might not have been able to progress so fast and be able now to celebrate with pomp and glory the 75th China National Day Anniversary on Tuesday, 1st October, 2024. It was the great Chinese Dragon Spirit which imbued in Chairman Mao and the Chinese Communist Party that ensured the enlightening success of China today. 

In the midst of this celebration of success of the Chinese Communist Revolution on this 75th National Day Anniversary the Chinese people and nation must not forget the great invaluable selfless contributions by millions of Chinese peasants, proletariats, revolutionary volunteers and fighters, soldiers, the intelligentsia, scientists, engineers, technologists and patriotic artists like music composers and patriotic song writers as well as Professor Lee Da Chow, Professor Chen Du Hsiu and Chai Yan Pei the Principal and chancellor of Peking University from 1915 to 1930s who were the initiators of the communist cause and the peers of Mao Tse-Tung. 

On this Tuesday, 1st October, 2024, as China and the Chinese people joyfully celebrate China's 75th National Day Anniversary with pomp and great formidable Dragon Spirit, Southernglory1 and all overseas Chinese compatriots will jointly celebrate the occasion with pride and joyful vibrant spirit. 

Let's toast to the glorious People's Republic of China, the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the ever presence and inspiration of the Chinese Dragon Spirit. Following this article below please enjoy two videos which add to the vibrant and glorious spirit of China's 75th National Day Anniversary celebration. The free world especially BRICS and all countries of the South celebrate Chinese National day in brotherhood with China and the Chinese people as they consider the success of China's fortune in development is also the success and fortune for all countries of the South led by BRICS as China's selflessly help them to develop and rise up technologically and scientifically with growth in wealth and ever forward looking success. 

Southernglory1 Tuesday, 1st October, 2024


Virgo49 said...


Long Live The Peoples Republic of China


Anonymous said...

China's success from being a very poor country to a rich and powerful one is an inspiration for all the poor countries of the South to learn and emulate China's hard work and success to become the World's second biggest economy.
Omo Kunta : Kenya - Africa

Virgo49 said...

Welcome Omo Kunta,

Well Said!


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Omo Kunta, Kenya, Africa.
China has the blue print, the finance and expertise to lend a hand, if only Africa wants the assistance. But some voices are telling China to go away, claiming China would be like the white colonialists, to colonise and exploit Africa. If such stupid voices are allowed to grow, the CIA would have a good source of fertile ground to groom terrorists to attack China and Chinese investors like in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Then China would become the bad guy in western propaganda and would have to leave Africa and the white men can return.

Anonymous said...

The fact that China was bullied and exploited like Africa by Western Powers including the United States in the last two centuries - the 19th & 20th century to become so poor that today through sweat and hard work she has become rich and powerful is a historical event to wonder. Since the 1960s China has been helping African countries in every aspect to develop and rise in tandem with China's development is greatly appreciated by all Africans in every African country. Africans today in jubilation join China's glorious 75th National Day Anniversary Celebration with great joy and spirit. Africa wish China ever greater success.

Sumiya Kuta : Cape Town, South Africa.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Sumiya Kuta : Cape Town, South Africa.
The white men not only invaded and partially colonised China, they bankrupted China by making China paid for their wars against China, paid for the opium that China burnt. They followed up by two centuries of disinformation to smear and run down China and the Chinese people as useless people with no talent, and a bad people, worse than subhumans, to be bullied and despised by the white men.
China and Chinese literally crawled back by backbreaking hardwork to rebuild their country and dignity, to learn everything about science and technology and modernisation. China is rich and strong today without wars, without firing a bullet, without colonising any country. It is not in the Chinese culture to colonise any country.
China wants to help Africa to be like China, but it is a long and arduous journey, a lot of hard work, not with wars and killings and exploitation. The Africans are literate, educated and smart enough to know the difference between colonial exploitation and China's alternative of a win win solution. Nothing is for free. But China would not take anything from Africa for free. China would pay for everything it buys from Africa.

Anonymous said...

China suffered as much as all the countries of the South, in Africa, Central America and South America from Western Powers' attack and invasions. Like Africa and Latin America,China was robbed off all her wealth and resources. The Anglo-Saxon United States had robbed and plundered Mexico of all its oil and other minerals and illegally occupied large swathes of Mexican land in Texas, Arizona. Wyoming, Utah, Dakota, Nevada, New Mexico and California. But one important thing the evil Western countries, US and Japan could not rob from China is the intelligence, skill, talent and hardworking spirit and perseverance of her people. This enable China to reconstruct and grow fast to rise like the Phoenix from the fire of the ashes. Inspite of being poor in the earlier decades China has been able to help selflessly all poor countriies of the South to reconstruct and develop in tandem with China. We thank China for all her help and China's development and phenomenal rise serve as a model for countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America to learn and follow.
Today we people and countries of the South in Africa, Asia, Central America and Latin America congratulate China and join China in happy and joyous celebration of her 75th National Day Anniversary on this Tuesday, the 1st of October, 2024.

Juan Amigo : Mexico

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Juan Amigo : Mexico.
China is investing in many industries and countries in Latin America. Mexico and Brazil would be two big modern economies in time to come. Pity Venezuela and Cuba are still under the oppression of the evil Americans.
With China's investment, Latin America would stand to benefit as a whole, unlike the colonisation and oppression by the West and America.