
Singapore the only principled state in Asean that dared to sanction Russia...the rest no principle?

 Was it the same smart Bala and the Law Minister Shanmugam or what who came out shouting for open support to US and its savage NATO's allies aggression against Ukraine though no doubt with arm twisting by the US and yet falsely blamed Russia for the Ukraine War. Singapore is the only ASEAN country that succumbed to US threat to sanction Russia economically and politically. 

So, now what, it has become a pariah state among ASEAN countries. Russia and China have made it clear that Singapore like any other country that sanctioned Russia illogically and illegally will not be allowed to join BRICS organisation. The future of the world is with BRICS. Singapore now stands out like a sore thumb in Southeast Asia. 

On the other hand Malaysia's Prime Minister Annuar Ibrahim together with the Malaysia king recently received a red carpet welcome in Beijing, China. Earlier Annuar Ibrahim also received a very warm welcome in Moscow, Russia. What a change of scenario for Singapore vis-a-vis Malaysia and other ASEAN members. Unless Singapore's politicians are smarter the red dot will be a gone case in its future outlook.



Anonymous said...

Singapore sorely miss the wisdom of LKY !

Anonymous said...

Fat Indian is reported to be in a single cell, for security reasons. What security reasons are they talking about? In Principle, every prisoner is alike and should be treated alike.

Anonymous said...

They are afraid Fat Indian may escape through a window in the toilet, like Mas Selamat, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Should openly share the same urinal with other prisoners in the same cell . . .

Anonymous said...

Singapore system, definitely no chance for special treatment.

Anonymous said...

He is so rich, the other prisoners may want to rob him or collect protection money from him.

Anonymous said...

No, no, they are afraid he knows the Indian rope trick and can raise himself over the walls using a rope to escape. Single cell very private. Sharing a cell may let the cellmate expose the plan, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Why you all so like dat? Singapore system very transparent one. Cannot say like dat.

Anonymous said...

Ya lah.

Anonymous said...

Corruption is a form of robbery. Iswaran has the stigma 'corruption'. clearly engraved in his forehead. Does he still have the face to meet people? If I were him I would rather take the high end road of no return to the abode of the hades.

Ahmad bin Noordin

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Ahmad bin Noordin.

Anonymous said...

I think he will retire as a Maharajah in India, possibility owning a piece of land as big as Singapore.

Anonymous said...

Singapore is likely being pressured by the US to take such a stand. Same as Huawei not given a main role in its 5G rollout.
Many are saying it but a big big mistake.

Anonymous said...

Right Anon 2.55. His tainted character fits in nicely with the Indian mentality. He will have a bright future in India if he manages to snuggle closer to Modi. With corruption rampant in India, he may become another Indian billionaire in the making if he makes the right move.

Anonymous said...

Huawei cares two hoots about Red Dot not giving it 5G rollout. Its market is just a drop in the ocean for Huawei to say the least. As for being pressured by the USA, that stand with the USA is already an open secret.

Anonymous said...

So does USA pressure to follow the sanctioning of Russia!