
Peace if China were to be a democracy like the USA?

 The Americans would love China and the Chinese people if China and the Chinese people were to adopt American democratic system and American culture and be like the Americans. This is the myth that the American terrorists are spreading. They were nice to China and wanting and hoping that China would be like them, and there will be world peace.

How many thinking people believe in this American piece of shit? Even if China would to copy wholesale the American political system, culture and way of life, would the Americans accept China and the Chinese people and live in peace?

Raise your hand if you think so, or believe so.

The American doctrine and mentality is best described by John Measheimer. American cannot accept any country to be its equal and would put them down. They put down the Japanese, Germany, Europe and Russia, and are now furiously trying to put down China, not because China is a Communist country with a different system as the Americans. The Americans believe that for their own security, they must rule over every country in the world, to be the number one hegemon, whether China is a democracy like America is irrelevant.

Is this simple enough to understand? No need much thinking to know that the Americans were lying all the time. Every country must be ruled and controlled by the Americans, be poorer, weaker and less advanced than the Americans for the Americans to feel secure, to be allowed to live in peace, as colonies or cronies or little doggies of the evil American Empire.

I must warned that many bananas here believe in this American shit, that the Americans are generous and peace loving people that would embrace diversity, that would accept the rest of the world, even if they are trying to be rich and prosperous, caveat, cannot be richer and more prosperous than the Americans.

China is bad, China must try to speak to the Americans to understand the Americans to be left in peace? What nonsense! Would any thinking person be telling China so, or saying so? It is the Americans that are bullying and threatening China and everyone, to want to rule over everyone. The Americans did not wish to talk to anyone or understand anyone. All the tensions and wars are started by the Americans, nit wits. 

Did China start all the trade wars, tech wars, chip wars, propaganda wars, sanctions etc etc etc? You mean you did not know who started all these wars? Oh, China started the Ukraine War, China started the genocide in Gaza. China is responsible for the Ukraine War and the Gaza genocide? China must stop the Ukraine War and the Gaza genocide? Just blame China. There are genocide and human rights abuses in Xinjiang!!!! You sure you are of sound mind to believe the American lies, lie after lie and did not think you are stupid?

China has open the door for everyone to visit Xinjiang, visa free for 8 weeks, enough time to use a microscope to sniff through every square millimetre of earth in Xinjiang. What are you waiting for with such great opportunity to prove that China is committing genocide or abusing human rights of the minorities in Xinjiang. Afraid to do so to prove that you have been fooled by the American negative propaganda, like the WMD?  Or maybe you still believe the American WMD is true, even if proven wrong?



Anonymous said...

China, as a communist country, is now irrelevant for the purpose of demonization, because China proved that communism works better than democracy. Forty years is all it took to bring down the myth that democracy will always triumph over communism. Without that narrative to support its outdated evil hegemonic mindset, the USA and its doggies are using another tactic by demonizing China's domination in manufacturing overcapacity, China's domination of raw materials and supply chains and China's expanding global influence, especially in Africa and Latin America. China is slowly working on upping its influence in the Middle East and the Pacific Islands.

In trying to curb China's manufacturing, the USA and its doggies are using trade wars, tariffs, technology strangulation to put China down. When China is able to manufacture products so cheaply, it is no brainer to think that this avenue of attack will succeed. There is an analysis put up by Kevin Walmsley on his site 'Inside China Business' that revealed why China's EVs are dominating the world and why the USA and EU and even Japan are lagging far behind. Chinese EVs have been stripped apart by the West and Japan and they found out that the Chinese have managed to incorporate many separate parts together to produce more efficient and cheaper EVs.

In trying to wrestle back control of raw materials, the USA and the West now found themselves unable to go back to Africa or South America to take control of those raw materials now in Chinese hands. Their attempt to take control of rare earth minerals in Mongolia also failed miserably. The USA and the West also found that they lack the refining and processing facilities and now have to build them up from scratch. What is even more uncertain for them is the ability of the Chinese to kill off those facilities they intend to set by rendering them incapable of competing against Chinese domination.

Chinese influence is growing in the Middle East and South Asia region, particularly Afghanistan, Pakistan and the five big states of Central Asia. China is exploring co-operative ventures to fund a new link with Afghanistan and Pakistan for its oil imports from the Middle East and be less dependent on the Straits of Malacca. China is building and upgrading ports in Pakistan, ostensibly to host its security arrangements for those ventures that rattles India.

Virgo49 said...

China follow the damn stupid Americunts DemoCRAZY system and shall goes to Skunks in no time.

Just look to the South Koreans, the EURO Nuts, Taiwan, Philippines Idiots and also Indon.

Two terms Presidency and for able and capable ones replaced by Idiots and Chalartans and Scums.

That's why Xi abolished the restrictive two term Presidency and they yelled Dictator.

UAssA eat too full shits on others with Regime Changes and Bullyings and Invasions.

Can accused Russia of invading Urukiane?


Anonymous said...

The West led by the United States tries to restore Western colonialism and imperialism to dominate the world with evil hybrid plans.

Anonymous said...

The United States and its Western allies try to discredit Chinese socialist system of 5000 years . The United States is wrong to think too highly of its exploitative plundering capitalist system which benefits only the minority elites of one percent at the expense of the large majority of the public. The Chinese socialist government tries to lift everyone out of poverty while the US fake democratic system's objective is to keep the majority of the public in abject poverty. Today all over China in every ciity, town and village the people live a happy vibrant life and celebrate all national and social festivals with joyous mixing, singing and splendid public permances. But in the United States there is drab and failing society where nobody feels safe in public places as shootings and killings are rampant and where millions of underpriviledged Americans face hunger and homelessness and have to live in make shift camps or tents by the roadsides and shopping malls. While the minority American elites live in splendour and glory the majority suffer constant hunger and deprivation. American fake democracy is a failure while Chinese socialism is thriving in China. American fake democracy is dying a lingering death.
