
Jews were at one time the most hated people in all European countries and in Russia and the United States

 The blinking Jews were at one time the most hated people in all European countries and in Russia and the United States. They believed and identified that the Jews were the embodiment of all things evil. They hated the Jews for by deception and subterfuge either directly or indirectly control all the governments in Europe, Russia and America. When Adolf Hitler wanted to get rid of the Jews he was in syn with the intent of all the European countries, Russia and the United States. It was not only Germany but also all the European countries and the Anglo-Saxon Americans wish to get rid of the despicable Jews from their countries. However, the cunning and very deceptive Jews were able to manipulate not only to entrench themselves firmly in the business world but also in the local politics of all the countries of their domicile.In the 19th century many prime ministers of England and other European countries were Zionist Jews. Even the head of the Russian government was a Jew by the name of Lenin. In the US, the Jews now control the US government, the Deep State and Pentagon.

The satanic Jews in collusion with the Anglo-Saxon UK and US have been the cause of all turmoils, choas, destabilities and wars in this world. It is regrettable that Hitler did not exterminate all the Jews. Zionist claimed that six million Jews were killed by Hitler was all false and exaggerated. They deceptively counted the hundreds of thousands of other races killed like Poles, Bulgarians, Romanians, Tartars and Russians as Jews just to maximize their claim of compensation and reparations from Germany.

Hope the final solution of the Jews will be settled by the muslims with the support of Russia and Iran.



Anonymous said...

BRICS and all countries of the South led by Russia, Iran and China must exterminate the hateful Jews in order for the world to have peace, harmony and security. Jews are punished by God too and that's the reason they live in wilderness for over two thousand years.

Sotono Jakarta, Indonesia

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Sotono Jakarta, Indonesia.
Agree, It is clearly stated in the Bible that God punished the Jews to roam in the wilderness, and without a country to call their own.
And God blessed the Arabs, descendants of Ismael, to have many nations, children and wealth. The Arab countries are all richly endowed with oil and gas and natural resources. Israel still did not have a country other than the stolen land from the Palestinians.

Anonymous said...

The white countries of Europe led by Anglo-Saxon US and UK illegally and illicitly planted the Zionist Jewish state of Israel to suit their geopolitical agenda of colonizing not only the whole of Middle East that includes Turkey but potentially the whole of continental Africa. They would have no qualms of genociding all the Arabs and the Africans just as the had genocided almost all the native North Americans to near extinction. BRICS and all countries of the South led by Russia, Iran and China must destroy Israel before it can do further harm to the world.

Lee Tai Chong

Anonymous said...

The European countries and Anglo-Saxons UK & US created the illegal Jewiish state of Israel in Palestine Arab land just to get rid of all the Jews in their midst as well as to suit their geopolitical agenda of colonizing the whole of the Middle East and continental Africa. The free world would have no doubt the Anglo-Saxons US and UK would have no qualms in genociding all the Arabs and the Africans just as they had genocided all the natives of Nofth America. Therefore people of Middle East, Africa, Asia and South America must unite in solidarity to stop the white men, the Anglo-Saxons and the Jews from their diabolical plot of recolonizing Middle East and Africa.

Song Xiao Wen, Penang, Malaysia

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Song Xiao Wen, Penang, Malaysia.