
China National Day - Greetings from Mexico

 China suffered as much as all the countries of the South, in Africa, Central America and South America from Western Powers' attack and invasions. Like Africa and Latin America,China was robbed off all her wealth and resources. The Anglo-Saxon United States had robbed and plundered Mexico of all its oil and other minerals and illegally occupied large swathes of Mexican land in Texas, Arizona. Wyoming, Utah, Dakota, Nevada, New Mexico and California. But one important thing the evil Western countries, US and Japan could not rob from China is the intelligence, skill, talent and hardworking spirit and perseverance of her people. This enable China to reconstruct and grow fast to rise like the Phoenix from the fire of the ashes. 

In spite of being poor in the earlier decades China has been able to help selflessly all poor countries of the South to reconstruct and develop in tandem with China. We thank China for all her help and China's development and phenomenal rise serve as a model for countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America to learn and follow.
Today we people and countries of the South in Africa, Asia, Central America and Latin America congratulate China and join China in happy and joyous celebration of her 75th National Day Anniversary on this Tuesday, the 1st of October, 2024.

Juan Amigo : Mexico

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are many ways the USA entrapped countries to enable the USA to pressure them into compliance with their dictates.

Mexico is one of those countries that is succumbing to pressure from the USA, using the 'Free Trade Agreement' between them as a threat to force Mexico to deny Chinese companies from investing in Mexico. It already happened with Mexico being held to ransom over incentives extended to Chinese automakers, like providing land, and the setting up of a US/Mexico agreement to monitor foreign investments, which insidiously is to counter China. Is Mexico a sovereign country or a colony of the USA that has to pander to the USA as to what is good for the country?

Having Argentina squarely ensnared in its trap using the IMF, the USA is trying to lure other South American countries into its control, with countering Chinese influence the prime objective. Venezuela is the key target that the USA is trying very hard to take over, particularly its massive oil reserves.