
Friendless Japan, the vicious invader of Asia and SE Asia in WW2, wants to drag Asean to fight China

SINGAPORE: Shigeru Ishiba, who became Japan’s new prime minister on Tuesday (Oct 1), surprised many with his proposal of an Asian NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) in a commentary penned for the Hudson Institute in September.

In his words, "Ukraine today is Asia tomorrow". Mr Ishiba drew parallels between the actions of China to those of Russia, as well as between Taiwan and Ukraine. In his view, the "absence of a collective self-defence system like NATO in Asia means that wars are likely to break out because there is no obligation for mutual defence".  CNA


The incorrigible imperial Japanese are still clinging onto their war mentality, that they are a superior race to rule over Asia and SE Asia. Their war crimes against Asia and SE Asia are barely forgotten, they are still the only country in Asia that has no friends in its immediate neighbourhood, but they aloofly think that the rest of Asia have forgotten what they did in WW2, and brazenly wanted to lead Asia as a military bloc against China. Japan has no friends in East Asia.

Japan wants to be the leader of Asia, after failing in WW2, defeated and surrendered to the Allied Forces, nuked by the Americans, they are now back to their old self, wanted to be Imperial Japan all over again. This time they got the cheek to want to drag all the countries they invaded, conquered and colonised, even massacred them, to be their stooges, to be led by them, to challenge China, even to go to war with China.

Such audacity is not only found in the Japanese leadership, but also in the majority of the Japanese people. Very few Japanese are truly feeling guilty or remorseful of their barbaric crimes against Asia and SE Asia, thinking that these people, the victims of their invasion and massacres, are stupid and have forgotten their history and the atrocities inflicted on them during the Japanese Invasion and Occupation of Terror. It is so contemptuous for the Japanese to think that Asian and SE Asian people are so daft and so easily duped by their bowing and bowing. Caveat, there are many in Taiwan and some Asean countries that would want to be Japanese and bow to the Japanese as their colonial masters.

Would Asian and SE Asian countries be so stupid to be led into another war by their brutal invader against China when China is their number one trading partner and their benefactor? If there is a Ukraine to talk about in Asia, let it be Japan, and leave the rest of Asia and SE Asia alone. Oops, oops, I forgot there is a Mickey Mouse in Asean that is begging to be the Asean Ukraine and Asean Zelensky. Japan may be eager for another war to stamp its superiority in military might, and take on China. Go ahead and be another Ukraine. China would love it. The Koreans would love it. The Russians too would love it.  China, Russia and the two Koreas would want to settle all the historical debt once and for all. There will be no Japan after this war to talk about anymore.

Come on Japan, start a war with China, like Zelensky did. Ishiba can be the Japanese Zelensky. Don't make China wait for too long. The aggressive and warlike nature of the Japanese, the samurai spirit, cannot be held back for long. Let there be an Asian Ukraine, but don't bet on it that there will be another Asian Nato to die for the Japanese.

The fake Japan Defense Force is an aggressive Imperial Force, stronger than all the Asean countries combined. It was never meant for defense but for offense, to start another war of domination and conquest in Asia.  Bring it on...and see what China, Russia and the two Koreas would do to tame the Japanese Imperial ambition.

PS. Would the bananas in Singapore want to join the Japanese Imperial Army to fight China?


Anonymous said...

Ishiba is using the American playbook, create fear, raise a scarecrow to frighten everyone to join him. The second step would be to call China a threat. The third step would be to claim China is planning to invade Japan, maybe not now, but in the future, 100 years, or 1,000 years from now. This would be good reason to attack China before China attacks Japan.
The Americans are using this formula, to call everyone a threat to attack them. Russia is a threat, China is a threat, Iran is a threat, North Korea is a threat, so Americans can attack and invade them, like the way they invaded Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan. Afghanistan is a land of goat farmers, and branded a threat to America.
The other formula is to call them terrorists. The world's number one and number terrorists are the Americans and the Israelis. But they are calling everyone else terrorists to massacre them.

Anonymous said...

Ishiba just visited Taiwan President Lai Ching-te in August. Ten percent of Taiwanese has got Japanese blood.

Virgo49 said...

Hi All.

That's why the Japs had so many Calamites and Disasters of all sorts in their land when they still dont want to repent and be real human beans.

Heavens are punishing them for their Evil Deeds to Humanity.

The Japs still want the Whites to screw them hard.

The Americunts Military Bases with their own jurisdictions of their own Military Laws that the local Japs cannot even touch a piece of their pubic hair had them bullying and screwing them without fears and hasslements.

Imbeciles indeed.

Just like the Conflict Aussies in Asia and wanted to lean to the White Barbarians and Savages.

For the Aussies ok maybe they are also Whites but the Japs pui!

China shall bombed to dust even the Japs dare to have a War with the PRCs.

Bring it on.

The Humilations and Sufferings of the Chinese Peoples round the Globe lest the Bananas and Traitors are deep in their hearts and once unleashed All Hell Broke Loose.

Virgo49 said...

Convicts Aussies not Conflicts.

Anonymous said...

ASEAN is not that stupid, except for one or two countries within the bloc. Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar are strong supporters of China, and I do not see any chance of them joining Asian NATO. The USA is trying very hard to wean them away from China, using threats, subterfuge and demonization. It will be to no avail.

Even Vietnam, having territorial disputes with China in the South China Sea, knows who is buttering their bread, with China investing and doing so much bilateral trade. Vietnam needs China more than China needing them. With Cambodia and Laos opening up, Vietnam knows these two are also trying to attract Chinese investments and will be competing with them in years to come. It will be a bad mistake for Vietnam to antagonize China and siding with the West.

And Myanmar, despite having so much internal strife, may one day be one big potential destination for Chinese investments as well. Investing in these Indo-China countries are so much safer than investments in USA or Europe, that could be seized at the whims and fancies of the Anglo-Saxon Whites.

Indonesia, a Muslim country and a rising economic power, is unlikely to join Asian NATO as well, despite the threat that the USA is posing by signing a defense agreement with East Timor or Timor-Leste. Who is threatening East Timor and why is there a need to have a defense agreement with the USA is clearly obvious. East Timor is another Ukraine in the making when it is time to set the plan in motion. These are time bombs, clear and simple.

Japan is already toast, though it is still trying to strut its stuff like the Brits. The USA destroyed Japan militarily in WW2 and economically in the late nineties, making sure it does not rise again to become a threat. Japan was rising economically fast and furious after the war and the USA became nervous and paranoid once again, knowing the militant ambitions of the Japanese.

The USA knows the Japanese still harbor the humiliation of the two bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Japanese are just hiding their resentment over their humiliation. This is clearly shown by their worshipping of their war criminals and war dead at the Yasukuni Shrine and their refusal to come to terms with their crimes committed during WW2 against the rest of Asia.

As I said before, China's most dangerous enemy is the Japanese. So close geographically and so confrontational externally, it betrays its position in this part of East Asia. For Japan's revival, like its stance in WW2, and another attempt to regain its glory, it is looking at another big war in East Asia. And the USA is prodding them on.