
Emperor Blinken lecturing the Asean leaders in Laos


This happens in Laos. Emperor Blinken giving a lecture to the Asean leaders. And the Asean leaders listening eagerly and obediently like little boys and girls. Unbelievable!

Didn't the Asean leaders know that Blinken is the butcher behind the genocide in Gaza?

1 comment:

Virgo49 said...

Morning Mr RB and All

ASEAN or Tua Sian Leaders are mostly balless and frightened Rats still fears the White Synonym.

MadHater oops Mahatair may be cursed by many but he the only remaining old Leader that dared stand up and criticised the Americunts and their Bullies.

The Worse is Sinking Sinkeland that always repeat the mantras that we need the UAssA here to keep the Peace.

Keep the Peace and counter balance the powers?

Must be out of their minds.

Sinking Land with that Philippines as doggies of the UAss are the most Sia Suay of all the Ah Sian Leaders.

Both had too much of their personal self interests under the balls of the White Barbarians.