
$400,000 is less than a peanut

SINGAPORE: In the latest of surprise moves made in the criminal case of former transport minister S Iswaran, a High Court judge imposed a jail term that was longer than what the prosecution and defence sought.

The jail term of 12 months was about six times the eight weeks sought by Iswaran's top legal team, and almost twice the six to seven months submitted by the prosecution, which was fronted by no less than a Deputy Attorney-General.... CNA

Is $400k a big sum of money? If you belong to the super talent or super rich class, it is really nothing, not even the size of a peanut. So why so much hooha about $400k? But for the ordinary HDB millionaires, not many would have $400k in their savings, many would not even have $10k in their savings. So this is a matter of relativity.  And this is exactly what happened during the hearing in court, the severity as perceived by the prosecutors and the defence lawyers. And their positions must have made the judge squirmed in his chair when their proposals of a few months or a few weeks jail would be deemed necessary.

In a court deliberation, both the prosecution and defence counsels were expected to put up sound arguments, legally and factually, to assist the judge in making his decision. In this base, both thought the case was not that serious. The judge was thus put in a very awkward position to raise the jail sentence much about the proposals of the two sides. He was not in a good position to play the moderator or middle man to placate both sides. It was him alone that would be the focus of attention, to unilaterally ignored the positions of the prosecutors and defence lawyers. In a way, he was made to look like the bad guy in some quarters, and the hero in different quarters.

Below are some reactions to Justice Vincent Hoong's unexpected decision in a CNA article. The prosecutors and the defence lawyers probably thought they had it all worked out during the pre trail meetings, and both sides were quite happy with their chosen positions. Little would they expect the judge to totally reject their pleasant dreams.


'On Justice Vincent Hoong meting out a sentence longer than what both sides had sought, Mr Chooi Jing Yen said this "is unusual, but happens once in a while".

"The judge is meant to apply the law and mete out the sentence based on the charges and the facts of the case," he said....'

Oooh, the sentences were based on the charges and the facts of the case. This seems to say that the judge, prosecutors and defence lawyers totally disagree in their understanding of the charges and the facts of the case and how to apply the law.

'However, Mr Yeo - a former judicial officer and deputy public prosecutor - felt that the judge's decision was justified....

He added that it was not usual for a judge to impose a sentence higher than what parties had asked for, and that the court in this case was clearly indicating its serious view of the offence....'

This statement is another way of saying the proposals by the prosecutors and defence lawyers were unjustified. Agree? And also, they did not see the seriousness of the offence, which the judge clearly understood.

'Mr Melvin Loh, a senior lecturer of Law Programmes at the Singapore University of Social Sciences, noted the aggravating factors in this case.

"In this case, the judge noted several aggravating factors, namely the duration of the commission of the offences, the high office held by the accused as well as the trust that was placed in him, which in turn led to the great harm that was caused to public interest as well as to public institutions by his actions," noted Mr Loh....' (Bold was by me).

Melvin Loh actually summed up what the judge's reasoning and thinking. And below was what was reported in the media.

'Justice Vincent Hoong delivered his sentencing remarks in a 40-minute session, dismissing several of the defence's arguments and stating in an unexpected turn that both the sentences sought by the prosecution and defence were "manifestly inadequate"....(Bold was highlighted by me).

Justice Hoong said it is about the damage to the trust in public institutions, if there is a perception that public servants could be swayed by offers of valuable items.

"Persons who hold public office are conferred status and power by virtue of such office for the purpose of serving the public interest, and the obtaining of gifts from persons who have a connection with a public servant's official duties is an abuse of such power," he said.'

The key issues were public office, status and power of office and public interest. Abuse of public office and power, the higher the position, the more serious is the offence. That must be the case.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Given that City Harvest pastor was jailed 3 1/2 years, the only-one-year sentence here still looks extremely lenient.

Virgo49 said...

Just one sentence he has to be jailed one year and above as the GE election is round the corner and anything less than that will lose a few hundred thousand votes.

Collateral damage lah!

One fine example to show that they are incorruptible and crocodile tears that even own colleague must be dealt with according.

The Prostitution, oops Prosecution just asked for 6 to 7 months after amending to a sowhat's lesser charge.

Our good Defence Lawyer can asked for a six weeks jail.

What's a Joke!

If really 6 months then the coffeshop uncles would be debating the next whole time till the Elections Date.

Cheers for Justice Hoong who had done what's he thought fit and sentenced according.

Virgo49 said...

Just to add 400$K is not peanuts and also cannot be just gifts from friends to another lah!

CNY gifts also ang pows cannot be more than 400K lah@

Unless I strike Toto 8M and give more than this amount to my immediate families lah!

He asked others to source for his favourite brand whisky. If that is NOT Corruptions than what's is?

The Persecution can amended to lesser charges but same time also leave an escape excuse that the Corruptions charge still stands.

Justice Hoong right to give one year and even more as this is purely Corruptions.

They now charged the Giver as the corruptions charge stands.

Frankly, in the dog eat dog commercial world, the businessmen and women practised these common so called corrupted acts in the name of businesses and getting contracts and priorities.

Which businesses don't do this to secure businesses?

The Corrupted Receivers should be punished more than the givers.

Just asked the Keppel FEL Top Management!

The Worst when dealing with scums of the more corrupted foreign companies and Corrupted Ones.

Anonymous said...

Is Fat Indian going to appeal and if so, will his sentence even be reduced, just like our City Harvest Church gang.

The turbaned nuclear weapon looks sheepish after the longer sentence was meted out. I think they were looking for a very much shorter sentence of several weeks. Normally, the nuclear weapon is expected to win most or all of the cases that he undertook. This time, Fat Indian betted on the wrong horse or found himself thrown under the bus.

Anonymous said...

12 months jail for $400k bribe is now the new bench mark. Anyone receiving bribe of say $200k, the jail term would be 6 months, $100k will be 3 months or there about. And for non government officials, the jail term could be lower.

Anonymous said...

My first thought before the sentencing was that the jail term asked by the prosecution and the defense were grossly inadequate.

If allowed, it will set a precedent for future cases that will make a mockery of the justice system.

Virgo49 said...


Right you are Anon 10.59

If 6 weeks jail the Papies gonna lose a few GRCs.

It 6 months then a few SMCs.

The Papies are fighting for their self interests and survival.

So collateral damage lah!

Too lenient kia kee langs sure whats !

So must be appropriate to soothe the masses lah!

Anonymous said...

All this are just wayang..more serious stuff are sweep under the carpet. Iswanted is the one that can authorise $80million public $$ to spend on F1. So what is $400k? There are bigger fish than what is reported in the media. (F1 big boss had $400Million in sg for his daughter as reported) . Recently a supplier was sentenced to 28months jail for bribing someone($200K) in SMU. So what do you think?

Anonymous said...

Peanut woman's son is now liable for S$146 million suit for loss suffered by a firm of which he is a director.

I calculated that S$146 million is just 2,920 peanuts. A few large packets will do. No big deal.

Anonymous said...

I never expect making use of peanuts for comparison is now coming back to haunt some rich person.