
Who has been benefiting from the misery of EU de-industrialisation?

 China must adopt the paramount mindset of looking after its own interests first. China must not follow the EU, blindly being waylaid by looking after the interest of the USA by following its dictates in the Ukraine War. The biggest folly of the EU was antagonising Russia by following sanctions instigated by the USA, even to the extent of hollowing out its own manufacturing base, now due to unavailability of cheap Russian energy.

Who has been benefiting from the misery of EU de-industrialisation? The USA of course, by killing the Nord Stream pipeline's operation, and opening up the EU energy market instead to mainly expensive USA linked energy suppliers. Companies moving to USA with the Inflation Reduction Act, a sinister measure meant to lure EU companies to relocate to the USA was the other vile motive. The EU is paying the ultimate price.

Of course China also benefits, with many EU businesses moving to China for example, to take advantage of the cheaper energy environment and the important Chinese market. But why are the EU countries complaining mostly about the 'Inflation Reduction Act' as an attempt to de-industrialise Europe and not protesting against China even with companies moving over there?

China never had to resort to unfair trade practices like the 'Inflation Reduction Act', unlike what the USA does, just to musk its sinister motives. China never forced BASF or Airbus to relocate their main or expanded production lines to China. Everything was voluntarily done, with even the CEOs of those companies, not to mention Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron, flying all the way to China together with them to ink those deals.

This is also just the exact motive of the Chips and Science Act enacted principally to cripple China's technology sector from overtaking the USA. The Chips4 Alliance was formed to enhance sanctions against China, which some analyst are saying will only work on paper. Now we can see why it will not work, with China restricting rare earth elements and export of important technology.

This may sound odd, knowing that China was never thought of as being in the forefront of technological innovation in the past. But over the years, China has overtaken the USA in the field of high tech patents and scientific papers, and you can be sure there are important sectors that China is now ahead and therefore necessary to keep them away from the West.

China's retaliation could be argued as telling the USA and the West that China is no longer going to be the punching bag of the USA and the West, just like the Brits and Poles are now telling the Ukrainians that it is exhibiting ungrateful behavior for all the help given to it so far. It is as if Ukraine is the most important country for Nato, and demands support from everyone without gratitude. Russia helped the EU countries, particularly Germany and France to industrialise and become what they are today (not tomorrow), but that has also been repaid with ingratitude. Countries are now realising that enough is enough.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The western purging of competence:

The immortal words of the nameless Boeing employee about the 737 MAX apply to most large western companies; “this airplane is designed by clowns who in turn are supervised by monkeys.”

Monopoly and oligopoly is the rule and the main objective of most large western companies is to prevent anyone from infiltrating their sector – usually by bribing regulators or by buying the competition. This is a necessity because a huge number of western companies are now run by incompetent management and staffed by incompetent people, particularly in support and management functions.

Western companies are no longer competitive. They cannot compete with Chinese companies now and soon they won’t be able to compete with companies in general outside the West. They simply can’t function except inside an economic safe-space.

This also applies to western societies as a whole. The entire leadership and diplomatic classes of the West are no longer competitive against the rest of the world for exactly these reasons. They are being outmaneuvered by the Chinese, the Russians, the Indians, and everybody else at every turn. Even African leaders are now more competent than western leaders. They have consistently made decisions that are better for their people than leaders in the West – for the last few years anyway.