
The West - The Anglo-Saxons UK & USA and Japan owe China tons of blood-debt which have yet to be settled.

In the last two centuries from 1830s to 1940s China was trampled and torn apart by practically all the European countries, America and Japan. During this period white men especially the Anglo-Saxon British and Americans slaughtered and genocided not less than over 150 million Chinese while Japan butchered and killed over 50 million of our Chinese brethrens and sisters. We Chinese people must settlle this blood debt with the the West and Japan when an opportune day comes.The West led by the Anglo-Saxon England and America and Japan have never shown any remorse for their wanton atrocities and genocide of the Chinese people. Instead of apologizing to the Chinese people and show some reflection and introspection of their unforgiveable diabolical evil deeds against China and the Chinese people they have never stopped trying to bring down China again. The Anglo-Saxon Americans are now leading the Western pack of savage countries and Japan to create trouble and turmoil for China and have never stopped their toxic propaganda to demonize China with endless falsehoods of disinformation, misinformation and complete lies about China with the intention to create a false logical base or reason for their future joint operation to attack China again.China and the Chinese people must ensure that they will never be humiliated and traumatised again by Western and Japanese aggressions led by the Anglo-Saxon Americans. Instead the Chinese people must turn the table against the Western imperialists led by the Anglo-Saxon Americans and destroy them and obliterate them from the earth.All Chinese people must know the sad and trumatic history of China and the Chinese people in the last two hundred years of the 19th and 20th century so as to be able to prepare and retaliate for any future foreign aggressions led by the Americans and to be able to annihiliate them completely. Below is an appended article(missing).



Anonymous said...

RE: "The West - The Anglo-Saxons UK & USA and Japan owe China tons of blood-debt which have yet to be settled."

Sorry for not posting the Äppended Article."

I will post it some day next week.


Sunday, 20th August, 2023

Anonymous said...

The UN is again condemning Russia of carrying out a 'pattern' of missile attacks in Ukraine. What does the official mean? Does Russia carrying out attacks in Ukraine, using missiles, have to follow strictly what the USA, the West or the UN dictating which target can and cannot be hit? Why did not the UN accuse the USA and Nato of carrying out a 'pattern' of carpet bombings that killed more civilians in past conflicts before landing troops on the ground?

Carpet bombing raids by Nato went on for 77 days in Yugoslavia, day and night. How many civilians were killed and what were the UN officials doing? Carpet bombings (war criminal John McCain was among the pilots who did that and yet decorated) went on continuously in Vietnam, killing millions, but just touted as collateral damage material. Why did the UN not condemn the USA doing that? These are not war crimes, targeting civilians? Only when it is done by others is it deemed a war crime?

China is not going to forget about the war atrocities committed by the Japanese and the humiliation carried out by the Eight Nations trying to break up China to be shared among them. Yet the Japanese are looking for a fight with China over Taiwan to add to their blood debt owed to China.

China is now more overtly doing what it used to do covertly in challenging the USA. China is no longer heeding the dictates of the USA nor putting much trust in what the USA says over issues, knowing those assurances can be overturned once it leaves the negotiating table. Enough is enough. And most of all, China is retaliating, tit for tat. Trade war, Chips war, Ideology war, Social media war, China can accomodate.

Anonymous said...

I hope the jap give china a chance to nuke it to stone age. Chinese blood need to be pay back. Americunt, please create more trouble in south china sea, help China to have a reason to act.