
UN and US are two hands of a war criminal

 The UN is again condemning Russia of carrying out a 'pattern' of missile attacks in Ukraine. What does the official mean? Does Russia carrying out attacks in Ukraine, using missiles, have to follow strictly what the USA, the West or the UN dictating which target can and cannot be hit? Why did not the UN accuse the USA and Nato of carrying out a 'pattern' of carpet bombings that killed more civilians in past conflicts before landing troops on the ground?

Carpet bombing raids by Nato went on for 77 days in Yugoslavia, day and night. How many civilians were killed and what were the UN officials doing? Carpet bombings (war criminal John McCain was among the pilots who did that and yet decorated) went on continuously in Vietnam, killing millions, but just touted as collateral damage material. Why did the UN not condemn the USA doing that? These are not war crimes, targeting civilians? Only when it is done by others is it deemed a war crime?

China is not going to forget about the war atrocities committed by the Japanese and the humiliation carried out by the Eight Nations trying to break up China to be shared among them. Yet the Japanese are looking for a fight with China over Taiwan to add to their blood debt owed to China.

China is now more overtly doing what it used to do covertly in challenging the USA. China is no longer heeding the dictates of the USA nor putting much trust in what the USA says over issues, knowing those assurances can be overturned once it leaves the negotiating table. Enough is enough. And most of all, China is retaliating, tit for tat. Trade war, Chips war, Ideology war, Social media war, China can accommodate. 



Anonymous said...

A month before the Russian Ukraine War broke out in February 2022, Russia bought lots of weapons like helicopters and drones from China in bilateral trade. The USA is now making an issue of this, accusing China of helping Russia in the Ukraine War, by supplying weapons to Russia. Why should China suddenly stop its weapons sales to Russia after the war started? China and Russia had a good business relationship and will not stop its weapons sales to Russia that is bound to sour relations. This is just plain logic, and afterall Russia needs weapons in the Ukraine War.

The narrative now being touted is that China is not neutral and is taking sides. What is wrong with that? If China condemns Russia or breaks off good relations with Russia, it clearly means China is openly supporting the USA and its allies against Russia. This means China's stand is not neutral either and taking sides as well. So, what does taking sides mean to the USA? Perhaps under their 'Rules Based Order' it means that China supporting the USA by sanctioning Russia is not taking sides, but China supporting Russia is construed as not a neutral stand but is taking sides. What kind of warp logic is that?

China is now basically supporting Russia not covertly, but is an open secret now, since whatever China does is construed as against the USA and its allies. The USA can continue to generate all the witch hunting propaganda, but will ultimately fall on deaf ears on the Chinese side. This is perfectly logical, since the USA just conveniently takes the Chinese point of view as merely noises to brush aside. The USA can threaten all kinds of consequences, as if China, in its present position, has no retaliatory means to do a tit for tat.

Consequential threats have lost much of its relevance, just like the sanctions imposed on countries such as Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Iran and Russia. Joe Biden threatened Saudi Arabia with consequences after his abject failure, by flying personally to Saudi Arabia to coerce MBS to extract more oil. Instead MBS reduced oil production and what consequences did he faced? When faced with a formidable adversary, the USA behaves like a paper tiger. Now dangling concessions hoping to sway MBS decision to join BRICS, trade with China in Yuan and not to use Chinese communication system in the country.

Similarly, the USA is threatening Niger military regime of consequences, with ECOWAS threatening invasion, that never came after the expiry of its ultimatum. On the contrary, support for the military regime in Niger comes strongly from neighours and overwhelming support also came from volunteers all over the world. The USA and France are basically propping up support for their ousted stooge President, their puppet on a string.

Anonymous said...

The evil Americans have been bullying and threatening every country to do its bidding, even its allies and cronies. But the cronies dare to complain and instead, complain that it was China that was coercing them and twisting their arms, influencing their policies.

If the Americans can support and supply arms to Ukraine, why is it that China or other countries cannot support and supply arms to Russia? The Americans can commit war crimes, invade countries and massacre other citizens, and calling these acts of savagery as for peace.

Only the American cronies and allies would blindly believe in such lies and distorted truths.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11.26am.
Very accurate assessment. If the US and its vassals keep pointing their middle-fingers at China, it behoves China to make its stand loud and clear. Being an overly diplomatic gentleman will not do.