
China does not want war, does not want to be provoked into war by the barbarians

 China is trying NOT to add fuel to all the chaos of the mentally sickos barbarians

The Chinese been humbled loved Peace as they knew the sufferings of all these damn stupid Wars.

Building up country with beautiful cities and infrastructures are NOT easy.

To destroy them is fast.

Just like a jealous and sicko person who seen your wealth and your house is so beautiful and his is a rubble and squatter, he will try also to destroy yours.

So China kept their patience and knew that all these wars mongers now who are desperate and have NOT much lose than China who had thru their blood and swept build up their country will be destroyed if not in full but also partially if they were to be belligerent and fight all these bastards.

They knew that aims are to destroy them as their are jealous of their well run beautiful country as now compared to the Western Barbarians.

So if China were also to start supplying arsenals of wars and destructions that frankly it be a WWIII.

So China is NOT weak as all seemed to perceive she is just because she is passive not to add to the Chaos and Destructions.

If any stupid damn country especially the Whites were to attack them, then that's be a different scenario.

They will be totally annihilated by China.

The PRCs are just smothering their will of any vengeance of the past atrocities of those who had committed against them.

The PRCs are been ingrained NOT to be bullied or be conquered again.

Their PLA Military are trained to die for Country and Honour in Deaths for the MotherLand.

Whereas the Rest of the other Militaries are just professional militaries for their monies and will only fight to live for another day.

So if China were to supply arms to the countries that dared defile the Americunts and their doggies, wild accusations will be hurled against them as Aggressors and Wars Mongers.

Thus, this is why China is still keeping their cool.

Also hoping that civilised and sane countries would know the bad odours of all these barbarians and would be on their side to promote peace.

See that Daley EU Rep and many others sane Whites who also criticise their own for been Wars Mongers.

So this is China's hope that hopefully Peace will prevailed.


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