
Vivian Balakrishnan - Avoid miscalculation, a cryptic message


These ST photos of Vivian with Blinken and Wang Yi describe very well the relationship between Singapore and China and the US. The photos are like sending a cryptic message to everyone on these relationship. Very meaningful.

What did Blinken told him? What was he trying to tell Wang Yi?


Anonymous said...

You go tell Wang Yi you are his friend, then we can fix him.

Ok, ok. He will believe me.

Wang Yi, I am your friend. I don't like the Americans.

Stay away from me, you snake.

Anonymous said...

Sin FM was once an outstanding debater during his student days.
he now behaves like a pet poodle.

Anonymous said...

Strategy for Singapore to survive well amid US-China rivalry:

Singapore can outwardly support the US and secretly support China to screw the US .. .

Think, Bala !

Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...

Hi JC,
I think everyone would like to see that, see her being shot and falling off her broomstick.

But the Chinese leaders would not act recklessly like the crazy Americans. Every move is carefully considered. To them, her trip is frivolous and not worth going to war and losing millions of lives.

They would look at what hurts the Americans and the separatists most. Now we can see that the process for reunification has started and would not stop or slow down. The live firing around Taiwan would be a permanent feature and see if the Taiwanese or anyone else would dare to fire the first shot. The PLA would move into Taiwan the moment they fire the first shot.

However this is unlikely as the Taiwanese military know very well that it would be a very bloody and silly thing to do. They would be blown up into the sky. There is no contest and they would die so foolishly in a silly cause. Many are waiting for the moment to arrest Tsai Ing Wen and all the traitors and to reunite with China peacefully.

They are all Chinese and there is no need to kill each other for the pleasure of the Americans and white men.

Anonymous said...

Pelosi's call on businesses to support LBGT causes - that's foreign interference in Singapore domestic affairs .

Anonymous said...

What sensibilities has she got? She is so evil. Evil Witch, that is.

When Hong Kong was in chaos, she was adding salt to the wound by saying that she enjoys the sight of the protest and calls it 'a sight to behold'. Remember those words.

Anonymous said...

Sin FM Vivian was stating
an obvious and common-sensical
special about his reading.

Anonymous said...

I think it's just proper that there is no such a need for president of a country to meet just a Speaker.. is it not just proper international protocol for equivalent to meet each other, meaning the same speaker of the state.. just imagine if you were to treat everyone tom, dick and Harry with vip status just because they come from a bigger country, what does it show to your own citizens.. are they just pariahs to other countries..thumbs up to Korea

Anonymous said...

The hen behaved badly

Anonymous said...

The American esp. this witch good for
Nothing , only create trouble and