
Reunification gives the Taiwan Chinese a role in the rejunevation of the motherland, to build a better and richer China

China knows that taking Taiwan by force and with heavy casualties of lives would cause a lot of anger, hatred and unforgiveness from the victims and would be unacceptable. They would want to avoid this. The latest exercise and the inaction of the Taiwan military is a sign that they were communicating and would not fight and kill each other.

Many Taiwanese have now come to their senses, that it is futile to fight a war with China. And reunification is a good thing and would ensure security, peace and prosperity. They also know that they cannot rely on the Americans, now wanting to snatch TSMC to the USA, and Japan, really a spent force.

Both sides would soon be talking, if not already talking, on how best to reunify with the Motherland. The Taiwan Chinese are not that stupid as the Americans and Japanese would make them to be, to want to die fighting Chinese from the Motherland. Only the Japanese and half Japanese would still be pushing for this agenda.

The Americans and Japanese may be able to find a few traitors to support independence, like finding a Zelensky, China would be able to find many more patriotic Chinese in Taiwan that want to reunite with the Motherland. China has already won the reunification cause by being rich and powerful, not the poor and weak China of the past.

Reunification with the Motherland is not being invaded and conquered by a foreign power and life can only be better. They could negotiate for better terms to make everyone happy. Reunification also means the Taiwan Chinese could contribute to the rejunevation of a modern and powerful China for all Chinese.

Choosing reunification means the Taiwan Chinese have chosen the honourable path of patriotism instead of being traitors to the Chinese Civilisation and the Motherland. They would be warmly welcomed back to the embrace of the Motherland to share and build a new and better China for all Chinese. This is a wise and glorious choice, an important decision to be remembered in the history of China and the Chinese Civilisation. Do not be condemned by history and the Chinese people to support the enemies, ie the Americans and the Japanese to go against the Motherland and the Chinese Civilisation. 

If the Americans and Japanese succeeded in destroying China, they would condemn you just as well for being shameless traitors to your own Motherland and Civilisation. You would not to be respected as honourable people for turning against your own kind.


Anonymous said...

Rb the younger generation has been brainwashed so majority in Taiwan now does not want reunification but statusquo

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

When China was weak, the separatists could rely on the evil Americans to threaten China. The balance of military power has changed. Today China is more than able to wipe out the entire American 7th Fleet in the seas around China. The A2AD capability of China has been proven and the Americans know that their aircraft carriers and warships would be buried if they gets closer than 2,000km from the shores of China.

China have so many weapons laying in waiting for the Americans. The ocean bottoms have been prepared to snarl all the American nuclear submarines with many mines and moving 'mountains' to slam at the American subs.

It is not for the separatists to decide which way they want to go. China has Taiwan fully within its grasp and could reunite Taiwan at any moment. China is trying to do it with minimal cost and casualties. Taiwan is a province of China and would always be.

Anonymous said...

I would say that even if China gave Taiwan the one country two systems treatment, the USA will try to destablise the status quo by instigating chaos like in Hong Kong, using the CIA and USA supported and funded NGOs. Those NGOs have an innocent front, but they carry the same vile agenda of the USA.

This is the modus operandi of the USA in every country they want to destablise. They are doing it now in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Myanmar and Thailand among others. Thailand is trying to crack down on those NGOs with laws to demand their disclosure of their funding. The NGOs were instigating for even the removal of the Thai monarchy, an institution that had been the foundation keeping the country tightly knit for centuries. These foreign elements know that removing the Monarch is one step closer to having an easier shot at regime change. Thailand is now facing another movement to destablise the country, same as the Red Shirt vs Yellow Shirt story, also foreign instigated by pro USA elements.

Anonymous said...

When would the rest of the world set up assassination squads to get rid of the operators funding and supporting the NGOs?

Anonymous said...

Every country should set up hit squads to target the operators of NGOs. Once a few have been terminated, then they know their game is up, that they cannot operate so freely and viciously.

They would either go into hiding or leave the countries they are operating in. Only then can their mischievous activities be stopped.

patriot said...

The People in Taiwan certainly is not so dull as not to know that their Motherland shall provide them the Safety and Security
to live happily.

The Younger
People should trust
the Experience and Wisdom
of their Elders.

Anonymous said...

The common Taiwanese, I believe will be treated fairly by the Chinese Government. Of course there are certain things they must avoid doing, such as being traitors for outside forces to do damage to the country. Some may fall under greed, and are baited to create trouble.

As for the pro-independence leaders of Taiwan, under the influence and control of foreign powers, they are traitors and do not deserve being tolerated. That is the same as with any other country, even the USA. Look at how they are persecuting Trump now, some saying that the Democrats would not mind committing any crime to get rid of Trump. The same argument they have spouted, time and again, about killing innocent people as no more than collateral damage.

Before the unrest in Hong Kong leading to the takeover by China, Hong Kong people were enjoying more freedom than even the USA, under the one country two systems rule. But they wanted independence from China, instigated by the foreign trouble makers, who would value very much using Hong Kong as a base to destablise the mainland, if successful. China would tolerate nothing of having a trouble maker at the border, if Hong Kong does eventually gets controlled by the Evil Regime, just like Taiwan. Give those barbarians an inch and they want to take a yard and more, as Nato is doing in Europe against Russia.

Anonymous said...

China is in no hurry. China has waited more than 70 years, can afford to wait for another 70 years. In the meantime, the Japanese or half Japanese traitors on the island will be history. The young Taiwanese of the future will be more Chinese than Japanese. With China growing and overtaking the evil US, Taiwanese will be wise and reunification will become more popular.

Anonymous said...

China can work with pro unification Taiwan Chinese by upping the pressure and force the Americans to sell advanced weapons to Taiwan. These weapons would then end up in China's hands once reunification is successful.

Get the Taiwanese to keep banging at the doors of the Americans to sell advanced weapons, not obsolete weapons. Americans would be under pressure to sell or be seen as liars, paying only lip service but not daring to sell advanced weapons to Taiwan. The Americans would lose credibility if they refused to sell advanced weapons to Taiwan.