
The world at brink of WW3 - at the mercy of 2 witches

The world, though a bit chaotic and dishevel, is generally at peace for most countries and people.  Everyone is still happy enjoying his or her little idiosyncrasy and oblivious to how close the world is to WW3. What if tomorrow war breaks out between China and the USA? How many millions of people would die when nuclear weapons were hurled at each other and at states that would take sides? And to the stupid and deluded Taiwanese, how many Taiwanese would perish, how many would be left alive? Are these questions of interest to the people of the world and to the Taiwanese? Doesn't anyone want to ponder over them and say these are not acceptable numbers and everyone must do something to prevent such a war?

For the moment it appears that no one cares, no one bothers, no one wants to know, no one wants to do anything.

Witch Pelosi is going on her flirtatious visit to Taiwan, a trip that is unnecessary, of little meaning, of little significance, of little value than maybe a million dollar into her bank account. And if this trip is made, how many hundreds of millions of people would or could die because of her silly trip? The consequences is so grave that it is ludicrous that no one seems to bother.

And this witch has been elevated to a level like she is the most powerful witch in the whole world and no one could stop her or have the power to stop her. Biden said he could not control her or stop her from going to Taiwan. Is that real? The President of the USA cannot stop a crazy woman from going to Taiwan to risk the death of millions of people? And neither can the American Congress or the military be able to stop her? How many would believe these mischievous lies of the Americans, that no one can stop her to avoid this disaster? Or it is all in their evil plan?

Then in Taiwan, when the Taiwanese would be the first to be fried, millions of them, if the visit goes through, and still no Taiwanese would voice out, no demonstration on the streets to take any action to save their own asses? They are also hapless, powerless, while the other Taiwanese witch is likely to be collaborating with the American witch to bring about this armageddon.  The Taiwanese witch did not care about the death of Taiwanese just like the clown Zelensky. And because the Taiwanese witch is working with the American witch, she obviously would want it to happen. And no one in Taiwan, not the Taiwanese govt could stop the Taiwanese witch to destroy Taiwan and the millions of lives of Taiwanese.

Are all these real? The whole world is watching WW3 going to happen and all hapless and powerless to stop it, all because two witches are so powerful and untouchable, unstoppable?

Is this fiction or real? Everyone in a position to stop this disaster is saying they cannot do anything about. And the 2 witches are dictating, calling the shot, for the death of millions of people in the world, particularly in Taiwan, China, the USA and Japan. Japan would not be left out when war breaks out between China and the USA, and for sure, millions of Japanese would join the millions of death in China and the USA and in Taiwan.

At this point of writing, the possibility of the end of human civilisation is hanging on a string. And the world is hapless, or did not care, not our business, nothing would happen to them, while the two witches are having the final call. The American witch could sneak into Taiwan in her broomstick unannounced and hell will break loose.

Can you believe it, hundreds of millions of lives are now at the mercy of 2 witches? That include yours and mine. And the reason for this armageddon is a silly trip to Taiwan that is totally unnecessary and avoidable. And those who could stop it pretended that they were powerless and could not stop it, but really want the trip to go ahead?

Or maybe everyone is so optimistic, that all is fine, nothing would happen. The rational mind says so. But there are many mischievous minds that want it to happen, would want to make it happen, have the resources and capability and the reason to make it happen, to start a war between China and the USA.

There are two witches in the loose.... to do whatever they want. And everyone is looking the other way.

PS.  UN chief warns humanity 'one miscalculation away from nuclear annihilation'


Anonymous said...

The world is watching at the reckless and irresponsible Americans trying to provoke WW3 with China.

Who is the aggressor now?

Anonymous said...

China is not Russia so nothing serious will happen to her. Not sure about the taiwanese though

Anonymous said...

China can have two American aircraft carriers for breakfast. 4 actually, to include another two carrying F35s short deck carriers.

Anonymous said...

Now it looks like the world is going to be taken to extinction stage by witches all over. When the demented one loses his mental capacity, two witches are waiting to wreck havoc.

The UK is close to being under a witch as well, a war mongering one too. The EU is also controlled by another witch. And in Taiwan, another witch is calling the shots. When witches rule the world, you know the end is near.

Very soon you can see witches on brooms flying all over. The business of making brooms is the next big thing and will be rejuvenated, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Al Qaeda has lots of score to settle with the USA. The USA kills one leader, two will be ready to take over. Does killing Osama bin Laden destroyed Al Qaeda? What does all the 'Mission Accomplished' boasts achieved? Nothing but just hot fart of no significance. Bush admitted just as much in Iraq.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The American agenda has always been hostile to China with the objective of containing China and keeping China isolated, poor and weak.

The agenda and objective of the Taiwanese DPP and now including KMT, are to break away from China, be independent and pro America and pro Japan, ie anti China.

China should stop deluding itself that going soft could see a better result than to reunify Taiwan by force. China should take this opportunity to announce that it is abandoning peaceful reunification and would that the military option, without giving a date, and to announce it NOW while the witch is about to step onto Taiwan soil. Prepare for a military takeover, put all military units on the highest alert, increase preparation and exercises to take over Taiwan by force. Activate all the airspace and sea around Taiwan as live firing area. The enemies are coming.

China must be serious. It must give a forceful and affirmative signal to the Taiwanese that are pro unification to prepare to do their part when D Day comes. With a clear message, or worse, with a weak message, all the monkeys and devils and witches would think they could dance on the head of China without consequences.

Do it NOW, China. The Americans and secessionists would not listen to reasons and would only bow to force.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Paul, the Ameicans would not die for the Taiwanese or an island called Taiwan. Taiwan is only useful as a tool. They never like Chinese and coloured people. The Taiwanese are also Chinese, coloured people. The casualty would be too high for them to bear. They may want to start a war but they did not have the military superiority today to take on China.

They think they could activate their forces in Japan and South Korea, including the Japanese Self Defence Force. For sure, at the first sign of hostility, these bases would be destroyed, including Japanese bases, and next would be the American homeland. This is not going to be I scratch you and you scratch me skirmishes. It is all out war.

Once started, there is no limitation in the use of force and no restraint on either side. Would the Americans sacrifice millions of American lives and American homeland for a Chinese island that in the first place is not theirs and far away from their homeland?

Anonymous said...

The Taiwanese, Koreans and Japanese all comes under the derogatory category called 'The Yellow Peril'. Japan and South Korea are tolerated as they are semi colonies of the Americans, never to outdo the Americans. The white supremacist Americans have them under complete control, have them subordinated to the American interest and would remain so for the rest of time, under the American Empire, aka good dogs.

The Taiwanese are in the same situation and would be forsaken when they are no longer useful to the Americans. The Americans would not die for coloured or Asian dogs. They would keep them as pets, to be fed with dog food, good dog food, live in nice kennels, but always remain as pets, not humans, not equals to the Americans. Let them not forget. See how they treat the blacks after 400 years of slavery, still as slaves.

With China elevated to be top enemy, the pet dogs become very useful and would be cuddled a lot. Without China, they would be discarded, ignored, just like the Pacific Islands. Their importance and usefulness depend on a strong China challenging the American hegemony and Empire.

Anonymous said...

The Americans would not even die for the white skin, blue eyes Ukrainians. Only use them as cannon fodder to weaken Russia. Fight the Russians to the last Ukrainian, not to the last American.

Anonymous said...

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said that as the third most senior official in the US government, Nancy Pelosi is free to make her own decisions and travel plans, warning China not to escalate tensions if the House of Representatives Speaker ends up visiting Taiwan.

“The speaker will make her own decisions about whether or not to visit Taiwan. Congress is an independent, coequal branch of government. The decision is entirely the speaker’s,” Blinken told reporters at the UN headquarters in New York following a Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) review conference on Monday.

The top US diplomat went on to accuse Beijing of exaggerating the significance of the rumored trip, claiming that if “China tries to create some kind of crisis or otherwise escalate tensions, that would be entirely on Beijing.”

Blinken said Washington expects Beijijng to “act responsibly and not to engage in any escalation going forward,” if Pelosi eventually decided to visit Taiwan, as has been reported by multiple media outlets, citing sources in the US and Taipei. RT

Iresponsible white man speaking in fork tongue. Hope China shoots down that witch Pelosi. Americans want to provoke a war, bring it on.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Pelosi has arrived in Taiwan in a very dangerous and provocative move that is going to lead to war. China has lost a lot of respect from the world for allowing this to happen. What would China do now to redeem its reputation and not be called a paper tiger and be laughed at by the Americans and the rest of the world? How is Xi going to face the Chinese people for not able to stop this flight? The Americans have forced the envelop and risking war. Xi cannot back off anymore.

Would China now declare the airspace and seas over and around Taiwan a live firing area to close down all air and sea movements to prevent Pelosi from living Taiwan?

The Americans have thrown down the gauntlet and won the first round. Washington and the White House would be popping champagne and celebrating. Is this the end or the beginning of a bigger fight?

It is up to China now to strike back. Tension is going to be very high.