
Ukraine is just an expendable side show

 The provocation by the Americans has achieved its desire results. Ukraine Ukraine can be destroyed at all cost, it matters nothing to the Americans as long as the war is confined to Ukraine or even Europe. The American position is very clear, this is a limited war in geography and in scale. American will coerced all its allies and lackeys to support the war by supply weapons to Ukraine. No boots on the ground, Let the Ukrainians and Russians fight and kill each other, the more the merrier. 

The main objective is to incite and lure Putin to make the first move and then direct everything at Russia to cripple the Russian economy. The Americans would not risk a military war with Russia, but an economic war to wreck Russia. Russia is relatively weak economically, the Americans believe so. Now every sector, economic, political, cultural, trade and finance would be part of this war against Russia. Russia has to be destroyed to weaken China, the ultimate enemy of the American Empire. Without Russia, it would be much easier to deal with China militarily, so the Americans believed. Enemy number one is China, enemy number two is Russia. Ukraine is just a sideshow. And the Americans are lucky to have a clown thinking that the Americans love him and willingly be led to poke Russia, to challenge Russia as if he is invincible.

The American strategy is based on the assumption that the Russian economy could be easily crippled and China would lose a right arm and be weakened in its contest against the Americans. Fortunately Russia is actually economically self sufficient, with abundant oil and gas, food and resources. Russian economy would be affected but would still hum along.  The one that would be hurt most is not Ukraine, Ukraine is a condemn case, is Europe. Russia can drag out this crisis forever, but Europe could not last six months without Russian oil and gas and strategic material. 

Russia also can count on China, Africa, Latin America, the Arab and Muslim countries, and the whole of Asia and Asean -1, including India except for a few American semi colonies and lackeys to do business with. China would play along but would be 100% behind the Russians come what may. The close strategic partnership of China and Russia would be strong enough to take on the Americans and the weak Anglo Saxon partnership with a half hearted and mostly bankrupt Europe.

The final outcome in this protracted economic war, if it drags on, would be the collapse of the SWIFT banking system and the American dollar in international trade. But before this to happen, Europe and the AngloSaxon economies would be brought down to their knees first with Britain the first to fall. The Americans thought they have the upper hand, but did not expect that the balance of power has shifted and the rest of the world either refuses to take sides for the Americans, but with many taking the sides of China and Russia. 

China is the top trading partners of more than 120 countries. China and Russia have been preparing for this day, and this economic war only served to hasten the processes with all the pieces in place waiting to be triggered into action. The rest of the world have had enough of the bullying of the Americans and AngloSaxon thugs and bandits, and find it in their interests to go along with the new emerging power of China and Russia. At least they are more benign and not a threat to them. The ugly, vicious and ruthless Americans have exposed their fangs and no country would want to be threatened and be in the position of Russia.

Countries of the world have been forced to take sides in this war. Everyone has to show hands. the chips are down and the showdown is beginning. It would be the AngloSaxon tribe plus a half hearted blue eye Europeans and Islamist terrorists against Russians, Chechen Muslims and the coloured people of the world. Latin America, Africa and the Arab/Muslim world have made their choices clear to the shock of the Americans who had been taking them for granted. The Americans boast of the international community is just the white men's community, while the rest of the world have realigned themselves against these ex colonialist powers. The rest of the world is breaking free and standing up against the colonialists and imperialist powers of the West. Many who are on the sidelines have made up their mind to flee from the American Empire.

A new world order is shaping up with the Americans leading the white men's countries to oblivion.

The silly outcast Ukrainians whom the Americans and the West have regarded as the pariahs like the Russians, are still drugged, fighting and dying for the West that have been using them as baits and cannon fodder. Ukraine is just a cauldron of fire and the Americans would add more fuel to keep it burning for as long as the silly Ukrainians did not know when to stop the farce. By the time this is over, there would not be many of them left.


Anonymous said...

Ukraine war; from the Saker's point of view:


'If we try to answer the Question: is Ukraine going to win this war? We can obtain some Answers from a purely scientific Mathematical Perspective.

War is won or lost based on:

P1.- Logistics

P2.- Will to Fight (3)

From P1.- we can observe that in the Ukraine:

Much of it destroyed, depleted, or captured. What is left is being used and suffering attrition. No possibilities of quick resupply by local production or by imports due to b) c) d) e)

All-important military and Civil Airports neutralized or destroyed.

All important Civilian and Military Ports and Transit Hubs neutralized or destroyed

All Roads east of the Line Koroshen-Zythomir-Vinitsa-Yampil neutralized or under fire control of artillery and VVS. All Roads west of this line are at least under fire control of VVS, and/or standoff weaponry.

All lines west of the Line Koroshen-Zythomir-Vinitsa-Yampil cut in one or more points, neutralized or under fire control of artillery and VVS. All lines west of this line are at least under fire control of VVS and/or standoff weaponry.

From P2.- we can observe that in the Ukraine, once supplies are depleted, Ukrainian Forces can:

Fight with sticks and stones and die (immediately)
They can run and die (a little bit later)
They can hide and die (somewhat later)
Fly the country abroad and live(4) (with resentment and fear, because you never know when a Spetsnaz team can pay a visit at home)
Surrender and live a normal life (if they are not guilty of war crimes and such)'

Anonymous said...

The Russia Ukraine War shall be over soon.
Once it is over, it is time to deal with the White Supremacist and lmperialist once and for all at whatever expense. They have to be neutered at whatever the Cost to make the World better for all.

Anonymous said...

The rest of the world should sanction and isolate the warmongering Americans and its allies and lackeys. Don't trade with them and see how are they going to survive without the huge markets in Asia, Africa, Middle East, Latin America and SE Asia.

Let the warmongers trade among their own like minded thugs and robbers.

Anonymous said...

The fallout from this shitshow would likely get bigger and bigger; dragging in China as well and widening to full scale financial and economic war:


Note: Chinese translation is needed for above utube link.

Anonymous said...

The trouble making and warmongering Americans must have wars, any kind of wars, to destabilise countries and region so that they can call the shot, as the evil Ampire.

There cannot be world peace as long as the evil Empire is not destroyed. All the troubles in the world is caused by the evil Americans, everywhere in the world. Military wars, regime change, sanctions and economic wars, bio and chemical wars, propaganda and media wars, electronic and internet wars....

And they use their control of western media to paint themselves as the angels and the rest of the world as bad and evil.

Anonymous said...

USA are lacked of politicians who are savy in mathematics. Canada and Australia have huge large land areas with tiny populations. In the law of Jungle, they are consider to be the fattest prey. USA shouldn't be targeting overpopulated countries, no meat. Before others predators eat up Australia and Canada, USA should do it first.

Anonymous said...

Think they are looking at Russia like How the West was won. Now looking East and dreaming of How the East was won. Russia is a big piece of land, bigger than America. If they could do to the Russians what they did to the Red Indians, this is a big catch to grow the American economy, free land. Russia would become a second America, land of the free, no need to pay for them. Just terminate the Russians like they terminate the Red Indians and get a piece of free land.

So convenient.

Anonymous said...

America is the land of the free, free land stolen from the Red Indians.

Russia would be the next land of the free, free land to be stole from the Russians.

Anonymous said...

Over a 100 years the Europeans systematically genocided 100m Red Indians.

They could do it easier and faster to the 100m Russians today with WMD.

Anonymous said...

The Chinese Foreign Ministry slammed the United States on Monday for spreading disinformation about China amid the conflict in Ukraine.

Spokesperson Zhao Lijian offered the response when asked about recent remarks by U.S. officials who claimed that Russia has requested military equipment from China.


Anonymous said...

Right before the talks between Jake Sullivan and China's Yang Jiechi in Rome, Sullivan is already starting with threats if China helps Russia. This appears to be the norm that the USA employs, using threats before talks with anybody at every opportunity. How to get a good response with such an attitude? From this you could see that the USA does not want peace in Ukraine or anywhere else, just wanting to ferment turmoil everywhere.

It does not surprise me that someone said that the only qualification required to become a USA diplomat is 'Stupidity'. Does Sullivan think Yang Jiechi is a pushover? China must stand firm.

Anonymous said...

You see how abnoxious and vile the USA's behavior can be. Why is the USA helping Ukraine and why China cannot help Russia. Russia is a strategic asset to China and vice versa. Double standard clear and simple.

This Anglo Saxon White Curse must be taken down before the whole world suffers further wars and genocide. I can think of nothing positive from their existence, only destruction. God must do something.

Anonymous said...

Russia's Kremlin says Russia has not asked China for military assistance, and all the plans of Russia in Ukraine will be fulfilled in full and in the time frames outlined. Says Russia has sufficient military resources for its military operation in Ukraine.US and EU are trying to tempt Russia into attacking major population centres in Ukraine, says Russia considers that is a provocation. When speaking on the Donetsk attack, says it appears that the bosses of Ukraine across the ocean are giving order to the Ukrainian army.

- Newswires

Anonymous said...

This talk about Russia asking China for military assistance is a ploy to force China to respond, and is fed to the media to try to split the Russia/China strategic alliance.

The USA has been trying ways and means to drag China into the fray, first trying to force China to support the UN vote, knowing China is the most important player. China cannot, by any means, vote for or against Russia's move. Any hint of taking sides will give the USA the ammunition to capitalise on it and to put China in a difficult position, not to mention causing friction between China and Russia.

Nah the Chinese are too smart to fall for such monkey tricks.

Anonymous said...

China Captures Powerful US NSA Cyberspy Tool - Global Times breaking news

China captured a spy tool deployed by the US National Security Agency, which is capable of lurking in a victim's computer to access sensitive information and was found to have controlled global internet equipment and stole large amounts of users' information, according to a report from the National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center that the Global Times obtained exclusively on Monday.

According to the report, the Trojan horse, "NOPEN," is a remote control tool for Unix/Linux computer systems. It is mainly used for stealing files, accessing systems, redirecting network communication, and viewing a target device's information.

Through technical analysis, the center believes that the "NOPEN" Trojan horse is characterized by complex technology, comprehensive functions and strong concealment, which can fit a variety of processor architectures and operating systems. It can also collaborate with other cyber weapons and is a typical tool used for cyber espionage.

The report came after the NSA was exposed to have been launching cyberattacks against 47 countries and regions for a decade, with Chinese government departments, high-tech companies and military-related institutes among the key targets. Under the surveillance of the NSA, the privacy and sensitive information of hundreds of millions of people around the world were exposed, like "running around naked."

Cybersecurity experts told the Global Times that once the Trojan was planted into a victim's computer, it would become a "lurker" waiting for the "code" and opening the "vault door" for hackers. The Trojan also could turn a victim's computer into a bridge tower, allowing hackers to go deeper into the group where the victim works and grasp the company's information.

According to the center's report, the "NOPEN" can remotely control most existing network servers and terminals, which can be manually implanted by attackers, or cyberattack platforms by the NSA. It can execute a variety of instructions such as information theft and destruction.

Evidence shows that the NSA used the "NOPEN" Trojan horse to control a large number of internet devices around the world and steal user privacy data, which has caused inestimable losses.

The center's report sounds an alarm to the world as there are likely a large number of undetected victims online, who face long-term and serious cybersecurity risks. The leakage and proliferation of these cyber weapons further aggravate the increasingly severe network security situation, seriously endanger the overall security of the cyberspace, turning military confrontation in cyberspace into a "zero-sum" game.

Anonymous said...

Did not the Chinese Government Departments moved away from using Windows system (?) some time ago and how much of an effect is this still on Chinese Government sensitive information being stolen? Perhaps 5G has thrown a spanner in the works of NASA's cyber espionage.

They can still target the leaders of their allies like Macron, but Merkel is no more. Maybe Stolz is on target now..

Anonymous said...

China Will Not Seek to Ease Tensions With US by Damaging China-Russia Relations - Beijing Says

Washington has no right to demand China to promise not to export arms to Russia or stop China-Russia trade.

US and UK media outlets on Sunday cited anonymous US officials claiming that Russia has asked China for military assistance in Ukraine including drones.

These unverifiable remarks were spread by the US before the meeting between Yang Jiechi and Jake Sullivan in Rome on Monday in an apparent attempt to put pressure on China.

On the same day Sullivan told US media that there will "absolutely be consequences" for "large scale" efforts to give the Kremlin a workaround to US sanctions.

Washington is too arrogant!

As a major military industrial power Russia dose not need to ask China to provide substantial military assistance for the limited-scale war in Ukraine.

Moreover, China is not obligated to promise not to export arms to Russia, and Washington has no right to demand that of China.

Sharing a comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination, China will certainly continue to develop relations with Russia, and Russia will continue to export energy, wheat and corn to China.

Besides, China will export commodities needed by Russia.

By wanting to stop China-Russia trade, does the US think it is God?

China is a major power pursuing an independent foreign policy and China-US relations must be mutually respectful.

China will not seek to ease the tensions with the US by damaging China-Russia relations.

Anonymous said...

This has been the modus operandi of the USA whenever talks are scheduled with Russia, China or North Korea. They started using their threatening gesture days before those talks, thinking this is going to rattle their opponents. This has already been proven failures and is interpreted as hot air nowadays.

What consequences are they talking about if China helps Russia militarily? Why not just spell it out? As it is, it is now becoming more apparent that Ukraine is the 'catalyst' that will be the beginning of the end of US$ Hegemony, and by so doing is evolving into the end of USA unipolar superpower status. This has been brought upon by the USA upon itself by overusing sanctions and the SWIFT threat on others.

How successful have they managed to punish Iran, Cuba, Iraq, North Korea and Afghanistan with sanctions? If anything it evokes in the people a more nationalistic culture in those countries being sanctioned. They think Russia and Putin will go down on their knees? And countries all over the world are watching, and not all are lackeys to follow blindly the dictates of the Anglo Saxon agenda. 17 countries in Africa abstained from supporting the USA position in Ukraine alone. That is telling and the USA and the West are angry at that.

Why just sanction a few Russian Banks from SWIFT and not daring to force the EU to completely cut dependence on Russian oil and gas? They know that pushing the Russian Bear against the wall is a step closer to the self marginalisation of SWIFT. Even sanctioning the Russian Central Bank and freezing Russia's reserve is already telling other countries the dangers of total dependence solely on the SWIFT system. There has to be an alternative and here China and Russia are already well into providing that alternative. Push further and there will be a tipping point.

Even India, is feeling threatened looking at Russia and angering the USA for abstaining from supporting them at the UN. It is reported that China and India are in talks to resolve their border dispute and this is important news to digest. It shows that India is wising up and that Russia is a more trustworthy bet than the thuggish and erratic USA and the West. Fancy calling other leaders thugs, when they are the ones using the thuggish behavior.

Anonymous said...

Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China on the International Relations Entering a New Era and the Global Sustainable Development . . . . February 4, 2022

The sides call for the establishment of a new kind of relationships between world powers on the basis of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial cooperation. They reaffirm that the new inter-State relations between Russia and China are superior to political and military alliances of the Cold War era. Friendship between the two States has no limits, there are no ”forbidden“ areas of cooperation , strengthening of bilateral strategic cooperation is neither aimed against third countries nor affected by the changing international environment and circumstantial changes in third countries.

The sides reiterate the need for consolidation, not division of the international community, the need for cooperation, not confrontation. The sides oppose the return of international relations to the state of confrontation between major powers, when the weak fall prey to the strong. The sides intend to resist attempts to substitute universally recognized formats and mechanisms that are consistent with international law for rules elaborated in private by certain nations or blocs of nations, and are against addressing international problems indirectly and without consensus, oppose power politics, bullying, unilateral sanctions, and extraterritorial application of jurisdiction, as well as the abuse of export control policies, and support trade facilitation in line with the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

The sides reaffirmed their intention to strengthen foreign policy coordination, pursue true multilateralism, strengthen cooperation on multilateral platforms, defend common interests, support the international and regional balance of power, and improve global governance.

The sides intend to develop cooperation within the ”Russia-India-China“ format, as well as to strengthen interaction on such venues as the East Asia Summit, ASEAN Regional Forum on Security, Meeting of Defense Ministers of the ASEAN Member States and Dialogue Partners. Russia and China support ASEAN's central role in developing cooperation in East Asia, continue to increase coordination on deepened cooperation with ASEAN, and jointly promote cooperation in the areas of public health, sustainable development, combating terrorism and countering transnational crime. The sides intend to continue to work in the interest of a strengthened role of ASEAN as a key element of the regional architecture.

Anonymous said...

They are already cooperating within the ”Russia-India-China“ format.

Both China and India refuse to condemn Russia at the UN Assembly vote on Ukraine aggression; both signaled they will carry on trade with Russia as usual; both will use their own national currencies Rupee-Rouble, Renminbi-Rouble to trade with Russia - the three "R"s currencies ! - and shun the US dollar.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Oops, I mistakenly deleted the previous comment about Iranian Rial joining the R camp.

Anonymous said...

For some fun and laughter go to Youtube site - PTE Wolf Warrior Diplomacy & Geopolitics and watch the satire titled 'Leaked Exclusive Top Secret Shocking Biden's leaked calls with MBS, Saudi, and UAE and Venezuela leader.

This site is feared will be taken down soon.

Anonymous said...

Hydth hi v

Anonymous said...

Is the Dollar in Danger?

India Exploring Yuan in Russian Oil Trade, Saudi Arabia Considers Accepting Yuan Instead of Dollars for Chinese Oil Sales

India is reportedly considering the Chinese yuan as a reference currency in an India-Russia payment settlement mechanism as it plans to buy Russian oil at discounted prices, a move that underscores the growing frustration among world economies over the US-led sanctions against Russia that have rattled global markets. It also underlines a trend of countries working to seek alternatives to US-dominated global financial mechanisms to fend off risks as they have been repeatedly weaponized.

Saudi Arabia is in active talks with Beijing to price some of its oil sales to China in yuan, a move that would boost the standing of China’s currency and dent the U.S. dollar’s dominance of the global petroleum market. The Saudis are also considering including yuan-denominated futures contracts, known as the petroyuan.

The Saudis have traded oil exclusively in dollars since 1974. Their move could tempt other producers to price their Chinese exports in yuan as well, and could chip away at the supremacy of the U.S. dollar in the international financial system, which Washington has relied on for decades to print Treasury bills it uses to finance its budget deficit.

The Saudis can’t ignore China’s desire to pay for oil imports in its own currency, particularly after the U.S. and EU blocked the Russian central bank from selling foreign currencies in its reserves stockpile.

Anonymous said...

Ukraine will be the waterloo of the US$ hegemony.

The one step wrongly taken by the USA and the West of sanctioning the Russian Central Bank and freezing Russia's reserve is sending countries like India, Saudi Arabia among others into thinking when it will be their turn. Why countries like India and Saudi Arabia are now rushing to use their own currencies for trade and refraining from using the US$ is a sure sign of the US$ waning importance. It is the beginning of the end for the US$.