
COVID-19: Money-making Big Pharmas Going In For The Kill

As expected and predicted, the profit-oriented, huge money-making, big pharmaceutical companies are going in for the kill once again.

It has been confirmed that big pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Moderna will increase the price of their respective vaccines, using the excuse of adapting their vaccines to new variants of the Covid-19 virus.

What will the new prices be?

The price of Pfizer's vaccine will rise from 15.50 euros (S$24.90) to 19.50 euros (S$31.30).

The price of the Moderna's vaccines will rise from 19 euros (S$30.50) to 21.50 euros (S$34.50).

Officially, this will be in effect not only for the European Union, but also for all buyers.

It was estimated in December 2020 that Pfizer and Moderna would be able to earn about $32 billion from their mRNA COVID-19 vaccines this year.

Pfizer alone would be able to generate $19 billion profits without the price increase added.

And Modena would easily scoop more than $13 billion, without adding the price increase.

It is not surprising that the two big Fishers-of-Men keep telling us that the benefits of their vaccines outweigh the risks.

They make huge profits and we take great risks, as their experimental guinea pigs! And so many imbeciles are still singing their song:

"Benefits outweigh the risks" - my toes are laughing.

SSO - 3 August 2021.


A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

It is a crime to hook-wink the public by telling them the "benefits outweigh the risks", when the Gov shoulders no risks whatsoever by putting in the No-Claims clause, and the vaccines producers put in the No-Liability clause and the risks are all absorbed by the victims of the scam/lie/cheat

Anonymous said...

The government and the vaccines producers must take full responsibility and pay compensations when something goes wrong after taking the vaccines.

Anonymous said...

Sinovac $10 to $25 (sale price for public)

Pfizer $31:30 (cost of procuring)
Modena $34:50 (cost of procuring)

What will be the marked-up sale price for Pfizer and Modena?

Anonymous said...

What big Pharmas are saying about the 'Benefits outweigh the risk' applies to them and them only. The benefits are all theirs to reap. They have no risk, not with the 'no liability' clause. They are fully protected from risk, but taking all the benefits. The house always wins.

Anonymous said...

To the users or to be vaccinated, it should read,

The risks outweigh the benefits.

Anonymous said...

It is fortunate that there are so many vaccines on the market, otherwise the whole world would be held to hostage by Pfizer and Moderna.

When booster shots are approved by the WHO, you can imagine what price increase they would slam on the rest of the world. This present increase if just the tip of the iceberg. It will get worse, far worse. Moreover, now that the USA is facing another big surge with the Indian Delta Variant wrecking havoc and 'America First' is still paramount, the whole world better be prepared for vaccine weaponisation next

Why are they pushing so hard to get Pfizer into pole position with all the glorified write ups and demonising all others? Think about it!

Anonymous said...

I'm just curious, Does Sinovac guarantee no side effects?

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

When salespeople tell you all the good stuffs about their products but not the bad or negative aspects, and on top of that keep running down their competitors' products, it's simply too good to be true.

When something is too good to be true, it is 99.9999% not true.

You better think hard and walk away from those salespeople and tell them to shaft their products up their ass.

When any government tells you that vaccines are available for you free of charge and it's on a voluntary basis. And it invites you to go for vaccination but not by compulsory compulsion, then tell you to sign a Disclaimer Form to commit yourself to Not To Claim any compensation from the government if things go wrong with the vaccines or vaccination, you had better
be very weary and think even harder before you allow yourself to become a Guinea Pig because if you do not, you will turn into one of those pig-headed hogwash brain-dead minions from the film "Despicable Me".

Anonymous said...

The Ministry of Manpower (Gender Discrimination obviously. Proper term for use by a government body should be Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Personnel or Ministry of Human Resource) said it will let its guards down because of the "Have Vaccination Will Travel" calls, and resume approving entry into Singapore of Work Pass Holders and their Tom, Dick and Harry dependants with travel history to higher risk countries/ regions from 10 Aug.

This was announced in the press release by Ministry of Health on Friday evening (6 Aug) along with news of the resumption of dining-in and other loosening measures.

MOH said that as Singapore reached higher vaccination rates, it will progressively review some of its border restrictions to facilitate more travel and introduce vaccination-differentiated border measures for travellers from countries/regions that have shown an ability to control the pandemic and vaccinate large parts of their population.

How to verify whether the super spreaders have been fully vaccinated? Using telepathy or black magic?

How to know if the certificates are fakes or not?

Anonymous said...

Singapore must be prepared for more Covid-19 infections, deaths with reopening: Ong Ye Kung - ST Aug 06

More people will come down with Covid-19 as Singapore opens up its economy and moves towards treating the virus as endemic, said Health Minister Ong Ye Kung on Friday (Aug 6).

This means that the number of people who become severely ill will go up - especially among the unvaccinated - and the death toll will rise.

Singaporeans must be "psychologically prepared" for this eventuality, even as the Republic embarks on its four-stage plan to reach a new normal, Mr Ong said.

Anonymous said...

Temasek Holdings sure very happy to hear that. That means the more the big Pharmas make, the more Temasek Holdings will make. At the expense of the masses. Ruthlessness knows no bounds. Motivated by greed anything also is possible.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

Financial Times:

US drugmaker Pfizer and Moderna have raised the price of their vaccines against Covid-19 in their latest supply contracts with the European Union.

The terms of the agreements for the supply of 2.1 billion jabs (to be delivered until 2023) were renegotiated after clinical studies showed that the new mRNA vaccine technology developed by these two companies delivered higher protection rates than other shots, such as those manufactured by Oxford/AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

COVID-19 Singapore: MOH Playing Cat And Mouse Game With The Coronavirus?

On 16 May 2021, Singapore's Ministry of Health (MOH) imposed a tighter restrictions on travellers from Taiwan because of the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases there.

Over and above serving a 14-day Stay-Homlme-Notice (SHN) at a dedicated facility, travellers from Taiwan were also required to serve an additional 7-day SHN at their place of residence. Short-term travellers with Air Travel Passes were also not allowed to enter Singapore if they’d been to Taiwan in the previous 21 days. Non-Singaporeans and permanent residents had to obtain a negative PCR test within 72 hours before departure for Singapore.

On 23 June 2021, MOH announced that travellers from Taiwan can choose to serve their SHN in their homes rather than at dedicated facilities.

Currently, travellers from Taiwan must undergo an on-arrival COVID-19 PCR test, a 14-day SHN at a dedicated facility or place of residence, and a PCR test before the end of their SHN.

On 5 Aug 2021, MOH announced that from 7 Aug 2021 Saturday onwards, all travellers arriving in Singapore with travel history to Taiwan within the last 21 days before departure must take a PCR test on arrival in Singapore. If their test result is negative, they will be permitted to go on with whatever activities freely in Singapore as if they are not slient carriers of the Tyrannical Delta Variant of COVID-19. This is how MOH is managing the risk of transmission to the Singapore community.

“As the global situation evolves, we will continue to adjust our border measures to manage the risk of importation and transmission to the community,” MOH said.

This open-shut, cat and mouse game with the coronavirus seems to be the the game MOH is playing over the last one and half years. This is called leaders with hindsight, not foresight or vision - a new breed of millionair leadersheep.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Discrimination against Chinese vaccines continues with so many funny rules. Why go to such an extent to confuse the people?

What is the funny reasons behind all these funny rules?

Why don't do the simple rule that all vaccines approved by WHO for 'emergency use nly' be treated equally and same doing funny things and nonsense that only confused everyone?

Would all the other vaccines approved by WHO would also be made available free to all citizens under the national emergency use scheme?

Anonymous said...

When the Foreign Minister is an Indian, it is understood that he would naturally be Pro-India. And India is at loggerheads with China.

Therefore, he would probably side with India and go against China. Of course, publicly he wouldn't say it because it would be unprofessional and suicidal to do so.

However, on the quiet, in his heart, his feelings would be for India rather than for China. Therefore, all the foreign policies, as we can see over the last 15 years or so, have been pro-India, culminating in the infamous CECA. And anti-China, culminating at the Terrex incident in Hzk.

What do you think?