
Afghanistan - US's 20 Years Of Fake Democracy

In a matter of days, 12 major cities have fallen into the hands of the Taliban Nationalist Forces without much resistance.

The second and third biggest capitals of Afghanistan, Kandahar and Ghazni are now in the Taliban's hands.

More than 75 percent of the countryside are under Taliban control.

Kabul, the Capitol of Afghanistan, is now surrounded on three sides, North, West and South, by the Taliban Nationalist Forces.

The corrupted US-puppet Afghan government, as the last resort to save its skin, has offered the Taliban the sharing of power. How many percent of share to Taliban? 10%, 50% or 70%?

The US, UK, Denmark and other EU countries are starting to evacuate their embassies in Kabul. This is a sign that they have foreseen the imminent collapse of Kabul.

The US Intelligence predicts that Kabul would fall within 90 days. I predict that it would fall within 30 days, or less.

Afghanistan is as good as over. The Taliban will rule again, whether the Western powers like it or not.

After its illegal invasion, the US has spent 20 years occupying Afghanistan to kill, to plunder and to destroy the Afghan people instead of rebuilding the country and helping the people.

Unlike the evil US and its Western cronies, China will help the Taliban to rebuild and develop the country.


A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

Update: As of this morning Singapore time 2:30 am:

The Taliban Nationalist Forces have another six Provincial Capitals in a single day, after the fall of Herat and Kandahar.

The six Provincial Capitals are Qalat, Terenkot, Pul-e-Alam, Feruz Koh, Qal-e-Naw and Lashkar Gah with very little resistance. Five of them just surrendered without a fight.

Altogether, the Taliban now controls at least 18 Provincial Capitals and hundreds of towns and cities across all of Afghanistan.

The situation in Kabul resembles the chaotic and shameful fall of Saigon in 1973. Foreign embassies are hastily evacuating their staff and burning documents, and also helping their spies, translators and cronies to escape.

Kabul is now almost totally surrounded by the Taliban Nationalist Forces and they are closing in for the final assaults. It will fall in a matter of days.

President Joe Biden, shocked and surprised by the US Intelligence failure, is sending about 3000 troops to protect the evacuation of US personnel and cronies as a last knee-jerk reaction in this 20-year US Aggression against the Afghan people.

The US-puppet Afghan government seems to be in disarray and the Afghan army is suffering from low morale because of poor leadership, lack of supplies and most importantly the blitzkrieg advance and overwhelming successes of the Taliban Nationalist Forces.

Indications on the ground show that overwhelming majority of the Afghan people support or sympathise with the Taliban's cause of driving foreign aggressors out of their country and taking back control of their country from the corrupt US-enacted illegitimate and undemocratic Afghan government.

LIPS At Your Service

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

@ Virgo,

Yes, the US leadership has lost it.

President Joker Biden is a joker who is only good at touching young girls without their parents' consent.

So far, the US has never won any major war, after World War Two.

The US Intelligence has no credibility. It has always failed in its assessments and predictions. It is now trying to use its fake data to pin it on China that the COVID-19 coronavirus originated from China.

Those fake data are from Dr Fauci's secret bio warfare research laboratories in the US and in Wuhan.

Dr Fauci, with secret funds from the US military and/or CIA, had secretly set up a biological warfare research laboratory in Wuhan in 2017-2018. These facts are slowly being revealed by whistleblowers and Dr Fauci's staffs.

Anonymous said...

Those countries thinking of democracy better wake up. The Iraqis found that out too late. The Afghans knew what is in store and refused to follow the Iraq route.

How they like to spin the narrative that communism is bad for a country and only democracy is good for them. That brainwashing fiasco over the decades has gone in deeply into the minds of the tail waggers. They think democracy has already triumph over communism, like the gloating over 'mission accomplished' days after the Iraq War. Wait and see.

A good enough example of why that narrative is false can be seen in Vietnam. Vietnam is still under communist rule, but look at the development and improving living standards of the people after the USA left? Did Vietnam fall into a basket case?

Anonymous said...

That has been the motive of the Biden administration. The withdrawal from Afghanistan was to pull wool over the eyes of those in the USA who are against further involvement of the USA in Afghanistan.

Knowing very well that the Taliban will over-run the country and take over the Government, the USA will now use this as an excuse to go back en masse and those opposition voices inside the USA will now have no cause to object. See how nicely the situation unfolding in Afghanistan fits into the plot?

Further, the USA is paranoid about Afghanistan moving in the direction of Russian and Chinese influence. The fall of Afghanistan into the hands of the Taliban will eventually strengthen the hands of Russia and China, both of whom are gaining grounds in the Middle East, with Iran and Syria joining in.

Anonymous said...

China most likely will do the rebuilding in Afghanistan should the Taliban take over. If not, do not expect the USA to do it with the civil war continuing till eternity. Rebuilding can only start when the USA leaves Afghanistan for good. Right now, with the USA planning to engage further in Afghanistan, it is still works in progress.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

Those defeated US-puppet Afghan Government US-trained military forces have surrendered to the Taliban.

How is the US going to stage a comeback without another planned invasion on a large scale?

The US cannot do it alone. It has to have some cronies like Singapore to join as coalition forces in order to launch another invasion.

Even if the US can launch another Invasion of Afghanistan and succeed, what then? Stay for another 20 years to destroy the Taliban and the Afghan people?

Anonymous said...

Wherever the Americans go, it is war and destruction.

Wherever the Chinese go, it is trade and construction.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

“We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.”

― Chris Hedges

Let me add.

The crooks and liars talk about justice.

The killers and murderers talk about human rights.

The warmongers talk about peace and stability.

The thieves and robbers talk about protecting your assets.

The govts that steal your money ask you to save more, so that they can steal and spend it.

The people that gamble with your money said they are investing with your money.

Anonymous said...

The Pharmaceuticals and governments sell you poison but claiming that it is vaccine.

Anonymous said...

In 2007-2008, Bill Gates and Dr Fauci ganged up with the Rich Billionaires, who control the world, to reduce world population by half (50%) of 9 billion by 2027-2028.

Through Bill Gates' vast organisations and financial support, Dr Fauci and his secret group of scientists were able to research into the SARS VIRUS and manipulated its DNA to create the Novel Coronavirus. The secret biological laboratory of Dr Fauci and his scientists created five variants of the novel coronavirus.

In mid 2019, experiments were carried out onto the US coloured people, resulting in a surge in "deaths caused by common flu" because medical practitioners at that time did not have the knowledge of the novel coronavirus. Therefore, all deaths caused by the novel coronavirus were attributed to the common flu or vaping.

If you dig back into the early speeches of Bill Gates and Dr Fauci, you will able able to detect the hints they have been putting out to the politicians as early as 2010.

Anonymous said...

Their evil nature is in their genes, right from the days when they first set out from their shores and started stealing lands from others. Like spots on leopards, how could evil ever be expected to change?

We can only expect them to turn more evil and do more evil going forward. Planning to genocide half the world's population is just the beginning. Their foray into biological weapons is not something that happened just yesterday. They were at it since WW2. They probably had more of such dangerous viruses already on hand. Releasing them could mean the beginning of the end for mankind.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

Afghanistan - Game Over For Remnants Of US and EU Aggressions

The US-puppet Afghan Government's Military Commander, Ismail Khan, the 70 year-old ex-Mujahideen commander, has surrendered to the Taliban on Friday 13, August 2021. What a bad Omen - Friday 13!

The Afghan commander Ismail Khan, known as the ‘Lion of Herat’ returned to the front lines in the western city of Herat last month amid growing threat from the Taliban. He is the highest respected commander fighting for the corrupt US-puppet Afghan government.

"He was handed over with the Provincial Governor and Security Officials as part of an agreement with the Taliban," said Provincial Council Member Ghulam Habib Hashimi on Friday. He did not elaborate on the agreement.

Khan’s capture was confirmed by Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid . It comes amid an offensive that has seen 18 provincial capitals fall from government control in eight days.

Herat is a major urban centre in Western Afghanistan, near the border of Iran. It is the country’s third most populous city.

Photos and videos showing Khan in the hands of Taliban fighters were widely shared on social media.

A spokesman for Khan said that the Afghan Commander had been allowed to return to his home to see his family, after negotiations with the Taliban. He would probably retire and serve the Taliban as an adviser or consultant.

Khan has been involved in the country’s wars stretching back to the Anti-Government uprising that triggered the 1979 Soviet Invasion, which he had fought against for nine years.

The Afghan government forces under Khan had agreed to withdraw from the Herat airport and the Army Corps Headquarters, the last centres under their control 9 miles from the city.

The Taliban agreed that they will not pose any threat or harm to the government soldiers and officials who surrendered.

After the surrender of the Army Corps commander, the Herat Governor, the Security officials and soldiers, the city became very quiet and eerily peaceful, like a Ghost Town. Local people with their families have either left the city to the countryside or are hiding in their houses. Curfew has been imposed after dark.

Within three months, the Taliban has tripled its territory and in the last eight days, it has captured at least 18 provincial capitals. This speedy success has no parallels in history. It is a significant tribute to the leadership of the Taliban and their followers, as well as the immense support of the Afghan people.

The US is leaving Afghanistan after 20 years of occupation, but what is it leaving behind? It is leaving behind a war-torn country in ruins and a people played out wholesale, with the rugs pulled out under their feet.

After 20 years of direct bombings, intimidation, destruction and killings of the Afghan people, Washington decides that the future of Afghanistan is for its people to decide. What a sinister joke!

For those countries like Singapore that still trust the US to defend you, think three times. LKY was right. Never trust the Whitemen to protect you. They will play you out.

LIPS At Your Service.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

Basically, when a person becomes a multi-millionaire, he becomes a capitalist.

He thinks like a capitalist, behaves like a capitalist and lives like a capitalist.

He surrounds himself with capitalist followers and mixes with capitalist leaders, and aspires to be a bigger and greater capitalist.

What do all these characteristics mean?

They all consolidate and culminate in the creation of a new individual, who is insecure, insensitive, insincere, extremely greedy and very uncaring, like a monstrously deformed animal without feelings and without morals.

They are a class by itself. A class they think to themselves that is higher than everyone else. But in reality, they become a class lower than the vermin and virus. That is the outcome of a capitalist.

Anonymous said...

Indian Government Responsible for Suicide Bus Attack that Killed 9 Chinese

India's intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) and Afghanistan's intelligence agency National Directorate of Security (NDS) were behind the Dasu bus terror attack that killed nine Chinese nationals, according to a probe carried out into the incident, Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said on Thursday.

The Chinese nationals were killed in a shuttle bus explosion in Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province on July 14 on their way to the China-invested Dasu hydropower project.

Further investigation by Pakistan is still ongoing, and China and Pakistan will follow the important consensus reached by the leaders of both sides, ascertain all the facts and truth, and hold the culprits accountable and bring them to justice, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said.

India's intelligence agency RAW was set up in September 1968 and is the biggest intelligence agency in South Asia. It conducts activities widely in Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Afghanistan and has been engaged in activities of sabotaging, assassinations and supporting dissidents with notorious reputations.

The smooth progress of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the achievements it has brought have worried India which do not want to see further development of China-Pakistan cooperation in areas such as politics, economy and security. To prevent further cooperation, India financially supports Pakistani terrorists to attack Chinese people involved in the China-Pakistan cooperation projects and undermine the relationship between the two countries.

In June 2020, four gunmen attacked the Pakistani stock exchange in Karachi, and the Baloch Liberation Army claimed responsibility afterwards. Pakistan's national security advisor then accused India's intelligence agency of orchestrating the terror attack.

Anonymous said...

China and Pakistan must hunt down every one of the attackers and terminate them without prejudice. A weak and hapless China, afraid to hit back, would invite more attacks on its citizens. There cannot be niceties and compassionate for terrorists.

China should stop talking and do more or becomes a laughing stock and continue to be attacked and humiliated and its people killed by little and weak countries.

China must stop being an Ah Q all the time.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

For two long years, China has been unable or unwilling to take effective , direct, concrete actions to release or recover Meng Wanchao from her kidnappers in Canada.

Even sentencing thirty Canadians to death in China will not bring Meng Wanchao home. These are indirect actions which Chinese leaders have denied having any link to the Canadian thugs taking Meng hostage, for ransom.

The direct action is to send a commando raid, like the Israeli raid on Entebbe, Uganda, in 1967, to extricate Meng Wanchao home safely.

If Israel can do it, why not China?

Anonymous said...

LIPS - No need for all this melodrama and suspense. If you send a commando raid, Israel and the world will be laughing, even Malaysia. It is like SAF sending a whole platoon of soldiers to collect one container of nightsnack.

It is not like our friend was kidnapped or held hostage. She is just under bail like Carlos Ghosn at her luxury home. Just copy what the Lebanese fella did, and fly out in a music box on a private jet. Even simpler, disguise herself as a pizza delivery guy and just drive away. Unlike Carlos Ghosn, nobody even knows what she looks like.