

India added a record number of Covid-19 cases - nearly 35,000 - in the last 24 hours, breaching the one million mark, to join the Million-Infection Club with the USA and Brazil.

In order to hit the one million mark, all you have to do is to allow your people:

1. To congregate in schools, churches, mosques, temples, community centres, libraries, shopping centres and malls.

2. To go around without wearing masks and hug and kiss one another whenever they meet and greet one another.

3. To organize and participate in sports and sporting activities.

4. To not go for COVID-19 testing when the are sick and just tell them to stay at home for 14 days. Whether they stay at home or not, nobody is the wiser.

5. To allow buses, trains and other means of transportation be packed like sardines.

6. To allow infected construction workers to carry on renovation and building works.

7. To conduct Elections so that voters are forced to congregate and queue up at polling stations to get infected easily.

8. To go about telling everyone that everything is under control while in fact it is just the opposite.

You see, it is so easy to do the easy lazy things. But it is so difficult to truly and really keep the situation under control. It means a lot of hardwork - pre-emptive and preventive measures have to be taken; proactive decisions and actions instead of reactive, wait-and-see monitoring decisions and actions.

Proactive means you project and anticipate what is to come. You stop people from getting infected and die

Reactive means you keep watch and monitor, then take actions after it is too late - people already got infected and some are going to die.

So, are Singapore leaders going to carry on to be reactive, or it is time to start being proactive?

If you want to stop your people from getting infected more and more, then ban all Americans, Brazilians, Europeans and India Indians from entering the country for the next two to three months, until the explosive situations in their countries have subsided.

Do you have the political will to do it? Start working for your $millions pay!


PS. Posting the above on behalf of LOOP, the author.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Europe and Mexico have banned the Americans, why Asia and Africa still stumbling along and not banning the Americans? As LOOP said, the people of the top 3 countries with more than 1m infection cases should be banned.

They banned Chinese when they only had 80,000 cases, even less as the ban was put up earlier.

Now these countries are having millions and the actual numbers could be 10 times higher. Everyone of their nationals is a walking Covid19 nest.

And the most dangerous thing just happened, India and the USA are opening up their skies for airlines to fly between the two countries. This is in effect exchanging viruses between their people and expediting the spread.

Anonymous said...

Must be die to the lack of balls, guts and common sense that prevented the eunuchs from doing things against the Devils.

Their god has already died in 2015. No more god to guide them - Unable to do the right things any more. Fumbling all the time.

Anonymous said...

Why Singapore government China and Chinese only?

Dare not ban Americans, Brazilians and Indians?

Double standards.

Anonymous said...

SINGAPORE: Piracy and armed robbery incidents on ships in the Singapore Strait hit four-year high.

The incidents doubled in the first half of 2020 compared to the same period last year, according to a maritime information sharing centre on Thursday (Jul 16).

Such incidents in the region as a whole also doubled, said the Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia (ReCAAP) Information Sharing Centre.

In the first half of the year, 16 piracy and armed robbery incidents were reported in the channel, and 51 altogether in Asia.

According to its half-yearly report, the centre said what is "of concern" is the "continued increase of incidents" in the Singapore Strait.

What is the Singapore PAP 4G leaders going to do about this? Confidence in Singapore will erode if nothing is done.

Anonymous said...

This may be used as an excuse to dip further into the Reserves to take out $billion$ again and distribute the goodie$ to Temasick's subsidiaries like Keppel Holdings, Sembawang Marines and Singapore Technologies? Or to expand the Navy?

Anonymous said...

COVID-19: Singapore Now In 2nd Wave?

"Singapore must be prepared for a second wave of COVID-19 infections, and must do its best to avoid it," said Minister for Health Gan Kim Yong on Friday Jul 17.

Speaking at a multi-ministry task force press conference, Minster-Made-Millionaire Gan noted the resurgence of COVID-19 cases in places like South Korea, Japan, Australia and Hong Kong, with large clusters forming at religious events, nightlife establishments, restaurants, and in schools.

He also noted that these new clusters arose because individuals went out when they were unwell, did not practice social distancing, or were susceptible to transmission because of workplace safety management lapses. Don't blame the Millionaire Minister, blame individuals.

“We must be prepared for a second wave too, but we must do our best to avoid it if we can,” said Millionaire Minister Gan, adding that there are “useful lessons” from the situation in other countries.

“That is why here in Singapore, we have taken a cautious approach in easing restrictions for some activities that we know to be of higher risk."

“For others that need to continue to function like workplaces, we have put in place a series of measures to reduce the risk of spread in these settings. Some of these measures create inconvenience, but it is better to be safe.”

MOH Director of Medical Services Kenneth Mak said the task force has noticed that there were “a number” of transmissions occurring at workplaces, and clusters have arisen from some cases who were infected at work and then in turn infected household members.

The fact is that the number of community unlinked cases remains a worry, and many of them are only identified through routine and regular testing of frontline workers, and those in the construction, marine and process sectors but not others. This self-imposed limitation is very worrying.

Another worrying point is that only travellers from Victoria in Australia, Japan and Hong Kong are to serve stay-home notice at dedicated facilities. But not for those visitors from USA, UK, India, Europe and Brazil.

With the “significant expansion” of economic activities and social interactions since the start of Phase 2, Singapore should expect to see the number of cases rise, said the Son of a Gan.

“The second wave is preventable if everyone plays a part.” So if it cannot be prevented then I am not to blame. You all are.

A typical cover-my-own-ass mentality.

Anonymous said...

It seems the Sin Millionaire Minister is also happily aiming for the Million Infections Mark, to join India, Brazil and US of Ass?

Anonymous said...

With almost 50 thousand C19 patients in a less than 800 sq km tiny rock, is Sg at the top of the pandemic list.
How many more will be infected before the outbreak comes under control ?

Anonymous said...

From the easy-going attitude of the Millionaires at the MOH, MOE, MND and PMO, one look, you know straightaway that the COVID-19 is not going to be under control. The coronavirus is in control.

61% voted for the coronavirus!

Anonymous said...

Next thing you will hear is not Coronavirus Pandemic but Coronavirus Pandemonium.

What is the difference between Pandemic and Pandemonium? You figure it out.

Anonymous said...

The US has hit a new record of 77,000 confirmed Coronavirus infection cases yesterday. Soon to reach 100,000 a day?

Unlike Singapore putting students at high risk of infection, many States in the US have their schools closed to protect their students' health and lives.

The State of Texas has issued new rules on Friday that give local school districts more control over the decisions on start dates and on how long schools can teach students online.

California Governor Gavin Newsom on Friday said schools in counties with high infection rates must begin year with remote learning.

In Chicago, the Mayor said on Friday that public schools will plan to start the year with a hybrid in-person and at-home learning model.

And more....

Anonymous said...


By noon today, 18 July, the MOTH has preliminarily confirmed an additional 202 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore.

This brings the total number of infection cases to 47,655.

There are seven cases of community transmission and eight imported cases who had been placed on Stay-Home Notice upon arrival in Singapore.

MOH shared that the vast majority of the new cases are Work Permit holders residing in dormitories.

The question is: Why are there still so many cases in the dormitories after four months of isolation, detection, testing and treatment? What is going on?

Anonymous said...

P/S: MOTH means Ministry Of Tida-Apa Health.

LOOP said...

COVID-19 PANDEMIC- A Summary Of World Events

1. President Trump rejects mandatory masks: "I want people to have a certain freedom" (to get themselves infected freely and easily by the Fort Derick Coronavirus).

2. The top US Infectious Diseases Expert Dr Anthony Fauci says everyone should use the mask to protect themselves and others, and prevent the spread of the COVID-19 disease.

3. The UN Secretary General António Guterres has criticised the world’s biggest powers for failing to work together to tackle the COVID-19 Pandemic.

4. The British PM Boris Johnson gives English Councils new powers to manage local coronavirus outbreaks.

5. The EU leaders are meeting for a second day in search of a deal on a Covid-19 recovery fund (to line their pockets).

6. Indian actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is admitted to hospital after testing positive for Covid-19.

7. Iran's President says 25 million Iranians have already been infected by the Covid-19 coronavirus, thereby breaking the US's world record, to leas the Million Mark Club.

8. Four million people in Barcelona, in north-eastern Spain are lockdown at home for 15 days.

9. Globally there have been 39.1 million cases (including Iran's latest report of 25 million cases) since the outbreak began, with at least 603,000 deaths.

10. The outlook of the World
Pandemic situation seems bleak for obvious reasons.

Anonymous said...

Lowland Wong is now insidiously trying to blame WP supporters for any new wave, saying that they are looking at how to snag those supporters openly celebrating WP victories. See the big picture? People asked, did he look at the crowds at wet markets doing the same thing of openly mingling?

Back to their old habits. After Cheng San near loss, they went after Tang Liang Hong and Francis Seow. Now that Low, Chen and Ng are no longer in the midst of battle, I think Pritam and Jamus are the new targets in their sights. And I think Sengkang Town Council will face similar subterfuge, if what goes on in the past is any indication.

Voters have seen through the unfair obstacles placed even against the elected opposition MPs holding MPS under void decks and placed them in great difficulty with logistical problems. Will PAP change? Let's see!

If that is the same old same old PAP, more seats will fall in 2025.

Anonymous said...

PAP will fall not because it is not smart but because it is too smart, until the public and voters feel threatened by its smartness and are sick of its underhand tactics that undermined the moral fabric of society.

Glaring examples are:

1. Using parliament to change constitution to install a puppet president under the guise of Reserved Presidency for Minority Races.

2. Making an Indian Muslim to a Malay Muslim by arbitrarily appointing a group of people to declare that an Indian by Birth can also be considered as Malay.

3. Using the parliament as the PM's personal court to clear himself of accusations of abuse of power brought forward by his own siblings.

4. Deciding the Group Representation Constituencies under the guise of minority representation, and increasing the number of candidates per GRC from 3 to 6, in order to create obstacles for the Opposition and to enable PAP's new and weak candidates to enter parliament easily under the umbrella of a minister.

5. Redrawing of constituencies' electoral boundaries every four to five years, just before a general election in order to dilute opposition votes by spreading them out.

6. Depriving the people from withdrawing their life-long hard-earned CPF savings in full at age 55.

7. Devising compulsory insurance schemes to deplete people's CPF savings and keep increasing the premiums frequently.

8. Using the HDB Housing Scheme to deplete people's CPF savings meant for retirement and then when the 99-year lease expires, the people have to return their flats to HDB and get zero compensation in return.

Anonymous said...

Going forward I think PAP votes will, under the most optimistic outlook, linger in the 55 to 60% range.

Firstly, the opposition is getting smarter in their game and more people of caliber are coming out. This election shows that all is not lost yet for an alternative voice. The fortunes of the PAP will depend on how they engage or are still intent on fixing the opposition over the next five years.

Secondly, no more huge carrots to throw, unlike in the past where the people fell head over heels with upgrading. Now that the reality hits their thick heads, with the realisation that after 99 years their flats will do down to zero value, despite years of touting by the PAP that upgrading will enhance the value of their flats. What now and who to blame?

Thirdly the mayhem caused by the unmitigated influx of foreigners is upsetting the locals in fighting for jobs, pushing up housing prices and cost of living, forced to deal with overcrowded MRT transport system. Building more MRT lines is just spreading out the rush hour crowd, but unknowingly also drawing in more people into the system from outlying areas possibly making making it worse.

Added to that is the perception of unfairness in the political system that attempts to stifle alternative voices, the CPF issues, the Temasek remuneration factor, the use of the state apparatus to solely cater to the ruling party's interest. All these can be denied, but voters can see and read about it on social media. States Times and MSM are not the only source of information available in this digital age.