
Aloysius Pang Requiem: "GO HOME or BE SUNK, PEDOMAN!"

Aloysius Pang Requiem: 

Attacking Singapore is A Huge Mistake!

The recent tragic death of National Serviceman (NSman) Aloysius Pang during an accident whilst on an overseas reservists training is both saddening and regrettable.  Another precious son of Singapore returned home to a hero’s welcome after his ultimate sacrifice in the defence of the Singapore and Singaporeans that he loved and who loved him in return, judging from the hundreds who turned up at his wake as well as numerous Instagram messages in his memorial.   

As a NSman Reservist, I enjoin fellow NSmen to salute Aloysius and the other sons of Singapore who gave their lives as they assure our continuous freedom – most recently, they also include Liu Kai, Dave Lee, Gavin Chan and Dominique Sarron Lee.   

As Singapore honours and salutes NSman Aloysius Pang with a military funeral last Sunday (28 Jan 2019), we are mindful of the foreign threats which are already upon us.

Since October 2018, Singapore’s sovereign waters have been repeatedly violated deliberately by neighbouring Malaysia. The conscious provocations have been directed by the new Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir, who returned to political power in May 2018 determined to pick fights with Chinese-majority Singapore so as to bolster his failing Malaysian Malay supports.  As Singapore authorities attempt to steer Malaysia towards diplomatic and legal solutions, Malaysia insisted to anchor her buoy-laying vessel, MV Pedoman, within Singapore waters which Malaysia is disputing without showing any documentary evidence of her claims.

The Malaysian MV Pedoman presence in Singapore waters is a blatant mark of utter disrespect and insult to our NSman Aloysius Pang on the day of his funeral. 

It is not lost on most NSmen present at the funeral that the MV Pedoman represents exactly the kind of threats which could be easily destroyed by the weapons of Aloysius’ SAF Artillery Unit.  MV Pedoman lies well within the range of its weapons which are tasked with eliminating all enemy targets within a 40km radius!  Pedoman’s continual presence in Singapore waters is an affront to the SAF and it humiliates our NSmen who have sworn to protect and defend Singapore’s sovereignty (which include our waters) from both domestic and foreign threats. 

The perils and risks of our fragile treasured freedom should unite us as we remember gratefully Aloysius Pang and all the others who perished as they sought to protect Singaporeans through National Service.  They should be honoured by our actions, not words.

This Requiem for Aloysius Pang et al is a memoriam to NSmen, like me and millions of male Singaporeans, who continue to persevere over the past 55+ years, tells the truth of the risky and dangerous world around which we live in today that grants hope, happiness as well as fear of what lies ahead, even as we are determine to make it with our loved ones as far as we desire.  From fathers to sons, generations after generations, we communicate our dedication to the art of war trained to perfection by the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) into a constant state of readiness response to the chaos of the modern world and the threats lurking around us in an unfriendly region, so as to pre-empt and prevent the certainty of a sudden-death apocalyptic and cataclysmic outcome.   

Hopefully, Singaporeans would become more appreciative of the ultimate sacrifice (to be) paid by many NSmen to keep our freedom and nation intact, and our loved ones safe.  The peace-time deaths of NSmen – one is indeed too many – are yet constant reminders worth repeating of the fragile geopolitics surrounding Singapore; for a better understanding of the perils and risks of war that may (would?) one day breach our shores and skies, and be grateful that the constant vigilance and readiness of the SAF has kept Singapore free and safe for our growing prosperity over the past 50+years.

The deaths of NSmen, however caused, always reinforce in me the deep meaning of sacrifice for my country. As a natural-born Singapore citizen, I regard National Service as the singular privilege and honour of citizenship. My son grows up holding his head high and proud as a citizen of a sovereign nation, as he looks ahead expectantly for his turn on Singapore’s watch towers. He is now proudly serving his National Service. I am glad that he knows and understands that “some must fight, so that all can be free!”.

LET THERE BE NO MISUNDERSTANDING - Singapore wants to be a friend to all countries. We have always regarded Malaysia to be a close friend and often good neighbour. DO NOT MAKE US YOUR ENEMY. 


Anonymous said...

Sinkies should start "Sink Pedoman" Movements throughout their contacts. The more people share the "Sink Pedoman" Movement, the louder our voice to reach Malaysia's corrupt Dr Mahathir the anti-Malays,anti-Chinese. anti-Semite and anti-peace. Let the World knows Singapore is under attacks by Malaysian terrorists! There may be prizes for the most sharings!

Anonymous said...

That is a sure way to start the war. War of words can easily lead to war of fists. War of fists will lead to total war. Are Singaporeans ready for war? Do Singaporeans want a war with Malaysia?

More than three million foreigners already invaded, infested and intruded into Singapore and Singaporeans' lives and livelihood. Yet not a single Singaporean even thought of "SINKING" any of them. One miserable Malaysian boat parking at the contentious location, Singapore's waters or not, and you cannot tolerate? You want to go to war with Malaysia for that "provocative" act? Please lah, don't be daft lah. This is exactly what Malaysia wants you to do. Don't fall into the trap.

Anyway .it has nothing to do with Aloysius Pamg's death.

How many times RSAF military aircrafts intruded into Malaysian airspace? Do you know?

How Singapore cars are parked in Malaysian territory on a daily basis? You sink Pedoman. They burn your cars. Are you ready for it?

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

War hawk MIKOspace is beating funeral drums as well as war drums. The writer wants the MV Pedoman to be sunk as a tribute to Aloysius and all NS men who had died before him. Aloysius died due to an unfortunate accident. There is no reason to link his death with a war against Malaysia. Both governments are presently holding talks to settle the spat amicably. Every one knows that water is at the centre of this spat. Better to jaw-jaw than war-war. Let the politicians do their jobs. They are paid millions.

Anonymous said...

This is a tcss article!

Tcss! Tcss!


Anonymous said...

Listen to the Kiasi Sinkies! Shameful! Msia enters your house, claims it to be hers; occupy a room while you negotiate to get your house back ... and you do nothing!?? Many Msians will die before they even see a Sinkie soldier! U start the fight, we will finish it ... and take JB and Johor in the end! Leave now!

Anonymous said...

Michael Heng, be very careful when you drive your car into Johore the next time. One Michael Ahmad or Pedoman Heng might, just might, be waiting to "sink" your car?

So, better delete your outrageous and provocative post.

Anonymous said...

Is the writer gone mad. Does he know how many people are going to die just that he can feel shiok. There are many types of incidences some small some big. This is a small incidence. All sg needs to do is to surround the vessel which I think they already do. This dude has gone mad and I definitely do not want our kids to die bacause of this small incidence. I think he need to be sodomize. Hope tha next visit he made to jb, he Kena sodomize there. Or is he suggesting his Son be in the front line firing the first shot?😰

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

11.19, now, MH also going to kena sodomize? Poor fella. Haha. Hilarious. Who will be next... lol

Anonymous said...

Please give some respect to a dead man and his family.

Do not exploit the predicament and suffering of a fellow Singaporean family at this difficult time of grief for your political mileage.

Have some sensitivity of heart, please.

Virgo49 said...

This PBM (Pingat Balls (Carrying)Master) balls carrier PAP Sstooge is a Pay And Pay PAP Propagnda Organ.

If his son die in training and see whether he will Sing his patriotic
Hymn and talk Yo Soh.

Or maybe his son being cronies of the PAP are in safe vocations or not in the service at all?


Anonymous said...

Anon 11.32am aiyo no need for u to be so serious lah and unhappy for whatever reasons lah. I think u also need to be sodomize too.

Anonymous said...

@Virgo 49 11.43am

Probably this Mickey has got no sons, maybe got daughter hor. Or probably his sons study overseas in whites men land & wud probably stay there won't wanto return to Sinkieland liao.
Anyway dun be too serious by this guy comment, his here to state his own opinion & not so many wud agree with him lah..

Anonymous said...

Virgo, I support you fully. As for 11.48am anon, I think he need to be sodomized too.

Anonymous said...

This Anon 1225pm, suffered from several horrific sodomy until became mentally unstable.

Anonymous said...

anon 12.55pm I think that anon 12.25pm is having hallucinations lar.

Anonymous said...

12.55 and 1pm anon, u eat too full or what. I think both of you also need the so do mi. Kakakakaka

Anonymous said...

1.05pm you are cordially invited to join the do re mi too.

Anonymous said...

Many Mr do re mi here.

Beware of AIDS!


Anonymous said...

Behold Mr Gan warned of data leaks...no guarantee the data also do rei mi fah soh... liao lah..

Anonymous said...

So many bapoks in this blog and so many kena sodomize.

Anonymous said...

Such a long post. TCSS it is!

Anonymous said...

Permanent Head Damages ?
Permanent Brain
Mental disorder ?

Pity his students.

Anonymous said...

1.35 pm anon. That would s right. I want to sodomize u leh

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ asshole bandits having a bukkake party:

"Aloysius Pang Requiem: "GO HOME or BE SUNK, PEDOMAN!""

I must say this making a connection between the tragic death of a handsome young actor and the obliteration of a civilian vessel is very creative, and in a dark way quite brilliant.

The MV Pedoman is an unarmed, non-military vessel which poses no threat of violence to Singapore. To call it a "terrorist" ship is stretching the meaning rather liberally. The idea of blasting this unarmed civilian vessel from existence with a howitzer would work well in a Monty Python skit, but if conducted in reality would escalate the issue to untold levels.

In the area of jurisprudence, there is a principle called "proportionality". That means a response to an unlawful act cannot be excessive (i.e. the use of excessive force). This means that subjecting the MV Pedoman to an act of violence would be breaking a well-accepted principle in law, and Singapore would be labelled "the bad guy".

To be clear, many governments violate the principle of proportionality domestically with their courts and police, and internationally with their military and trade barriers. That is NO EXCUSE, and a poor argument that Singapore should do so in this circumstance.

Mahathir is likely to stand his ground and that ship could be stationed in disputed territory for a long time. Singapore will just have to "take it like a mature adult" and continue PEACEFUL negotiations. Mahathir has already accused us of being "war like" in our response, poking fun in his classic, inimitable style.

Anyway....back to the party, asshole bandits...

Enjoy yourselves, revelling in the mutual pleasure toasting each other with your frothy, saponaceous santorum 💩

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Urban dictionary definition pf "pedoman"

Pedoman training. Proven and effective for over 1000 years! 🤡

Anonymous said...

Matilar, I agreed with your rationale. There is really no point to sink this ship. Just surround it with police coast Guards are more than enough. No need to even deploy the navy.

As for sodomy, I know you always posted that you got a disgusting asshole, but I would still like to sodomize you for your incest act and cruelty practised on your Mother, sisters and daughters.😀

Anonymous said...

Issue disappears when pedoman is sunk!
Game over, man!

Anonymous said...

Many comments not be NSmen I think.
NSmen are ready for war ... clearly pedoman is deliberate cho-cho to make Spor react!
drMatir said "lim-beh wanna cho-cho Spor; now that limkanyu is gone; I not afraid of his son!"

Anonymous said...

drMatir, be afraid ... be very very afraid of the saf!
Like gadafi in libya, u will no-no what hit you!
don't main main with our missile and arty!
U wanna war?! you will get war!

Virgo49 said...

Please don't make the Mats laugh like UG-Kaaaaarrrug.

They been having too many Military Burial Funeral Parades lately

Naval personnel losing limbs and hands. Soliders killed in training. Civil Defence personnel died in ragging.

Want to sink Pedoman. Mats be laughing. See the Mats solidiers in training and having breaks at Plus Rest bays near Palm oil and forest clearings on our frequent trips to Melaka.

Mostly Kampong outdoor boys with flair for soldiering. Officers looked like Hangmen lookalike.

Get out paper scholar officers and top brass fron ITE instead of Unis where they are only paper pushers.

Then we will have less unnecessary deaths and causalities.

ITE mechanical minds and street wise in safety.

Anonymous said...

see pai siong! see pai siong!

recently see pai many problems facing sg

not only inside got problems, outside also got problems

why? why? why?

can it be that the feng-shui of "something"........is not so good?

they said......风水轮流转! 风水轮流转!

really, recently FULL of problems

can anyone explain, please?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ trigger happy Singaporeans, and lepak Malaysians

The public in both cuntries should not involve themselves in this government-to-government spat. One will observe that the Singapore public is more reactionary to this "umbrage" on our sovereignty, and they forget the CONTEXT and the HISTORY of the situation.

Dr M is the only SE Asian politician/ leader to stand up to the snarky comments of our Lee Kuan Yew relating to everything Malaysian. Lee bore the grudge about being cast aside in Federation politics. He never let go of this. So he let Malaysia "have it" by loads of deprecatory comments from time to time --- resorting to really petty shit like "Johor is full of criminals", a remark more suited to a five year old fighting in a sandpit rather than a respected leader of a cuntry.

And Dr M has always responded in kind. This spat has been going on for decades, and yet, the citizens of each cuntry continue to enjoy travel and visits to the point where they had to build a second causeway to cope with the traffic. The relationship between the peoples are good --- many of us have relatives in Malaysia. The relationship between The States...that goes up and down depending on who's ego needs to be boosted at any particular time. At the fore is always UMNO hammering its anti-Cheena message. And yet, the normal citizens enjoy freedom of travel despite the bluster between governments.

Virgo and people like him go to gamble and enjoy the offerings of quaint cities like Malacca. People such as myself venture over there to do business, party and to bang delicious Malaysian pussy. Malaysians come over here to do much the same --- make fortunes, do business or work, and in many cases, send their kids to our far superior schools for a far superior education.

So I hope that Singaporeans (the citizens) will tone down their Warhammer attitude. We are not at war and we definitely should not target ordinary Malaysian citizens. We have two fuckwit governments butting heads like teenage samsengs at a kopitiam who have just turned 18 so they can drink beers, talk shit and proceed to bash each other up, because that's what young men do when they mix alcohol with testosterone

Malaysians are definitely more lepak i this instance. We should be more like them: relac lah brudder.

Anonymous said...

Mahathir will stand his ground against Singapore. Reason is he is standing on shaky soil now in his home ground, so must find a bogeyman to shore himself up. So a little shaking here and there is good for his ego.

He is already very sore about Malaysia losing the Raffles Lighthouse case and not having his way in the water agreement, so, ya he will start his wayang kulit show with his naval threat in Singapore waters. Trust the man to resort to his usual bag of tricks.

Anonymous said...

Just leave Singapore waters even as the 2 gahments discuss and negotiate an amicable outcome!
DrM was not responding, but he is the one who provokes these terrorist attacks on Singapore, at a time when there is no issue or dispute over the matter. DrM wants war? ... he will get a quick bloody one at the expense of more than 10,000 Msian lives. Make no mistakes; think carefully before you answer, DrM.

Anonymous said...

Many of the posters here wanted war but I wonder how they will feel when they received their sons back in a box. Think carefully. If u can't think carefully, then get Matilar to sodomize u to wake up your fuck head.😰

Anonymous said...

Stupidity has no cure.
Let Mahathir & his ministers & Loong & his ministers fight each other bare hand if they liked, and we Singaporeans & Malaysians enjoy good, warm relationships and cheer them on.
War when it comes because of stupidity & pride of politicians, we people, our families, our relatives will be killed, harmed, starving, etc while most rich politician families members will be enjoying themselves in other countries.
Like they said, stupidity has no cure...sama sama like listening n trusting politicians blindly

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ “dire warning” 543:

Why we have to exercise patience and restraint, perhaps even “excuse” Dr M for his poor character.

Singapore has the most LETHAL military in SE Asia because of superior naval and air power. Counting the reserves, we have 1.2 million forces to deploy, which is ~20% of the total population.

We have the capacity to raze KL and Putrajaya to smoking piles of rubble and dismembered body parts within a matter of HOURS. Our 6 subs and strike aircraft can turn the Malaysian navy into a bunch of sinking sampans, our Apaches A64s alone are enough to keep Johor in its place.

….which is why we the citizens should not be beating the drums of war. Ours is a DEFENCE force, not an OFFENSIVE force. We defend our territory from threats of VIOLENCE, we do not use our might to ATTACK small-timers who simply annoy us and hope that we lose our cool. We must never lose our cool, because if we do, with our neighbour --- no matter how “difficult” their govt plays with us --- it is truly GAME OVER for all Malaysians; our brothers and sisters, cousins and friends, and many Singaporeans who live and work in Malaysia.

Mahathir is testing our resolve. He damn well knows the Malaysian military is no match for Singapore, which spends TWICE as much on defense as Malaysia, and has hardware which works, and personnel who are well-trained. He is making us “itch” hoping that we lose our composure and do silly things.

There are no “winners” in all out war. The people who suffer the most are the ordinary non-combatant citizens. Economies, property and lives are destroyed which result in impacts that could last DECADES.

Dr M is an asshole. Being a bigger asshole as a response is the wrong play.

Anonymous said...

Matilah, tonite your wisdom is bright, its a knockout blow to all the thick-headed PLP.

Anonymous said...

So far ok what!?

YEs let the two sets of leaders meet.

Keep them busy otherwise they will klkk!

Anyway MANY MANY people bo-chup this case lah!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 922

This is my problem with the idea of States and governments who are elected or appointed to run The State: they can deploy ordinary citizens to fight the wars they create. They live, we all die or suffer great losses in property, lives and sanity.

This is why I am a proponent of leaders who have problems with each other, to be ADULTS and fight it out amongst themselves, instead of being the CRAVEN COWARDS they are today. We pay them BIG MONEY to run the cuntry. If that involves a “fight to the death” no-holds-barred mano-a-mano contest ala Mad Max Thunderdome, SO BE IT!

Why should they --- who start the shit be the ones to send our kids to die and saddle us (non-combatants) with the losses of armed conflict, and to make matters worse, TAX US for their ego-fuelled bullshit?

It’s ludicrous. The system is fucked. We, are totally FUCKED.

Anonymous said...

Who is the bigger terrorist?!?

The pedoman sampan with a bunch of Pri school crewmen


PAPies who allowed 2.5M foreigners to come in & sodomise true blue sinkies?!?!?

Anonymous said...

A fight in the Thunderdome for Straits Champion Trophy between Tongkat ali 93 Mat and Cansir sis sway Long will be the Rumble of the Jungle; who can fly like a butterfly n sting like a bee?
Could even out-run hot blockbuster Korean family drama of "Midnight house special at 38 Oxligate" into its 3rd year screening.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

KNN, why you all blame Mahathir? Don't any of you remember just a couple of months ago when he was here he was so highly praised for bringing relations between Malaysia and Singapore to a very high level of warmth and cooperation? They even gave him a doctorate to honour him for his great contribution to good bilateral relations, like abang adek.

Mahathir cannot be the one behind all these problems. He did not know. Someone please call him and tell him what is going on and he would kick asses to resume our warm ties and good relations.

Don't be like the Canadian boy PM, called the whole world but dare not call Xi, the man that counts.

Anonymous said...

Just move your Pedoman a few meters back into your own waters.
What's so difficult? Unless you die-die want war with Spore?!
Then DrM is indeed suicidal, just want his people to die for his own miscalculations!
DrM not blur about all these ... he's the devil behind the fuss in a teacup.
Stop talking ... fight and die, or run - that's your ONLY options!
Survival is NOT compulsory OK?

UG said...

Can you all improve your English? Chio Si Lang.

It say We, the CITIZENS of Singapore. Got say PAP, WP, SDP, NSP, TCB, TT, TJS, TKL?

Next you all read SAF Pledge.
Its We, than something something, than President and the Republic of Singapore.
Or We, than something something, than Constitution.
Or We, than something something, than Country.
You all got see the words CITIZENS anywhere?

Serious accidents during training are rare and were hardly, or probably never, publicised in the media until 2003, when the SAF's standards of safety in training came under increased scrutiny following the deaths of some servicemen during training.
No wonder they attached me there is it? They baey gan need a kampong kid never go thru commando training before one to zhen the feng shui is it? KAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA. I must be too fit, never go thru commando training, still can attached me there. Li hai leh me. My beret can 1/4 red, 1/4 green, 1/4 black, 1/4 blue a not ah? I very pai miah leh. Still got to ride bike. 1/4 green is for the bike cos I still got to sneak in to some terrain in small groups to hanky panky some stuff leh. Pai miah man. Consider first one to die a not ah? Got millions salary for me?


VG said...

KNN, million salary cheebye won't die one lah. They send you to die for them lah. Stupidity cannot cure type sure blur like sotong. Death in the face like ikan bilis still don't know one. Kpkb kpkb very clever. Go fight real fight sure run away with tail of dog tuck behind. See the two idiots here keep wanting to challenge Dr M to fight? Kakakakaka.

KNN kuching kurat don't when die also pretend to act big. KNN NS boys can fight? Kena shout loud loud by inche also pants drop already. Want to some more. Fight who? Fight in computer games lah. You think other people don't kno Kakakakakaka...

Chio cheng kia, never kena wallop, calf don't know tiger. Cheebye kia, cheng cheng kio. Dr M farts you also run away with tail behind and between your legs already. Farking tiny piece of rock want to fight with Malaysia and Indonesia and China? KNN wake the fark up your faking idea lah. Lin pei Inche make you push up 2000 times than you know. Kakakakakaka...

UG said...


Education is definitely crucial. I agree also leh. Old people collect card board is exercise? Anyone want to talk about PAP like they talk about Amos Yee?

Sorry ah. Want blame PAP double standard, take mirror see first ah. Sometimes I wonder why my O'level is Cambridge but I am extremely confuse. Seriously confuse. That why I am daft and I am no talent. So anyone want to comment on army incident?

Anonymous said...

UG, cause u daft so I suggest you go Jalan Besar there to work lar. No need to know anything just need to bring a tube of cream and bear some discomfort after u dropped your pants. Enjoy your so do mi during the process and earn your big money and display your o level certificate so foreigners know u can speak English.😝 Kakakakaka

Anonymous said...

The corrupt Mahatil expect Sinkpor to pay him to leave Sinkpor alone.
Sori lah, drem on Mahatil ...!
You already so bloody rich - teach us your money secrets, man!
How you steal billions from Msians without being caught?
Sinkpor is NOT going to pay you to go away ... like other people you cheated and bribed - https://www.malaysia-today.net/2017/09/20/rm5-7-billion-lost-gambling-so-where-is-rm25-8-billion-more/

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ UG 602

>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfQQCXH1JzE <<

Yes, education is crucial. These 3 idiots should get some. Amos would make mince meat of all 3 of them if they tried to debate him.

These fools are NPC --- Non Playable Characters --- they vomit the same garbage over and over, provided for them to repeat like robots from their political masters. All of them earn nice fat pay-checks from state-controlled media corporations. They may have leveraged their good looks won in the "ovarian lottery", but they are dumb and compliant as a bucket of shit.

@ anon 923

>> https://www.malaysia-today.net/2017/09/20/rm5-7-billion-lost-gambling-so-where-is-rm25-8-billion-more/ <<

I never bought into the myth that "Najib, bad; Dr M, good". In their rock classic "We Won't Get Fooled Again", written by Peter Townsend, The Who summed it up: make up your own mind, don't listen neither to authority or activists and opposition: they are all assholes and are out to FOOL you. The song ends with the prescient words: MEET THE NEW BOSS, SAME AS THE OLD BOSS.

Yeah, The People Get The Government and The Cuntry They DESERVE. There are no exceptions to this natural consequence the behaviour in our social species.

Malaysians love gambling. That is why there are many online casinos of Malaysian origin. 🤣 lan jiau kam kam