
2019 a very good year or wishful thinking

The negativity in the social media, including mysingaporenews, is unwarranted. Everything is so good, and so fine. Singapore achieved a 3.3% GDP growth, a fantastic achievement, unlike countries like China that could only barely make 6.6% growth. This kind of growth is really bad and China is at the verge of collapsing, according to western analysts and experts. If only China could achieve a 3.3% growth rate or 2.2% growth rate like the USA, if only, then China would be safe and the Chinese could celebrate their great economic growth.

Ok, I got distracted. Singaporeans can look forward to a better future in 2019. Cost of living is coming down, at least school fees in top independent schools are coming down for the poorer Singaporeans. Hopefully this is a small step in the right direction and Ong Ye Kung could put his fingers into the fee structures of universities and polytechnics. After so many years of increases after increases, maybe he would be thinking of a small cut to help the less able Singaporeans. Increase 10 times, cut one time should be reasonable and still good for the coffer.

Don't link this to election year. The 4G ministers may be thinking of a reset, to bring down the cost of living for the people. Public transport fares may be due for a cut so that people can at least move around without paying a lunch or a dinner just to move from point A to point B. Just a simple wish for simple people, especially the seniors that have nothing better to do except to go sight seeing. Ok, another good move by the govt, hard up people can apply for subsidies, is it $30? Nevermind, it is better than nothing. Actually the govt could give more in subsidies by first raising fares and then take a bit from the increase in revenue to return to the people, win win formula. The daft would be very happy and grateful.

I think people would wish that all the funny tax increases on water and basic necessities would also come down a bit. After all, after all the hikes, what is so difficult to return a bit to the people when there is still a net increase? Also, think there would not be anymore funny tax hikes or funny compulsory insurance schemes in2019. Enough is enough. I think this wish would come true nearer the election.

And they are going to build bigger flats, so I read somewhere in the media. Why not, if the govt wants to promote procreation, more babies, people need bigger flats not those that they can touch the four walls without having to move their feet? Forget about the silly notion that small is good, small is a new lifestyle, like making babies inside a kennel. Looks like there is a rethink to have bigger space in HDB flats to promote healthier and better quality of life. At least this is what I think is the thinking. Ok, I may be wrong and stupid to think that this is likely to happen. If it does, it would be a better 2019. A caveat, the price of the HDB flats. It must be priced to be affordable to those earning $1000 pm to be meaningful.

There are many areas in domestic policies that I am seeing changes for the better, in my day dreaming. Hawker food is likely to be better and cheaper if NTUC can take over all the hawker centres and run like NTUC FairPrice. It makes one happier dreaming of better things than to feel miserable looking at the dark side of things.

In external affairs, Singapore is likely to do better without the loudspeakers blowing crazily at random, punch above our weight, telling big countries to follow the rule of law. At least they have not jump in to sing in chorus with the Canadian boy PM and girlie FM to tell China to follow the rule of law in the Meng Wanzhou case. This is a good way to start the new year, imagine if the loose cannons were allowed to shoot freely. Thank God, they took the advice of Mahbubani seriously. Nevermind if they did not acknowledge his good counsel. The net effect is positive. No need to be busybody and mind our own business.

And relations with Malaysia and Mahathir are going to be better and betterer for sure. Mahathir is obligated in a small way to be nice to Singapore after all the buttering during his last visit. The fall back position for Singapore is the stick of course. Singapore still carries a big stick to mean business, but this time speak softly instead of blowing the trumpet.

I can see so many good things happening in Singapore in 2019. And for those that are jobless, no need to be freegans though it is an option available. There are plenty of jobs available, almost instantly at job fairs. Just don't be choosy. They are hiring a lot of cleaners and cleaning supervisors and security guards and guards supervisors. Just sign up, attend a short course and get the job. No need to write resumes or application letters. The employers are waiting in long queues to hire the willing to downgrade PMETs.

Look at the bright side, 2019 is a good year for those who want to make it a good year. A job is a job. Stop feeling miserable and stop spreading fake news that all is not well. Singapore's economy is looking so healthy like never before, projected growth rate 1.5% to 3.5%, unlike the unhealthy 6% -7% China's growth rate.

Go enjoy life and party. Yes, a big party already line up, the Bicentennial Celebration of the Colonisation of Singapore by the white men and making the locals subjects of the British Empire. It is so nice to feel and be part of the British Empire.

Let us all hope that the good wishes for a good 2019 is not wishful thinking.

Food for thought. The British are looking for a military base in the East to rebuild their Empire.Maybe this could be another easy way to grow the economy.


Anonymous said...

Rb, GDP growth of 3.3% is fake news lar. According to CNA it's only 2.2%.😰😰😰

Anonymous said...

I think PM said 3.3 so the civil serpent that gave him the number should either be sacked or given a choice be sodomize Drew? 😀 😀😀😀😀😀😄😅😬😂

Anonymous said...

pap is the best-est

where to find in this world

they will take good care of you

remember.....pap got 69.9% votes at last GE

they must be really really good and really really kind to the masses

just look around you now.....everyone is smiling..happy....all OK......

won't be surprised.......75% votes go to pap at next GE


more good year! more good years!


Anonymous said...

Take out the FT injection, what will the GDP be?
Singaporeans net Real income up or down after all the price hikes by govt n glc?
More Good years to the lightning Whites, shoot more fireworks.
Still better have dignity n be independent. No need.bribes n little fake handouts from our taxpayer money to ourselves. If not from strawberry become jellyfish.
To an Honest 2019.

Anonymous said...

Singapore's economy slowed noticeably in the fourth quarter. 4Q GDP grew 1.6% on quarter, well below market forecasts of +2.9% - an indication of weakness in the new year.

Manufacturing growth tumbled 8.7% on quarter in 4Q after rising 3.1% in 3Q.

Construction remains weak as the sector contracted 2.2% from a year ago after a 2.5% decline in the third quarter.

Even the services industry growth slowed in 4th quarter, up just 1.9% on year, slowing from a 2.6% gain in the 3rd quarter.

The dismal data point to a dark economic outlook for Singapore in 2019.

Anonymous said...

Hi 922am

Worry not worry not!

We have the 4G leaders;

They can move mountains!

You know?!

Virgo49 said...

For too long, the Social Divide is getting wider and wider.

They, the Elites or Wealthy Ones just closed their Eyes to it.

They had it too good for too long.
Independent Schools and what's Alumni priorities belong to the Rich and their own kind.

Others, stumbling blocks to better themselves.

Now they realised that in long run, there will be unhappiness and disparity among the citizens.

So, they tried now to wayang a bit and patch the divide.

So, CNA reported 2.2 and the PM 3.3.

CNA bananas gonna get the sack soon. Anyway, Statistics always lie.You can pluck a figure and been the Leader, dafts will believe you.

Anonymous said...

With this kind of difference in numbers, like telling the PM is wrong, someone going to kena sack. But before sacking, must explain the discrepancies or misinformation or fake news.

Anonymous said...

I recently applied for the $30 transport voucher, but dunno if will get --- the CC staff (from Peoples Association) seemed very suspicious about me when I told him I've been jobless for years. I showed him my CPF account & POSB bank balance using apps on my handphone. Of course I didn't show him the other bank accounts where I receive dividends every couple of months.

That CC/PA staff kept telling me to get a job after every 4 or 5 sentences.

Think I should try my luck with my MP at the Meet The People session again. Got $30 NTUC vouchers when I last saw him in Feb 2018. Maybe I can make this a bi-annual effort instead of annually.

BTW govt is implementing laws to jail or fine security guards who sleep on the job, or AWOL from post. Machiam like SAF or SPF or back to NS days doing guard duty.

With these new laws, security jobs not worth it unless pay more than $4K a month --- at least must make pay sama sama regular SAF or SPF.

Anonymous said...

People top up 50 can

Tranfer 20 to vochure.

Anonymous said...


SG has so many lobangs I still don't know.

I must be sleeping.

Virgo49 said...

All Anons.

This is how the Pay And Pay skinned the daft Sinkies till they have to beg and asked for alms from them.

Thus, they are are beholden to them.

Who's you vote ? PAP of course, Santas and Santa Marias.

Then, besides these, they further strangled the Dafts with all sorts of licensing. To renew vote who's ?

PAP, of course. Evil Serpents fed with big big bi-annual and fringe other benefits plus Annual bonuses and fat increments.

Vote who's ? PAP of course.

Next, we have those gian png renting whole flats and rooms for passive incomes. Don't care whether disturb fellow residents.
Monies in my pockets more important.Vote who's. PAP of course.

Next on list, those hard cases of high class equally fark up Sinkies women who scorned their own males.

No condom, oops condo, no cars, no credit cards. Pui! You tan kui kui.
Go and marrry foreign women.

So these poor souls have to seek their MPs endorsements every six to three months to allow their wives or girlfriends stays.

Vote who's ? PAP of course.If I go to WP. Sure die one.

Hawkers Sinkies had it too good.Sold out my food within 4 hours.When the next 5 millions coming.What's lose our country if too many foreigners take over our land.To helI with you.Monies in our pockets first. Why bother lose the Nation. Monies first.What's wrong with making more monies.

Vote for who's.PAP of course.

Then the Elites and wealthy ones with advantanges in all and sundry and wants status quo. To hell with the Rest. You die your business.

As long as we are OK. Vote who's ?

PAP, PAP. Long live PAP of course.

You mad ah? Vote Opposition.

Anonymous said...

///SG has so many lobangs I still don't know.///

Of course! I bet you already getting conservancy rebates, utility rebates, GST cash vouchers, annual budget ang baos etc.

And if you studied in local Uni or polytechnic, you only paid 20% of the school fees. Where got other countries as good as Sinkie-land?!? Hahaha!!!

There are others, but you need to have lots of free time & thick skin, and also low or no income lah.

Since I'm jobless for 10 years, I am very free. :)

But gotta be prepared to be insulted by "civil servants" LOL!

Most of the lobangs are for young kids e.g. pocket money fund, school transport fund, extra childcare subsidies etc.

Not many lobangs for adults below 65, unless handicapped. I'm only 50 so very jialat! LOL!

BTW today's millennial "civil servants" are definitely not as well trained as the civil servants of 25-30 years ago. Those old timers can be curt & rude, but they were never sia-lan or fuck you attitude.

Today's millennials working in stat boards & agencies are quick to become lao-lan, show you their fuck face. I talked to some of them, and turns out that all of them are on contract basis --- mostly 2-yr but many also just 1-yr. So they themselves don't have secure jobs.

Contract job "civil servants" helping jobless or poor Sinkies! No wonder sia-lan! LOL!

Oh these frontline "civil servants" that you interact with are poly grads. Those Uni grads work in the backend & you seldom see them --- they have much better salaries & career paths from what I gather.

If you want "free" Medisave from govt as a jobless, you can make use of Workfare Self-Employed scheme. Declare a very low freelance or self-employed income (e.g. $100/month) to IRAS, and make a $50 contribution to your Medisave.

You'll then get $150 top-up into your Medisave + $17 cash (good for hawker centre feast). This is useful for those who regularly goes to polyclinic and use their Medisave.

Anonymous said...

Virgo 11.43am

Based on your comments, smelly smelly 79.9% votes will go to pap at the next GE!

Sure or not?

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 1.01

You think the Sinkies of what's I mentioned dared pluck up courage and vote Oppositions?

All their ideals of Good Lifes thrown to the Wind.

Save or except those who have to get frequent visas for their spouses and girlfriends for extended stay, they have no choice with their balls stuck in the PAPies wooden horses, the Rest making good and those who have to really depend on their alms and "generosity" dared vote Opposition.

Also, those parasitic sinkies who got many superficial benefits like RC organised subsidised activiites just for their Greed will Vote Oppositions?

Unless, unless their blessed boot
Lickers good lives are threatened with mass unemployment that hits the core of their liviehoods, maybe they vote for change.

For decades the PAP had pitted the fellow own citizens against one another that they have no more feelings for their own fellow men.

You die, your business, who ask you not capable.

This is the New Law of the Jungle in Sinkieland today.

UG said...

Anyone know where is the missing fund? Any PAP or WP go jail already? If not how do I compare and know who to vote during next election? Or should I stay at home? Dont trouble others, later I vote already, people still got to count my vote? Old people say dont trouble others? So dont go vote? Stay at home? And so many votes, trouble others count, will they be too tired and count wrong? Let have good karma, dont trouble others, stay at home?

Virgo49 said...

Hello UG, don't vote your name strike off.

Very troublesome gets back reinstated. Also must pay a fee.

Also, forget to mention those Property Agents who had it so good hoping that the Pigeon Holes will rise and rise and rise. Wah lah, one commission of one Tiong Bahru Flat at S$1 Million can rest for three months.

You think the property agents and insurance agents will vote Opposition???

The other day, one old uncle operations cataract, the Medisheild Life only pay out four over dollars for him. In the end, we suckers got to pay the maximum from our Medisave savings.

Every operations they have limitations of how much to claim for that surgery. So Insurance for what's s when in the end we have to pay out from our pockets???

Also, for different operations, they even have certain certified surgeon to do it before you can even claim. Once I went for ingrown Toe nail operations and i made a claim.

They said cannot, a Podiatrist is not a qualified surgeon. So you pay in full. Even I have Rider Coverage.

So, all these Insurance and Properties Companies and Agents had it so good, they want to abandon the Good Lifes???

UG said...

When we go study, we must have this test that test, than see grades, than put you into different classes.

When we go army, we are being told not to give excuses.

So does anyone have any answer for me? Because I got go school one. Unless someone want to tell me even our passport is very good, our education is actually lousy?

Go army 2 years plus, pay $300 plus to $500 plus, am I consider domestic maid after my education? So I must go lucky plaza and join people and party?

Anyone know in Singapore where to find help? My dad sleep void deck. Dont give excuses what this policy that policy. Where to find lawyer to sue government? The government so big and my relative so much, my dad still can sleep void deck? What grade will you give PAP or WP? Means I more li hai, I one person can tahan 3 people at home for years? What grade will people give the government and my relatives? What grade will people give me? What grade will people give to religion master?

UG said...

Hello Virgo49

Dont get my name strike off, what should I do? Go there throw empty votes? Will the one that count vote too tired read wrong?

Who say insurance agent earn a lot?

Ancient Chinese Astrology 81 said...

Uncle RB >>>2019 a very good year<<<

Based on ancient Chinese astrology interpretation, 2019 is "己亥" 年

The top (己) suppresses the bottom (亥)

Top means "天" (interpreted as heaven or ruler)

Bottom means "地" (interpreted as earth or the ruled)

But 亥 is more than just having element of water only

It is not pure water but a mixture maciam alloy

Beside the strong water (壬), 亥 also have the strong wood (甲)

The 己 is a weak element maciam mud so the when 壬 floods, the weak mud cannot keep the banks from breaking

On the other hand, the strong 甲 is too much of a match for the weak mud

So it can be a case of 阴沟里翻船 (aka ship capsize in a lokang)

Indeed then 2019 is a good year as exclaimed by uncle RB

Good for who?

Unless you are daft, it is as clear as daylight?

PS This is maciam a hobby and personal interpretation/ opinion so dun be daft and take it seriousLEE.

UG said...

My dad say vote WP leh. He sleep in Hougang Blk 302 void deck. And I got no house. I got to rent. Government no spare house? Or Government build slow? Grade fail? No foresee skill?

I went to Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Khiang meet the people session leh. I am still jobless now. When is people going to find me a job? Army auto come find me you know? I want a job that I can throw 6 smoke bomb and kill people. Or I want a job that I can do whatever I want to do and get paid. Like maybe sleeping at home?

Where can I find lawyer sue the government? Who here upright want recommend me?

Anonymous said...

Hi 12.18pm

Since there are so many lobangs, should publish a booklet on the different lobangs and where and how to apply for them.

You can do it. Can sell it for a small profits?

Not had!

UG said...

We are taught to have values leh. Why my dad will sleep void deck? The government, WP, religion master and relative power combine, who is bigger? They bigger or I bigger? What grade to give them? What grade to give me?

Mean my grade higher? That why Singapore got no talent no talent need foreign talent because talent is sitting at home? Like Ong Teng Cheong MRT, one person idea got to go against so many person idea of bus only system? We got to thanks Ong Teng Cheong man. Not PAP. If he join WP, do we thank Ong Teng Cheong or WP?

UG said...

Who can find me a job, can piak and piak, kena discover, still got job? Who? Shiok man. I am waiting. Anyone can see me. Woo hoo. Kee chiu, wave. LKY iron fist apply to which category ah?

Anonymous said...

UG don't be a parasite feeding on other hard working sinkies. If u looking for job to sleep at home, then at least offer some services to others like offer your ass for others to sodomize u as a relief for pressure in life. Tio bo? 😀

UG said...

Anyone know so many talent, why must things increase? Scholar dunno how to play war stocks?

Quick. Ask all old leaders fall in, I be their PTI. See they can pass my scolding and training a not. Chio si lang.

UG said...

Who is parasite? Rental housing no need pay money? Free?

Anonymous said...

@All those mathematically & statistically illiterate on this blog,

GDP growth of 1.6%, 2.2% and 3.3% all correct.

1.6% is comparing Oct-Dec 2018 to Jul-Sep 2018.

2.2% is comparing Oct-Dec 2018 to Oct-Dec 2017.

3.3% is for Jan-Dec 2018.

BTW all these are estimated figures becoz the actual numbers for Dec 2018 not finalised yet.

Maybe I can give part-time tuition for Pri school maths.

UG said...

You say me parasite. Can I sue you? I am learning you know.

UG said...

What EQ is that to say people parasite?

Quick. Old leaders fall in. Take my scolding and training. Check background. Do what job? Who throw straws?

Anonymous said...


Which school were you from?

Your mathematics so vvv good!

Anyway every school is a good school.


UG said...

What is the latest information? 3.3 or 2.2? Maths good so? Is this category about maths or latest info? Quick. Check background. What personality and do what job?

Anonymous said...

In Chinese belief, a name is very impt lah

You look at the name 光耀

光 means light, 耀 means very very bright

So though Sg so small but all the US and China leaders all very "scared" or very respectful of 光耀

When starlight was implemented in Taiwan in the 70s, Deng Xiao Ping also gave the "blessing" and closed "2 eyes"?

Now, never call oneself UnderGround or GoodGame (GG) lah ...

Chinese say "bad luck" lo?

U call yourself GG, especially if you from opposition then even THE best opportunity sure win constituency also "GG" lah ...?

Need more eg?

Think of XL?

Xtra Large?

Whose Chinese name has this initial?

Confirm eveLEEtime sure win with XL (Xtra Large) margin?

2015 69.9 vs 30.01

Amk 88% vs 12% ... Opp lose deposit ...?

See ...!

So call yourself XtraGood (XG) or sthg like that lah ...

Next job offer mb XtraGood salary or package?

Who knows?

No additional harm trying

Just personal view but usually Chinese believe a good name very impt

Another one is 祖耀

Means made all the ancestor proud!

Bring glory to the clan!

Another one is 家成

李家成 means Li FamiLEE succeeds?

Got wrong or not?

Richest HingKee and Chinese for so many years?

You dun believe next GE others win but the name with GG still might be "gg" again?

The name "gg" very good meh?

Just personal opinion, again dun take it seriousLEE.

Good luck!


One final eg.

Any guy with a Chinese word 栋 in his name likely would be a very tall person or entask with a very TALL ORDER in life

For the Chinese word 栋 is no ordinary meaning but a gigantic HUGE, TALL, STRONG, STEADY PILLAR where a house is built on and supported.

So you see for yourself this person tall or not or given any very TALL ORDER in life?

Need say anymore?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ welfare, but not welfare

Yes, the 2 anons above are correct. There are many "lobangs" available for Singaporeans. Many believe that voting in opposition will result in the heavens opening up, and "free money" falling from the sky. This is no "wishful thinking", this is a religious belief. 💩

Anyway, the PAP beat any political contenders already. If you are prepared to poke around the sg.gov websites, you will find plenty of "lobangs". In fact in a recent podcast, one of the American "fanboys" for Singapore (like Jim Rogers, Porter Stansberry, Michael Covel) said that a service that specialises in seeking out govt "grants, subsidies, and plans' to assist startups is required so that this new wave of ENTREPRENEURSHIP can grow and grow, until Singapore becomes a sea of multimillion dollar startups which then go onto become billion-dollar enterprises. (Wishful thinking? You tell me lah... 🤪

Yes, we have welfare. It is here. Welfare for future "value creators", rock on meritocracy. welfare for the daring and the willing. 🤓 If no value, then no money; no money, no honey --- fuck spider 🕸🕷 Wishful thinking or "reality"? You decide lah.

Reality realization is knowing you better pay your bills and have enough dough to live. Wishful thinking is taking a passive attitude and believing that "someone" or "something" is going to cover you or bail you out if you get into a shit situation.

On the face of it, wishful thinking is much easier to do and a more pleasant proposition. That is why wishful thinking is the "default". 🤣

Anonymous said...

AnonymousJanuary 02, 2019 3:38 pm
//@All those mathematically & statistically illiterate on this blog,

GDP growth of 1.6%, 2.2% and 3.3% all correct.

1.6% is comparing Oct-Dec 2018 to Jul-Sep 2018.

2.2% is comparing Oct-Dec 2018 to Oct-Dec 2017.

3.3% is for Jan-Dec 2018.

BTW all these are estimated figures becoz the actual numbers for Dec 2018 not finalised yet.//

Aiyo anon 3.38pm

Lo(oooooo)ng ago(h) already said many many times there are zillions of Economics Ignoramus (economics blind ox chair mare gu) in sinkingland lah ...

Talking about Economics (to them) is like speaking Greek to them

Save your breath lah ...

Even many working in the garmen are same same economics blind ox aka ignoramus lor ...

Many times spoke to them before about Economics many just give blank look on their faces

But their pay damn high at least 6 digits per annum

Dunno to laugh or cry ...

This type of pay means in high position but know NUTS about Economics

Even some or many minionsters also hopeless in Economics?

Not believe you ask them go on live TV Economics quiz see they dare or not?

Anonymous said...

Before "test" the monionsters on Live TV quiz, should test anon 3.38pm in Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Econometrics, Game Theory lah ...

Just set some "simple" qns for him.

No need live or instance answer?

If after one hour he still cannot come back with an answer, then you know he knows she knows eveLEEboLEE knows lah his std also ...


Got fighting spirit (in 2019)?

Anonymous said...

@All who think they very good in econs / stats,

Which is the most relevant GDP number?

1.6% or 2.2% or 3.3% ????

BTW for those goondus who ask which number came out first .... they all came out same time lah ... triplets u don't know meh?!? LOL!!!

OK --- so which one most important??!?

(I know smart ass will say my bank account balance most impt number nahbeh)

Maybe I can also teach air-level Econs --- but horr I myself only got C for my air-level econs ... ok lah, but still got A for my NUS 1st year Econs --- but is much simpler than air-level, believe it or not! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Singapore's FTSE Straits Times Index closed 1% down at 3038.27 on the first trading day of the year.

That heralds a bear market for 2019, suggesting pain ahead for all vested players in the economy and a very dreadful outlook for Singapore, foreboding pain, despair and hopelessness.

Anonymous said...


Relax, I've been thru AFC, dotcom bust, 911, SARS, GFC --- as long little debt and can be flexible with lifestyle, no problem!

Even Georgie had to sell some properties when lost in GE2011. But now enjoying life in HK and Shanghai.

The only thing I du-lan is how come Sinkies still paying PAPies million dollars salaries when they can't even do better than other leaders in developed countries???

Like that should pay PAPies AT MOST same salaries as leaders in other developed countries.

Paul Samuelson Milton Friedman Era Economics Quarter Past Six Expurt said...

4.58pm //Maybe I can also teach air-level Econs//

Can try but if the student cannot improve and continue to fail and get U or S, then you jiaklat lor ...

As for current uni First Yr First Sem Econs, if cannot get at least A or A+ or A-, then you got to worry?

Cos what is covered in olden days first year Econs is only covered in the current 2000, 3000 and some even in the 4000 series mod?

Concepts such as Edgeworth Box, Welfare Economics, General Equilibrium, Langragian Multiplier to compute Optimisation problem sets, Partial equilibrium in Goods (IS) and Money Markets to derive the AD curve, Okun Law, Solow's Growth Model, Endogenous Growth Model, Mundell-Flemming Model, Tobin's q model, Baumol-Tobin's model, Lucas Model, Compensated demand curve, Compensating Variation, Equivalent Variation, Expected Utility, von Neumann-Morgenstern utility function, Folk Theorem, simple Production Theory concepts such as MRTS, Bertrand Model, Cournot Model, Stackleberg Model and others like Weiner-Kolmogorov prediction formula, Obstfeld-Rogoff redux model, Kuhn-Tucker conditions, Friedman rule, Goodhart's Law, Gordon dividend growth model, Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model etc etc

If all these basic micro and macro economic models/ concepts don't sound familiar to you or at your finger tips, the roads are still very lo(ooooooo)ng ahead .....?

Enjoy your (Economics learning) journey in the next 3.5 years ...

All the best!


Anonymous said...

Anon 524pm

Please don't spread fear here leh.

According to your comment, the stock market will be very 'eat strength' in 2019!

But some said the stock market may revisit the 2018 high!


Anonymous said...

Summer n winter. Dry n wet. Euphoria n panic. Mkts got up n down lah. Most of times up lah.
Mkts getting colder but will it crash? Don't know... But if US n China trade war escalate more n more n drag on n on... You can almost be sure very very jialuck. But will DT n Xi go so far? I think most politicians threshold for serious pain is low .Likely very low. So don't worry, OK.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous January 02, 2019 8:33 pm
>>>I think most politicians threshold for serious pain is low .Likely very low. So don't worry, OK.<<<

Some important factors that preceded market crashes are NOT present this time?

And they are not about politician's low threshhold for pain?

So anon 8.33pm, dun anyhow "bomb" lah. If you dun open your mouth, pple won't know you are stupid lah? (Not withstanding that you are paid for the number of words per comment?)

Anonymous said...

3.38pm, WA u very smart leh. I feel like wanting to sodomize u for calling me illiterate😰

UG said...

Most relevant GDP is -10% ???
Best the Index also -10% ???

Than people see wah seh, Singapore got dbs, ocbc, uob, -10%, buy low sell high, buy? Suzhou and ubs? Singapore last time got nothing raffles also come? Quick, make Singapore a flat land again? 99 years reach, all flat? Who want me be PM? It seems easy right?

America want to find a place without natural disaster, build like Singapore? The rest of land use for army training, build farm and vegetables? Self sustain? Can I go there be president? And than build mrt within the small Singapore and bullet train go to army camp and farms?

Anonymous said...


China GDP growth for 2018 is 1% or negative.

Anonymous said...

11.46pm, fake news lar. The dude that gave the presentation I think lock up in IMH Liao so u don't want to be in same situation like him. That kind of place very dangerous as u may Kena from other inmates or the staff. That is Kena sodonme 😰

Anonymous said...

UG, the more I read about your posts, the more I am convinced that u are either mad or crazy. Go relax lar and enjoy pleasure by getting someone to sodomize u to your senses

Anonymous said...

Every year is a good year, very good year. That's why politicians can get $millions every year, without working too hard.

Even can afford to sleep in the Parliament when the Parliamentary sessions are going on.

Instead of speaking up for the people, they sleep.

See, how wonderful! Where else in the whole world can you see politicians see in full view of the reporter's camera when Parliamentary sessions in on?

Some politicians better still. They are the more clever ones. They don't even turn up when Parliamentary sessions are on. They are very busy. Busy counting their $millions and thinking how to invest in order to increase their wealth. Or busy attending the numerous Board of Directors' meetings? Or busy running their own businesses (like a $2 company that buys software costing $millions at a pittance price from the Town Councils). Or busy doing you know what? E.g. some politicians caught having affairs with own grassroots leaders?)

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 8.14

No need to envy these parasites.

They can accumulated much much Gaji buta wealth but one shot can lose all together.

Karma stike the least you aware.

Also, they may have also lots of ill gotten illness and sickness that they have to use their wealth to cure them.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

My take on the stock market, it would get worse and worse and would NEVER recover until they get rid of computer and high speed trading in the system. Period.

The principles of computer and high speed trading work against the principles of a normal functioning and healthy stock market. They trade like gamblers, not investors.

Anonymous said...

Apple sparked turmoil in financial markets this morning with an extremely rare revenue warning in after-close US trading, around 6.30 am Thursday Singapore time.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The Americans trying to kill Huawei but instead killing Apple. Apple is symbolic of the Big Apple. Time to rot and die. When the Chinese stop buying Apple products, that will be the end of Apple.

Anonymous said...


If you cannot compete with HFT & algorithmic trading, suggest you apply job at Dushanbe stock exchange or Addis Ababa stock exchange. Over there still use shouting & hand signals to trade. Also machine guns, hand grenades & parangs.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Computerisation normally leads to more efficiency and progress. When computerisation or the use of computers to cheat, it is not progress but CHEATING.

Unfortunately the unthinking would not want to call a spade a spade and prefer to live in a state of denial because the Americans said there is nothing wrong with this kind of cheating.

This is just like the myth of freedom of navigation and human rights. The former is about provocation that could lead to war and for the purpose of maintaining the Empire.

Anonymous said...

RB, the key fault of fast computer trading is the front running of orders from clients. That is cheating. Especially those that somehow can put their systems direct at the electronic exchange. Any player have to adjust to make money. Whether high tech, low tech or no tech. Keep abreast of your competition.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The main problem is that they are given a licence to cheat. They can break all the rules and regulations to cheat the innocent small investors and traders using their computers and almost unlimited liquidity to trade against them.

Anonymous said...

PAP Joke

There’s a PAP Minister standing in the middle of Beach Road jumping up and down, counting “70%, 70%, 70%.”

A trusting Singaporean walks up to the PAP Minister and decides that this game could be fun.

He asks the PAP Minister if he can play too and the PAP Minister says, “Sure.”

So the two jump up and down counting “70%, 70%, 70%.”

Suddenly, the PAP Minister runs onto the curb and the trusting Singaporean gets hit by a bus.

The PAP Minister goes back onto the road and starts jumping again, counting “71%, 71%, 71%.”