
F35 - Die die must buy

SINGAPORE: Singapore expects to buy a "small number" of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) for a full evaluation after it identified the jet as the “most suitable replacement” for its ageing F-16s, the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) announced on Friday (Jan 18).

This follows a technical evaluation by the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) and Defence Science and Technology Agency which lasted more than five years.

“The technical evaluation also concluded that the RSAF should first purchase a small number of F-35 JSFs for a full evaluation of their capabilities and suitability before deciding on a full fleet,” MINDEF said....

Details that will be discussed include price, quantity and which variant of the jet to buy, as well as issues like logistical requirements and the training of pilots.

The F-35A – the conventional take-off and landing variant – costs US$89.2 million (S$121 million), according to maker Lockheed Martin.It’s believed Singapore is interested in the B variant, which costs more and can take off from shorter runways and land vertically.

Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/singapore-f-35-fighter-jet-replace-f-16-rsaf-lockheed-11139654

The above report came out on19 Jan 18. What does it say? Is this a case of die die must buy option, don't buy cannot? The reasons given to support the buying of this ultra expensive piece of weapon is at most controversial. One can argue with all the pros and cons against and for this aircraft. No one is saying that this is a bad aircraft, but the justifications and cost to operate this aircraft are questionable. Does Singapore really need this aircraft and can afford to buy and maintain this aircraft?

The idea of buying a few pieces to test and evaluate? What kind of thinking is that? Somebody must be thinking that this is like buying a piece of toy. The cost involved in this test and play thing is enormous.  The pricing of $121 million a piece is pulling wool over the eyes. The variant B is not only more expensive, but how much more expensive. And this is likely the cost of the aircraft without the accessories and weapons. To operationalise this piece of toy it is likely to be more than double the amount mentioned for just a single piece of feel good toy. What about ground system support and satellite support? Free?

Can Singapore really afford this ultra expensive war machine? Is it the only option available? Who is Singapore's enemy and who is this aircraft intended to fight against? Buying a few pieces, how many is  few? A few pieces can mean less than 5, 10, 20 or 30. And if too little, it is economically very expensive and cost ineffective to have all the maintenance and support crew just to service a few.

Is there arm twisting by the bankrupt Empire to make Singapore pay for protection money, to pay for this aircraft as an excuse? Singapore being coerced to buy a few pieces at least? Normally the Americans would not sell their top end war machine to anyone, just like the F22. When the Americans are so desperate to push this aircraft, it cannot be of much good. Does anyone smell a fish?  What are the intent and purpose of the Americans to want to sell this aircraft by all means?


Virgo49 said...

Aiyo, Ah Gong's monies, who don't know how to spend?

Give me millions and I shall spend without any guilt as there are not my hard-earned monies.

Somemore, seh bin, like Tua Ya.

One fine day, meet Tua Ya Peh then you know.

Transactions like the PAP always proclaimed TOP SECRETS and what's Bullshits National Security cannot be disclosed.


Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Singapore has no choice but to buy Uncle Sam's wildly overpriced F35. It is a price the PAP government has to pay for sucking up to Uncle Sam. Flying an F-35 cost an estimated US$68k per hour. The F35 has been criticised as an enormously wasteful project because its maker attempted to do everything with one plane. Singapore is going to buy the F35B, a navy variant which is as heavy as a tank thanks to its VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) system. It makes the jet bulkier and heavy.

As a result the F-35B cannot reach a speed above MACH 1 even in supercruise mode. Old fighters like the F16 can easily fly faster than the F-35B. Worse still. It also requires 30 hours of servicing for flying 1 hour. Small wonder tongues are wagging as to whether the Defence Minister had consider some of the serious shit before purchasing them.

Anonymous said...

I suggest buy a few Russian, Chinese and other top makes to try try, like the Indons and Malaysians like to do. OPM what. Can play until song song. Can oso say we are neutral, not taking sides.

Anonymous said...

What, cannot reach Mach 1, then it is no better than world war 2 aeroplane. Like that seow man.

Anonymous said...

YEs! Die die must buy!

Why? Cannot is it?

Haha! Have a lot of oPM $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!

So just buy buy buy!

virgo49 said...

Sinkies Leaders had already influenced the Daft Sinkies that paying colossal amount of monies for the same models or even lesser power models are cool and seh bin.

Thinking that it ought to be better than those who were supposed to purchase cheaper alternatives.

So, to lead by example, they had to splurge on more so called expensive toys as One Up against their neighbours. Thinking that machines must be more superior than the rest.Pyschogically showing the imaginable enemies that we can kick your butts with our superior weapons.

The Sinkies in Sinkieland for example paid a hundred thousand for a 1800 Jap car here and their so called poorer cousins in Matland paid only Sin 20K for a similar or even higher power model than him.

But to the Sinkie, his mentality is such, mine should be a more superior one as i paid thru my butt four times his.

Then the Mats like UG or Arrrug would be laughing KAKAKaKAKA like him. In their hearts, you foolish imbeciles. Likewise our flats, apartments and landed properties.

So, our Great Leaders had the same mentality that ours should be more Superior as we had paid thousands over time your inferior fighters.

That's the thinking of Daft Sinkies.

Stupidty got no cure. Not knowing that they paid in the case of motor vehicles a toilet paper value of three times the vehicle costs to the conmen.

Anonymous said...

Even if they evaluate that the Russian jets are better, they knew that they would face US sanctions if they buy the Russian jets.

So the view that they are arm twisted into buying the US F-35s is not unfounded.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The price for one F35 can buy 6 J20. So the F35 is better than J20 by 6 times. So simple logic. So logical.

A Mers in Malaysia cost 1/3 the cost of a similar Mers here. So the Malaysian Mers must be only 1/3 as good or the Singapore Mers 3 times better than the Malaysian's.

Stupidity has no cure.

Anonymous said...

A S$1 million HDB flat is better than a 1m ringgit landed house in Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

Hi 1140am.

Yes! You are absolutely correct!

Anonymous said...

CPF saga - I owe u money. When it's time to pay u back at 65, if u do nothing, i pay u back at 70, ...5 years later.

Smelly or not ??

Anonymous said...

Singapore got money can buy and buy and anyhow buy. OPM?

Anonymous said...

No buy, sure die.
So die die, must buy!

b said...

Thats call uncle sam protection money aka politico interest. Even in recession also must buy. Sg, not even eu, too small to have any negotiation power.

Anonymous said...

9.53am u don't know don't anyhow say lar. Want to Kena dor re mi is it?😰

Anonymous said...

Malaysian Chinese in New York Racist Attack Dies The Star (Sunday, 20 Jan 2019)

A 60-year-old Malaysian restaurant owner, who was attacked with a hammer in a racist attack in New York last Tuesday (Jan 15), has died.

Anonymous said...

This racist, from his name, likely to be a white, said he hates Asians. In the attack he killed 3 Chinese, with his hammer in the crowded restaurant. There are many such animals walking around in the US and white cuntries.

Anonymous said...

A8.54pm what is dor re mi?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Don’t Know How To Negotiate:

Aiyoh, pay them so much money but they don’t know how to negotiate with Uncle Sam.

Simple lah, order 3 F35---once of each A, B, C variants: A for normal ops...like bombing Jakarta, B for landing vertically in Iskandar, Johor or, just fly to KL, land vertically right in Sentral; and C for landing on any cuntry’s aircraft carrier...China, US, whoever lah. Singapore is everyone’s friend...just land on their carrier, minium kopi, tok kok...then fly off again.

Also negotiate with the USA, since their lease on Diego Garcia is going to expire, and it is likely that the international courts will give the island back to the original inhabitants --- The Chagosians --- who were virtually kicked out of their homes by the British, who also killed their pets (dogs) by gassing them with truck exhaust fumes...it was horrible. The Brits then leased the island to the USA for them to build the largest overseas base, which they’ve had for 50+ years (as long as the PAP has been in power).

So the illegal occupation Diego Garcia might just be over, once the courts deem the confiscation of DG “illegal”, and order the Brits and Yanks to pay compensation to the Chagosians. OK, maybe wishful thinking on my part, but legal proceedings have been going on, and we know these things can drag on for decades.

Anyway, if our expensive govt offers Singapore as an alternative to put in a US base, the USA just might bite.

In that way we will be the first cuntry to have F22 Raptors and B2 bombers (yes, there are a few on DG) --- aircraft which the US is forbidden by its own laws to sell toeven their allies --- defending our very expensive real estate and trillions of dollars in reserves. i.e. we will have THE BEST PROTECTION, including nukes...and it wouldn’t add ONE CENT to the already generous defense budget.