
Nature Society wants Ubin to be gazetted as a nature reserve

‘A nature group has called for Pulau Ubin to be given the same level of protection as a nature reserve, given the concentration of rare and endangered wildlife found on the off shore island.’ This is reported in the Today paper on 19 Nov 14.

I can only say fat hope. We don’t even have enough land for 6.9m population, where got land for wildlife? The only kind of wildlife we are protecting are those rogue retailers in the shopping centres and the wild foreigners on bicycles in our roads.

Actually I am wrong to say that we don’t have enough land for 6.9m. Some experts claimed that we have land for 10m. I think we have enough land for 100m population. We are preparing to bring the world’s jobless population here because we don’t have enough babies for economic growth. After 6.9m, they will say we need more growth, and it will be 10m. After 10m, they will say need to have economic growth, and it will be 20m, and so on. 100m maybe just a planning number. It could go bigger.

Pulau Ubin, Tekong and all the southern islands would need to be filled, expanded, to prepare for 100m in the future. Where got the luxury of land for wildlife?

Kopi Level - Green


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The Nature Society gets my 100% support. However, they should keep what they have now. Some of those old houses are simply gorgeous, and should be protected under National Heritage. (perhaps they are already. I don't know).

Singapore can easily accommodate the 7 million folks (or more) --IF -- the infrastructure is done right. You can build up, you can build down (underground). Singapore already has a significant "underground" infrastructure -- MRT, shops, freeway. There's no reason you cannot put in living spaces as well.

>> Where got the luxury of land for wildlife?

It's not a "luxury" if it is part of an eco system necessary to support human life AND more importantly at present: to act as a CARBON SINK to "soak up" CO2 greenhouse gas. i.e. Plants use CO2 and sunlight to exist and grow. Animals eat plants and other animals which eat plants. Plants use animal waste and remains to grow, especially bacteria and fungi, which exist symbiotically with plants and animals to produce micro nutrients and enzymes for continued life.

Anonymous said...

In Year 2050.......

Just back from usual breakfast with kakis with a cup of thick kopi and a bowl of "law mee".

In yr 2050, I think we may house 20M people here.

You are right!

Not only the main island will be flooded with mega tall buildings, all other small islands belonging to us will also be flooded with mega tall buildings.

Singapore will become the 1st truly World-Class SMART CITY with a complex integrated network of land, air, sea, and underground infrastructure linking all islands to the main island.

I think we should try to Dream Big, Think Big, Talk Big, Do Big, and "Everything-Die-Die-Must-Be-Big".


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


By 2050 there could be around 10 billion (by current modelling estimates), and the climate systems more chaotic than they are now -- meaning they can "tip" anytime.

Since it is highly unlikely I will be alive then, I dun give much of a fuck ;-)

Change is happening so rapidly and so unpredictably, that attempting to predict what the world will be like in 30 or so years is at best a fairytale.

By 2050 Singapore may not exist anymore. If it is still standing, it would be unrecognisable -- in either good or bad ways.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Singapore is especially vulnerable to Climate Change.

Here's the report.

We are already experiencing flooding in China, Pakistan, India, drought, rising temperatures and sea levels. Again, no one can predict the future with 100% certainty, but you can get some idea of what is likely to happen.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

P.S. What Indonesia is doing by forest burning is damn serious, but the regional govts whose cuntrees are affected have mounted no action.

Nevermind the potential for devastating climate-related events. The particulate matter breathed in -- including RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS like radon gas, carsogenic by-products of combustion, bearing in mind that this is combustion on LARGE SCALE with ANNUAL frequency.

Within a few decades you will notice SPIKES in the epidemiology of cancers -- especially lung and respiratory system cancers, especially among children who will be feeding on mothers' milk tainted with radioactive substances released from burning.

Indonesia, fuck you!

Anonymous said...

Why you worry so much? A few decades are none of your concern. Tomorrow you might not even be around. What is happening to you, scare about the future?

Anonymous said...

Cheesepie worrying about the environment and the future.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

also ecesRul@ shallow minded asshole 1041:

>> Cheesepie worrying about the environment and the future.

So you don't huh? In that case: May your children die of cancer or catastrophe due to environmental neglect!

You like that? I think it would not only be funny, but well deserved! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Switzerland Prepares A "Living Wage" Of $2,600 For Every Citizen
Switzerland could soon be the world’s first national case study in basic income. Instead of providing a traditional social net - unemployment payments, food stamps, or housing credits - the government would pay every citizen a fixed stipend.
The proposed plan would guarantee a monthly income of CHF 2,500, or about $2,600 as of November 2014;
meaning every Swiss family can expect an unconditional yearly income of $62,400 without having to work, with no strings attached. What could go wrong?


The real Swiss standard of living.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Yeah, the Swiss started out as hard, old conservatives -- gold standard, hard money...that sort of thing, and over the past few decades have moved toward state controls and more economic regulation.

I've Swiss friends who have moved to Asia, especially to Thailand. Funny thing -- they bring gold bullion with them and store it in their safes! Talk about "old school".

I have family in Switzerland. They praise the new systems from top to bottom, nothing can go wrong. Oh well, you can't choose your family...you're stuck even if they're idiots!

William Tell, where are you?

agongkia said...

I am confident that Ubin will be left untouch .
Should ideally lease to someone like me a small piece of land of 50 years in Ubin to built a hut and attap or zinc house or do plantation and poultry.Future generation of Sinkies can then experience what their forefathers went through.
I would be most happy to exchange my flat for that attap house .
Please leave Ubin alone.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> I would be most happy to exchange my flat for that attap house .

That would be awesome. However, leave it to those fuckers at the Tourist Board and they'll turn it into a $500-per-night "experience" for rich dumb tourists.

Now I'm going to hantam the "too-cool-for-school" young brats in Singapore.

Too many kids have grown up in a rich society. Even if their parents are not rich, these kids now have access to shit many of us "oldies" couldn't even dream of -- excellent schooling, internet, games etc. Pocket money used to be counted in cents. We wore Bata, paid 10¢ for roti prata and 5¢ for the kopi o.

Now kids are using Flash Pay, have $600 iPhones and wear designer shoes. Great, the upward mobility of society at large -- I'm all for that. However, the kids are SPOILT -- not all of them, but enough of them to really piss me off.

They go to Ubin or Sugei Buloh and "ooh ahh" having no idea and no interest in how that shit really used to be, and how we used to as children got a fantastic upbringing by catching spiders, guppies and frogs, camping at Changi, venturing at Bk Timah Nature reserve, fishing etc.

Singapore is an island -- actually an island in a larger archipelago of over 60 islands. How many (other than scuba and snorkel divers, and SAF personnel) have been to Kusu or St John's or Lazarus or the 2 Sisters?

How many have bought ice kachang form the one and only shop in the fishing village at Pulau Seking? (The islanders are now gone. Now the govt uses it to dump landfill).

Young fucks complain about Singapore. I swear I just wanna slap the next punk who tells me "Singapore boring lah!" and then tell the little shit what a Spoilt Entitled Cunt (new acronym S.E.C) he/ she is.

Leave Ubin alone. It is perfect, just the way it is!

Anonymous said...

with the main sg island for the increased population up to 10m...

all the small islands around us belonging to sg should be "privatised".....

turn them into resorts, casino, nature reserve, etc etc etc....

tenders would be invited for new hotels, beach mgt, f&b, etc etc,.....

this another very good revenue generating idea for our govt.....


Anonymous said...

Fat hope they will leave it alone untouched. Give it 3 years and you will see HDB flats there at $1m a piece, resort living in an island. Think how much they could reap by building up the island and how many more migrants they could bring in for economic growth. And a third casino will be just perfect.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I think the govt will be nice to the nature lovers and give them a corner the size of a basketball court for them to romp. And to top it up, it will be gazetted as a National Heritage site.

Be grateful for the little mercies.

patriot said...

Ubin conserve or developed aint gonna change the Fate of Sin.
Please do not make mountain out of a molehill such as conservation of Ubin.
Sin is invaded and occupied whilst Sinkies are manipulated and exploited. Sin nature IS DESTROYED BY DEVELOPMENTS.


Please do not be distracted. Do not argue about the service in the boat when it is sinking. Got to have the Skipper replaced or throw all the Crews overboard. At least the Boat will sink less fast.
So, let's focus how to keep the Boat afloat longer. Maybe it can get nearer to shore or be saved by passing vessel.

Unresolved Grievances said...

why do china wont hong kong and diao yu island when it is already so big?

Unresolved Grievances said...

why do china want hong kong and diao yu island when it is already so big?

Anonymous said...

Why India want to be a Pacific power when it is already an Indian Ocean power?

b said...

There are plenty of nature surrounding this small island. Every piece of land here is gold and thus must make way for more value added stuff before the tide turns and will be too late then.

b said...

"Why India want to be a Pacific power when it is already an Indian Ocean power?"

- how to be power when the people do not even have enough toilets? india rulers only like to boost and spend unneccesary, sent a piece of shit to space when plenty of the people suffering from hunger and disease.

b said...

3:30 pm>>

because they are of strategic location. the enemy can easily monitor china if they have full access of those islands. it concerns the survival of the entire yellow skin lifeline.

b said...

"Foreign workers in the marine and process sectors will no longer be allowed to be housed in HDB flats from May next year"

- most likely will be used to house them. they will have resort like dormitory - all at the expense of taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

Tell the ESM to go and build more toilets and teach them how to use modern toilets first before thinking about building smart cities. 600m people got no access to toilet and this joker wants to build smart cities. Seow.

Unresolved Grievances said...

india got natural resource. can survive.

which island u referring got plenty of nature? hongkong or senkaku?

b at 4.15pm. sound logical. but hong kong also yellow skin. even if diao yu island is taken by taiwan or japan. also yellow skin.

foreign worker also must be treated as human in singapore

last time singapore also no toilet. slowly build infrasture than got toilet. that why singapore invest in india mah

Anonymous said...

@Matilah neath all your abrasive shenanigan, I see a person with a good heart. Yes! I remember our roti pratha at only 10 cents big enough to be shared. I am king at the sarabhat stall with 50 cents. ie 6 parkow (double ace) or rough rider sticks, plus 2 Kopi-O, we'll sit and chat until the sun woke up..... We were more contented than we are now.

Anonymous said...

(x/post from r/Singapore)

Recently there seems to be arise in trolls and "anonymous" extremely vocal PAP supporters with similar IP addresses surfacing in some political micro blogs in Singapore. Some blogs (they didn't want to be mentioned on reddit) have reported that certain posters of similar IPs have been trolling them on regular office hours - disrupting the quality of discussion by taking personal jabs after being challenged.
This is the FIRST time in history where such an opportunity to unify any idea in such a vast scale (not limited by geographical constraints) where the true hope for a better future is tangible and within grasp. Reddit like other online platforms is disgustingly popular due to their attempts in pointing out the obvious flaws in our society that the out of touch politicians [Citations needed] cannot choose to ignore anymore. In their desperate attempt to put this fire out, they masquerade as us to understand our psychology and want to figure out a way to take back control of the narrative without using direct force or their stranglehold over the mainstream media could be in jeopardy.
They mean to achieve all this without you having any idea they intervened at all.
We have become much more eloquent and vocal throughout the years all the way from EDMW[1] (link included for the young ones, approach with caution) to what many other platforms we have today. As a Singaporean, I implore all of you - foreign or not to start objectively participating in discussions online, upvote a bit more, downvote a bit more, dare to ask more wrong questions for the rights answers. Fuck everything you know and start an argument with someone random, respect him/her because he/she believes in what they believe in so much they bother to give a fuck - wrong or right, THAT IS WHO WE ARE . We are all just people of the world.
One last thing, the pinoys/PRC/AngMohs are already part of our history 10-15 years later, what they we decide to make of it will be OUR [2] history.
TL;DR - If you're reading a tl;dr for a meta, you're not doing it right.

Anonymous said...

With all the tobacco, alcohol and drugs, how can his heart be good?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


The kind your mom gives after men come all over her face ;)