
Assault on Red Bean Hill

Battle order was given for an Internet Brigade to assault Red Bean Hill. The mission was to heckle and harass the occupants at Red Bean Hill. The occupants put up little resistance and the first wave of attack let by a Gongmando was a sweeping success. The Gongmando mustered a force of 120 insurgents for the attack against a force less than half its size. It was a walkover.

The defender retreated and set up a second line of defence with a half of its strength intact. This time the Gongmando won the battle with only half of his insurgents under his control.

The defenders retreated further and moved into deep bunkers and fortified walls. This time Gongmando was out of wit. His insurgents could do no damage as the defenders were protected by strong defences. He could find any holes to break in. In desperation he called for a mission to go all out to destroy the defenders instead of heckling or harassing them.

The defenders called for reinforcement. A blue force was sent to search and destroy the insurgents under the Gongmando. Intercepted transmissions revealed that the Gongmando was order to retreat with all his insurgents and not to engage the blue force. Subsequent intelligence reports disclosed that Gongmando was reprimanded for going overboard, defying his order for heckling and harassing and went amok instead, and going for the kill.

Gongmando was subsequently relieved of his command and sent to Obedience School for training. His insurgent brigade was disbanded. Another intelligence report said Gongmando was demoted for exposing his insurgents to unnecessary risk when charging up Red Bean Hill unmasked and unprotected. The blue force could easily identify them and is in the process of arresting them. Gongmando has gone into hiding.

There was a lull of two days at Red Bean Hill. The scouts in the field have reported signs of a few insurgents at the foothill and preparing another attack. This time the leader of the insurgents has an initial starting with J, probably another Gongmando. The occupants of Red Bean Hill are still digging in and hopefully the blue force will be there to take down the insurgents when they mount a new attack. 

Kopi Level - Yellow


virgo49 said...

Mr Redbean, send in the crack commando squads and leave no prisoners behind.

The intelliegence platoon cannot completed their mission leave it the elites.
Hang them by the portside and stuffed them with shits in their mouths.


Anonymous said...

Kopi getting sour . Pour some sugar . Keep it not too sweet

Anonymous said...

RB, you think the police will do anything?

Jayson said...

Relak lah, no one is after you. Just some freindly exchange that's all.. kekekeke... :)

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Virgo 49 said...

Friendly exchange between the DPRK and ROK across the demilitarised zone.

Gets boring guarding intruders and let's adrenaline runs wild once s while.

Anonymous said...

Hi Citizen Bean, I am sorry for the citizens your land. Other countries' leaders fight to protect their people. It is obvious the opposite is true where you live. It is a shocking state of affair. I am truly sad for you and your fellow citizens.

oldhorse42 said...

So Chua Chin Leng aka Redbean is whopping with joy that Raymond has stopped patronising his redbean hill.

Has Raymond given up and concede defeat that redbean hill is impenetratable or RB's cannons fire real bullets and not red beans.

Or has Raymond morphed into a different avatar like Sebastian, for eg.

Or the MIW realises that it is not worth the time and effort to cheong the redbean hill. Afterall the rantings from do little harm.

hat do you think?

Unresolved Grievances said...

what is miw

JayF said...

>>>He thinks that the police actually gives a shit about some online trolling
>>Where the worst damage was some hurt feelings and butthurt.

Somebody call the Waahbulance. Old man Chua is getting booty blasted.

Also, LOL Roy and Triple H have been thrown under the bus for being drama queens and frauds

Anonymous said...

Hi Citizen Bean, I am sorry for the citizens your land. Other countries' leaders fight to protect their people. It is obvious the opposite is true where you live. It is a shocking state of affair. I am truly sad for you and your fellow citizens.

Anonymous said...

Caught a glimpse of your Pee Em and wife at the G20 amongst the other world leaders. Oh mine, what an ugly looking couple. Honestly. They say beauty is only skin deep but in their case ugliness cuts right through the bone.

Anonymous said...

To the PAP Internet Brigade.
Here are the final words of a dying American war veteran.
Be careful of the people you fight for.

My Last Words to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney


... I write this letter on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of veterans who have been wounded and on behalf of those whose wounds, physical and psychological, have destroyed their lives.
I am one of those gravely wounded. I was paralyzed in an insurgent ambush in 2004 in Sadr City. My life is coming to an end. I am living under hospice care. ....

I write this letter, my last letter, to you, Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney.
I write not because I think you grasp the terrible human and moral consequences of your lies, manipulation and thirst for wealth and power.
I write this letter because, before my own death, I want to make it clear that I, and hundreds of thousands of my fellow veterans, along with millions of my fellow citizens, along with hundreds of millions more in Iraq and the Middle East, know fully who you are and what you have done.

You may evade justice but in our eyes you are each guilty of egregious war crimes, of plunder and, finally, of murder, including the murder of thousands of young Americans—my fellow veterans—whose future you stole.

Your positions of authority, your millions of dollars of personal wealth, your public relations consultants, your privilege and your power cannot mask the hollowness of your character.

You sent us to fight and die in Iraq after you, Mr. Cheney, dodged the draft in Vietnam, and you, Mr. Bush, went AWOL from your National Guard unit.
Your cowardice and selfishness were established decades ago.
You were not willing to risk yourselves for our nation but you sent hundreds of thousands of young men and women to be sacrificed in a senseless war with no more thought than it takes to put out the garbage....


Unresolved Grievances said...

it better to vote all pap and plant a lot of white spy to spy black spy.

rather than vote opposition. they no access to system to spy pap.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Thank you anon 10:23. What a hard way to learn the hard truth and to get a little wisdom.

I hope it makes some sense to the drugged minds of our lost young generation. Thinking is a lost art.

The said...

Apa ini? Bukit Kachang Merah?

The said...

Or Ka Chng Merah?

Anonymous said...

IBs everywhere starting to surface.

Anonymous said...

It is so easy to get them crawling out of their holes when you pressed the right buttons.

Clever you.