
Letter of Appeal to the Prime Minister’s Office for the job security of SIA pilots

Below is another pathetic letter from a disadvantaged Sinkie employed by a GLC. All I can say is that it is like singing to the cow. They would not listen. They are deaf frogs. And they believed what they are doing is right and good for you. Why do you think cheating of shoppers could happen for more than 30 years until this Jover Chew’s case before they knew something had happened? Sinkies had been sold out and the sad part is that they don’t even know why or who had sold them out.

The full letter is posted in TRE. Would daft Sinkies wake up in time for the next GE? Sorry Sham, you should sign off as Daft Sinkie below your name. But they already knew. Nothing will happen until you and other daft Sinkies act together to effect the change. You want change for the better? The future is in your hand. Dig the spur into their hide. Don’t wait till 6.9m, you would not even have a place to stand on by then

19 Nov 2014
Dear Sir,

I am a pilot with Singapore airlines since 1999 and am right now a seven-year Senior First Officer who flies the A380 super Jumbo. During my time with the Airline I have experienced many ups and downs but what has forced me to write to you is to highlight the disparity for a Singaporean as compared to a Non- Singaporean….

It takes a newly qualified pilot an average of 8 to 10 years to be selected for command training, and on successful completion achieve the rank of Captain.

During this period, a Singaporean first officer dedicates 1 month of each year to serving our country as an active reservist whereas a non-Singaporean is not liable for this.

Even more so, when a non-Singaporean chooses to become a citizen, he enjoys all benefits of being one without having served at all. Whereas, for a Singaporean, we lose out a total of 1 year’s worth of flying by the time we are selected for Command training….

Recently there was an article in the Singapore Straits Times stating how non-Singaporeans given positions of importance have actively gone out and recruited their own kind for their companies and in time even given them positions of importance.

In Singapore airlines 95% of Flight Operations Management and 80% of Flight Operations Training Department is made up of Non- Singaporeans or those who chose to become citizens….

I am not asking for all these people to be replaced. What I am asking for is to level the playing field for Singaporeans. These are your people. We may be a minority, which may seem like a small number but take into account all the children and grandchildren we have and this now grows exponentially.
Please do something for us and our future.

Sham Kumar Singh

There is another letter in TRE by a mother on her son and fellow NS boys suffering from depression. Having to slog it out for two years braving the elements only to know that the foreigners are taking over their jobs and with all the advantages is really depressing. Who would care about these daft Sinkies?

The smart asses would tell the daft Sinkies, if you don’t buck up, we will replace you with all the millions of hungry foreigners out there.

Now, you know who should be replaced don’t you?

Kopi Level - Green


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

>> What I am asking for is to level the playing field for Singaporeans.

Yep, like RB says "singing to a cow".

If I were the govt, I would fuck this ENTITLED cunt. Kani nah, over 20 years of WELL PAID employment, now kena sai, and he's crying like a bitch.

>> letter in TRE by a mother on her son and fellow NS boys suffering from depression. Having to slog it out for two years braving the elements only to know that the foreigners are taking over their jobs

Oh how my heart bleeds (not!) when I hear the world's saddest song played on the world's smallest violin!

Another ENTITLED cunt -- this time female.

>> Who would care about these daft Sinkies?

You fail to ask the other question: Why should ANYONE care about these ENTITLED ASSHOLES?

These fuckers have NO CHARACTER and are an embarrassment to the rest of the nation!

Kick them in the cunt, and then get on with your day!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

>> What I am asking for is to level the playing field for Singaporeans.

Yep, like RB says "singing to a cow".

If I were the govt, I would fuck this ENTITLED cunt. Kani nah, over 20 years of WELL PAID employment, now kena sai, and he's crying like a bitch.

>> letter in TRE by a mother on her son and fellow NS boys suffering from depression. Having to slog it out for two years braving the elements only to know that the foreigners are taking over their jobs

Oh how my heart bleeds (not!) when I hear the world's saddest song played on the world's smallest violin!

Another ENTITLED cunt -- this time female.

>> Who would care about these daft Sinkies?

You fail to ask the other question: Why should ANYONE care about these ENTITLED ASSHOLES?

These fuckers have NO CHARACTER and are an embarrassment to the rest of the nation!

Kick them in the cunt, and then get on with your day!

Anonymous said...

Now, you know who should be replaced don’t you?

There are no enough, maybe even no real Sinkies, talented enough to replace the not so talented PAP as govt. And some more this job of govt is reserved only for real Sinkies, yet cannot find the Sinkies needed to do the job.

And maybe due to many new Sinkies, there are also not enough real Sinkies to vote out the not so talented PAP as govt.

Like that how to replace, even though real Sinkies know who to replace, u tell me lah?

Anonymous said...

Either Sinkies replace the PAP government OR the PAP government replaces Sinkies with FTs.
- Is this a correct interpretation of the SIA pilot's letter?

agongkia said...

My far sighted ah kong told me nong nong time ago that one way to be a captain instantly without the need to wait for 8 to ten years is to be a bus captain and drive a bus instead of flying a plane.
Or become screwtygard .Can become senior captain.
Be contented to have a job and its time to get grounded.Experience but if overage oso no use.Pose higher risk to pax like me.
We need younger pilot as being new,they may tend to be more cautious and alert.
Evertime when i board a plane i worry about the pilot being too old or a togo king .
Who cares whether its FT or local when come to flying a plane.I just want to land safely.

Anonymous said...

Sinkies either replace the govt or get replaced. The first one to get rid of is this Matilah Singapura. The rest will fall in place.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Don't worry your panties too much lah. I'm mortal, if you're patient, nature will curtail my existence - - and your own as well :)

Changing the govt won't change anything. But you may think what you will. It's perfectly ok to be a dumb, deluded fool.

Anonymous said...

Surprised Surprised Surprised

when I first came across the letter written by the local pilot in TRE, I was indeed very very surprised that our local pilots faced the SAME fate as our PMETs...

we should immune our local pilots and do not let them worry about their future while flying planes....

this is bad this is bad....


Anonymous said...

So many words from one pigmy mind, Mr Mati. Got size compensation?

Anonymous said...

You silly gongkia. The foreigners taking over your jobs and your country and you still puking shit from your mouth.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The entitlement mentality universal template:

Dear Mr Prime Minister,

Tolong Tolong Tolong tolong tolong.....

Because I'm Singaporean.

Yours faithfully,

Entitled Citizen

agongkia said...

Should be tolong tolong........
Because I am a papist.....voted for you all these years.

Anonymous said...

For you only, it is PIGmy, Mr Mati. Got size over-compensation?

Anonymous said...

No one can be more Papist than MS.

b said...

We ended up this way because of voters keep on voting the same party again and again. Sg should have abolished compulsory NS long time ago, train more doctors and dentist and lawyers and IT and finance professionals, build more flats etc. Instead, Sg gov put in unnecessary barriers to make the people unable to become professionals and accuse the people for being daft and bring in foreigners. All this to protect a specific family wealth and power. THis kind of selfish mentality must be voted out.

b said...

Just because someone known as youknowlah managed to put in some basic correct politics (although some were terribly wrong) during his time does not mean that he is entitled to eternal wealth and power in this small island. This type of entitlement mentality is what they must be booted out.

Anonymous said...

What you need is toilet training B, so we can at least shoot straight and flush manually.

Anonymous said...

Yes, every Singaporean is entitled to have a go at MS' loose hole on his behind and use a rubber band to shoot at his Pigmy in front.

b said...

toilets business is big business and going to be very big when many third world countries going for full toilet package.

Anonymous said...

Appeal for what? This is govt policy lar so u are just collateral damage for the majority good mah? Tio bo knn

Anonymous said...

Me, I prefer Tio Man. From all accounts a lovely place. Don't know about Tio Bo or Tio Kong.

Anonymous said...


We meet again old friend.

Interesting read from /r/singapore

Recently there seems to be arise in trolls and "anonymous" extremely vocal PAP supporters with similar IP addresses surfacing in some political micro blogs in Singapore. Some blogs (they didn't want to be mentioned on reddit) have reported that certain posters of similar IPs have been trolling them on regular office hours - disrupting the quality of discussion by taking personal jabs after being challenged.
This is the FIRST time in history where such an opportunity to unify any idea in such a vast scale (not limited by geographical constraints) where the true hope for a better future is tangible and within grasp. Reddit like other online platforms is disgustingly popular due to their attempts in pointing out the obvious flaws in our society that the out of touch politicians [Citations needed] cannot choose to ignore anymore. In their desperate attempt to put this fire out, they masquerade as us to understand our psychology and want to figure out a way to take back control of the narrative without using direct force or their stranglehold over the mainstream media could be in jeopardy.
They mean to achieve all this without you having any idea they intervened at all.
We have become much more eloquent and vocal throughout the years all the way from EDMW[1] (link included for the young ones, approach with caution) to what many other platforms we have today. As a Singaporean, I implore all of you - foreign or not to start objectively participating in discussions online, upvote a bit more, downvote a bit more, dare to ask more wrong questions for the rights answers. Fuck everything you know and start an argument with someone random, respect him/her because he/she believes in what they believe in so much they bother to give a fuck - wrong or right, THAT IS WHO WE ARE . We are all just people of the world.
One last thing, the pinoys/PRC/AngMohs are already part of our history 10-15 years later, what we decide to make of it will be OUR[2] history.

Anonymous said...

Wat toking yew 5:48?

Anonymous said...

Moral of the story is : Vote PAP, get screwed ! You decide who you wanna vote

Anonymous said...

Mr Bean love your blog. A superb platform for the incoherent chattering masses, moi included.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 458 -- quoting from reddit:

Hey 458 -- hope you're well. I don't read /r/Singapore. /b/ on 4chan however...Anyway, here re some comments on the reddit post:

>> their attempts in pointing out the obvious flaws in our society that the out of touch politicians cannot choose to ignore anymore.

Bullshit # 1: There are no "flaws" in society. Society is a collective term for individuals in a social primate-mammalian species—humans--exhibiting their quirky "human nature" determined by their own mental states and the society's culture.

Bullshit #2: There are no, and can never be "in touch" politicians, anymore than there could be "perfect humans". Everyone has a worldview interpreted thru many cognitive biases. Politicians come from the same culture. If The People are fucked in the head, then so are the politicians The Sheeple elect. (no getting past this one mate)

>> In their desperate attempt to put this fire out, they masquerade as us to understand our psychology and want to figure out a way to take back control of the narrative without using direct force or their stranglehold over the mainstream media could be in jeopardy.

Bullshit #3: The MYTH that there is a dichotomy between "us" (The Sheeple) and "them" (The Political Class).

Truth #1: Correct. The fundamental reason for smart politicos to "understand" The Sheeple is for control. This is not surprising: If you want to get your way with others, you first need to UNDERSTAND them, being aware that your own cognitive biases gives you "false readings".

Bullshit #4: There is no "stranglehold over the mainstream media. The State owns the MS media. No one can operate a MSM enterprise without permission and license from The State. This is the law of the land.

>> As a Singaporean, I implore all of you - foreign or not to start objectively participating in discussions online, upvote a bit more, downvote a bit more, dare to ask more wrong questions for the rights answers.

Bullshit #5: The assumption that this kind of discourse hasn't happened in the past. People were tongue-wagging in kopi tiams (our "cafe society" a little less "intellectual" than the Vienna School of fancy-talking stylish -- i.e. "chic" bullshitters aka "BullChić"). The internet has made the process faster and the interactions more connected, however human thinking from their "fear-centered emotional brains" -- exactly the fucking same.

The level of noise is now more prominent as any primate with minimal skills now has a voice as long as they have a networked device. i.e. The Village Fool is now a broadcaster :-)

This is AWESOME. The belief that "together we can change the world thru blogs and forums" is slightly more entertaining than the belief that "everyone is fucking like/ should be fucking like a porn star" as people learn sex from internet porn. 3 cheers for Egalitarianism!

>> We are all just people of the world.

Truth #2: Exactly. No one is that fucking special. So take another selfie and post it on Twshitter, you narcissistic, entitled fucktards

>> One last thing, the pinoys/PRC/AngMohs are already part of our

Bullshit#6: The MYTH that "these people" are "different. We are all humans -- ONE RACE -- The Human Race. Introducing foreigners into the society is no different than your moms shitting out more babies from their chau cheebyes and adding those scream ugly ENTITLED brats to the population.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Matilah sitting on his high throne of enlightenment dispensing his wisdom and worldview on truth. No he is not shafting down anyone's throat. He just called everyone's view as bullshit and myth but his own as truth.

He is so polite, he is not imposing. He is such a humble guy.It's the grass he is smoking.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Redbean continues to play his passive aggressive game allowing his neuroses to surface as he makes everything into a "competition".

Does he have unmet needs? Does he have long unachieved goals and forgotten dreams? Does he have unsurmountable frustrations?

Who knows? Redbean knows. One thing is clear: a previous post on the mention of "his funeral" from some poster calling himself "Raymond" and Redbean loses his fucking shit.

He goes to the police -- allowing his emotions and "monkey mind" to rule his neurotic actions citing "death threats" to the cops, who have better things to do. Sadly, at his age he still allows his emotions to get the better of him, and let the negativity to run his imagination to RIDICULOUS conclusions.

He does the song and dance of a mad woman having an episode on his blog.

Redbean never fails to entertain :-))

If you visit the zoo and feed bananas to hungry monkeys, eventually they'll start entertaining you more, probably by masturbating.

Please redbean, continue entertain us. we'll buy you kopi. so do like the moneky :-)))

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I take back my words. Thought you were getting somewhere, getting high. Now you slipped to where you belong.

Seriously, you need to go for a confirmation on your Tourette sickness. At his age you are still trap in it is not a joking matter. I know Ang Yong Guan and make the reference if you decide to seek treatment. No much time left.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Pleae lah redbean, let's be clear: you are a passive aggressive, borderline personality disorder guy -- one of these types so common in Singapore who wants to control everything, and loses their shit at the slightest "wrong".

>> Tourette sickness

You haven't the faintest idea of what Tourette's is. If you did, you would know that most of the symptoms are involuntary -- like tics. This is because it is NEUROLOGICAL -- i.e. involuntary. You may know people with nervous tics. They can be quite funny, (yes you should laugh at people's disabilities -- it breaks the ice), but underlying are definite physical causes and effects.

My behaviour is voluntary. I know when I'm being an asshole, it is on purpose, and I am damn good at it. In fact, being an asshole keeps my bank account in the black. Black is good. Red is bad; as far as bank accounts go.

Unlike you, I won't tell you to "seek help". You do whatever the fuck you want. I'll just enjoy the entertainment. Like I said, I like to laugh at people's actions due to their "conditions". :-)

Ref: DSM5

theonion said...


It does not make sense, NS is only 2.5 years at most,at present is 2 years, it should be 2.5 years difference based on a big assumption that it is progressing just like school.

This is because everyone will have to go thru the same flight qualifications school or practice to become a pilot.
Sounds to me more like sour grapes rather than anything else.

Unless you want to tell me that Singapore girls have a 7 year headstart on boys for university or any particular tertiary qualification.
The level of slantness is beyond belief or maybe not

We are talking flying commercial jets such as Boeings and Airbus and not the smaller propeller planes.

If smart alec reply, that a 19 year old can become a pilot, ie a impossibility as there is still the many hours of flight simulation even USA which allows flight training from 16 years old, well even Singapore has the Singapore Flying Club which allows you to fly from 16 years old but they flight small planes and not the big commercial jets.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I got my PPL at 19. But that is not the point. The sore point is why are foreigners taking charge in so many professions and dominating over the ciizens and kicking our citizens? I would not agree with traitors and those without a country to tell me that foreigners are better talented and deserve the job and locals can fuck off. I will insist locals first.

I encourage every citizen to vote for political parties that put citizens first. Singaporeans must not be so daft that you think you can compete with the rest of the world without the advantage and protection of a country. If daft Sinkies chose to listen to snake oil salesmen, they deserve to be sold and be jobless and beggars in their own country.

Always remember that this is your country and you come first, foreigners come only when you can spare a few positions for them.

All responsible Sinkies must always think Sinkies first. Do not be a traitor to your own people.

I salute Singaporean First Party. They got their hearts and heads in the right places.

Do not listen to Matilah and his likes when he is on drug mode and talking poison.