
US, biggest human rights abuser

The below article is posted at Where Bears Roam Free

Tuesday, 25 June 2013
US, biggest human rights abuser, fingerpoints Sinkiepore for rights abuse - ha ha

at 07:39:00 by Barrie

Imagine the biggest thief in town telling others to make an honest living. Imagine the biggest womanizer telling other men to watch their lustful behaviour. Imagine the worst alcoholic telling others to drink in moderation. That's Americuh we're talkin' about, folks.

Americuh, the biggest human rights abuser, telling Sinkiepore to clean up its act on human rights issues. Ha ha.

Sinkie govt rebuts - MFA rebuts US report on human rights

MFA said it noted with disappointment that the report once again includes the same gross inaccuracies and misrepresentations of the Singapore Government's laws and policies.

MFA said it has rebutted these points in detail year after year.

At the 2011 United Nations Universal Periodic Review in Geneva, Singapore had made clear that human rights cannot be considered in isolation from the circumstances of the society in which they are embedded.

MFA said it continues to be disturbed by the double standard applied by the US' criticism of Singapore's Internal Security Act, which is meant to address grave and serious threats to internal security.

That's right. Singapore uses the ISA to fight the "war on terror". The US uses the Patriot Act, eavesdrop on people's emails and of course, the dreaded Gitmo Bay treatment.

Human Rights abuse par excellence a la Americuh -

Gitmo prisoners. Blindfolded, ear muffed, gloved and bounded. Not only physical mobility is restricted, the sense of sight, sound and touch are also cut off.

Detainees caged like animals, where the space is so confined, limbs cannot be stretched fully. What kind of animal approves and endorses such inhumane treatment?

Need more be said?

Conclusion -

The fact that Americuh, the biggest human rights abuser even dares to tell others to clean up their act, shows that nothing beats Americuh's arrogance and self-righteousness.

Labels: Human Rights


Anonymous said...

Whatever lah, Sinkieland must be an ally of the US and need US technology, education and products, tio bo?

But so far we don't have much US foreign talents or labour in Sinkieland, as compared to PRCs, India Indians, Pinoy, Mynamar, Matland, Indonesians, Vietnamese, or Banglas, do we?

Anonymous said...

PAP gives out lots of scholarships to some Sinkies and many foreign talents to study at prestigious US universities like Harvard, Stanford, Cornell, Yale, Duke etc.

And because of the prestige that come with it, PAP even partner Yale and Duke with NUS to set up local campus here.

So who cares about what criticism by US on Sinkieland or PAP?

Anonymous said...

It looks like China, or any other country harbouring fugitives of USA is making a big mistake.

When the USA harboured fugitives from China, it was a noble thing and praised by the evil cult followers.

What about the human rights thing that they talk so much about and which I think Snowden is entitled to? Hypocrisy?

It never fails to amaze me!

WB said...

No surprise for the Americans to be the sole judge and executioner of other countries' human rights record. After all, they are the current sole super power and he who sits on the throne gets to have the last word.

Singapore is on record to always say that we need the US to balance China in Asia. Many are slowly coming to realize that we need China to balance the US instead. A world with one superpower invites dictatorship even when you call it a democracy. Same as a country with only one political party in control.

Invasion of privacy on a global scale, covert actions to depose lawfully elected governments, assassinations and other nefarious acts, that country has been there, done that all in the name of "freedom" and "democracy".

Whilst the ISA is abhorrent, we do not need a hypocrite to remind us of it.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

In the case of Yale NUS and whatever X-NUS, it is undermining our national effort and aspiration to build up our own brand of universities in NUS and NTU.

By setting up those joint campuses, we are as good as abandoning or trying to side line our national universities and promote foreign universities.

I think it is a silly thing to do. The Koreans and the Japanese and even the Chinese are trying to build up their own national brands. Japan has been very successful and the Koreans are blazing a new trail of success with Hyundai and Samsung and many others.

And when NUS and NTU are getting more recognition, we brought in competitors to do them in.

Anonymous said...

"And when NUS and NTU are getting more recognition, we brought in competitors to do them in."

Not really lah. Competitors will make NUS and NTU stronger mah.

NUS and NTU are not Sinkies, where foreign competition will lower Sinkies pay or make Sinkies lose their jobs.

And just like NTU and NUS, PAP also really need competition to perform better. But with the strongest competitor WP not even ready to take on PAP's job, any wonder why PAP perform the way it perform?

Hence we need competition for NUS, NTU and PAP. But not for Sinkie jobs, especially Sinkie PME jobs.

Anonymous said...

Complain what? More universities the better. Can bring in more money from the kids of rich foreign parents in india, china, indon, malaysia etc. Never mind how they got their monies.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The quality of a university depends basically on three things, the teaching staff, the students and to some extent the facilities.

So, with more universities, how to grow the three variables to improve the universities when the number of local teaching staff and local students are limited?

Bring in more foreign teaching staff and more foreign students. Money is no problem to pay for facilities and teaching staff and also to pay for scholarships for foreign students.

What do you think will happen?

Veritas said...

All muslim, Chinese, Hindic elites send their children to study USA. I think claims that USA is biggest human abuser is over blown.

In fact China, India and all muslim states are even bigger human right abuser than USA.

Nevertheless USA human right record is becoming worse and worse.

USA normally abuse alien more.

Anonymous said...

What will happen? Of cos the rich (gov, landlords, banks, travel, shop owners, property developers, construction companies etc) getting richer and the rest poorer. This is the norm everyday in everywhere it is ruled by elites.

Anonymous said...

Of cos prisons cannot be too comfortable else everyone will commit crime and do not mind to go in and enjoy 3 star hotel treatments? Some first world countries have good prisons treatment and their repeated offenders were also on the high side. Rights are reserved for non criminals.

Anonymous said...

I hope Russia, China, and Ecuador stand up to the financial terrorists in America and Britain. Stay the course. Don’t give in and don’t appease the financial terrorists on Wall Street. from: http://rt.com/op-edge/


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi ross, welcome to the blog. You have a very good site with a lot of information there.

Thanks for the link.