Shangrila Dialogue - China must take the initiative from the USA
For the past decades, the US has been setting the agenda and taking the initiative to attack China under the vague concept of human rights and hegemony. They have, in every opportunity, launched attacks against China on these two issues and forced China to be on the defensive. The irony is that the US is the greatest violator of human rights and hegemony. The rights of many innocent civilians are violated, maimed or killed by the Americans are mounting daily through so many wars started involving the Americans. And the Americans, as the Empire, the biggest hegemonic power of the day is accusing the Chinese of hegemonic ambition.
It is time the Chinese seize the initiative from the Americans and put the Americans on the defensive. China should announce to the world that it is against hegemony, against interference in another country’s domestic affairs, against war, against violation of human rights and killing of innocent civilians, and against deployment of military bases outside one’s territory. China should then take on the Americans every time the Americans violated these principles.
China should rally world opinions against the Americans. There are many countries that are victims of the American hegemony and will be most willing supporters of such principles. Put the Americans on the defensive instead of being defensive and submissive. China should act and behave like a responsible big power and hold the Americans to such principles and challenge the Americans on such principles. China cannot be on the defensive for all the wrong reasons when the Empire is violated every principle it claims to hold and claiming China is the violator.
The ball game must be balanced on the grounds of principles and actions. China must start to take the offensive against American rhetoric and game of misinformation. The next Shangrila Dialogue China must set the agenda.
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Today, I see USA increasingly becoming an rogue state. Senator John McCain was just talking about arming Syrian rebel, and he has been talking about it for many times.
Syrian Rebels are Al Qaeda. USA is supporter of Al Qaeda.
Recently Turkey caught Al Qaeda red handed with Sarin. Today, Iraq reported catching Al Qaeda with Sarin.
It seems that Al Qaeda has acquire chemical weapon capability in Syrian civil war. It would be a matter of time before chemical weapon goes off in New York.
The Americans are playing with fire they cannot control. Their only objective is fire and war. As long as countries are fighting one another they will benefit in many ways. The Syrian war, like the other wars in the region are all started by them.
Even if Sarin is used in American subway, the arms merchants will make money from it.
It's not a matter of whether China must take the initiative or whatever lah.
It is about China's interest.
Is it in China's interest to take the initiative?
Remember even Iraq's Saddam Hussein was once an ally of USA when Iraq fought with Iran in the late 70s.
Allies, enemies and initiatives all can change but one's interest is permanent, will never change.
Countries and governments work for their own interest, and this may not necessarily be the interest of the people.
Just like NS and foreign talents. It may not be in the individual interest of male Sinkies or Sinkies but of the country and PAP govt, tio bo?
It is in the interest of PAP that WP remain the best opposition.
I received news that Patriot's mother has passed on. Our heartfelt condolences to him. May she rest in peace.
It is not western, america or americans that is causing all the mess. It is those minority elites up there making the world a complete mess. I am not even sure whether they considered themselves as westerners or americans. Beware, the world is full of lies. The whole world has to unite against this very small but powerful and rich group of homosapiens to achieve world peace.
>> attack China under the vague concept of human rights and hegemony.
They are not "vague". They are quite real China blatantly violates the rights of its own citizens. People living in the rural areas are consistently exploited. City dwellers look down on them. The government steal their land for big corporations to build factories. Rural migrant workers are paid far less than their city counterparts. The Chinese government frequently does "deals" with American businesses located in China to screw workers and ensure that the goods are "cheap" for export, keeping the value of the Yuan down so that American corporations remain "competitive" and ensure their HUGE low taxed offshore profits which they earn from selling these goods INTERNATIONALLY remain high.
Instead of whacking their own corporations, the US government instead chooses to use China as a scapegoat, riding on the back of anti-China sentiments by many Asian nations -- many who are struggling to compete against China's low labour costs and currency value.
"Human Rights" are a made-up concept by rich nations. For 5 millions years of humanoid existence, the order of the day was killing, conquest, domination and slavery; also rape, genocide, infanticide, child molestation and torture.
"Human rights" is an emergent property from the degree of civilisation. The loose correlation is: the more "civilised" your society, the more chance of having "human rights".
Thus the degree of human rights in any society must be determined INTERNALLY by the people and their culture. The US has NO PLACE in ENFORCING its idea of "human rights" on China or any other cuntree. The People Get The Country They Deserve. Fuck off. Leave them alone to prevail, survive or die by their own choices. This is domestic politics, not geo politics.
The US Federal Government has awesome military and intelligence resources, no doubt about that. On occasion -- more frequently these days -- they go into "attack mode" and fuck up entire cuntrees six ways 'til Sunday.
However in the day-to-day experience, Big American Corporations, their bankers, the US Fed and the Warriors on Wall Street have much more DIRECT IMPACT on the lives of the citizens.
It is not the US government who is holding down your wages, chipping away at your civil liberties and causing the price of living to rise. Whilst they (the US Government) are not totally off the hook, compared to the nexus of banks, Wall Street and HUGE globalised businesses, I don't think the epithet "Evil Empire" is warranted.
Out of US corporations come US-style "management science", as does US -Style "financial engineering" from the banking sector and of course Wall Street.
US management "science" is what is generally adopted all over the world now. Your boss is using it on YOU. You've read several books about it, and you believe it. You spend big money to go to a B-school, Ivy League preferred of course -- to learn "management science".
US style management science is all about EFFICIENCY, bang for the buck, maximised profits at the expense of human well-being -- whether you are a cog-in-the-wheel worker, or you are the farmer who has just lost his home and all his ancestral land to make way for a factory making cheap rubbish to sell to jaded, fat and lazy rich white folks...and the growing "middle class" in Asia.
Got iPhone?
Apple. World's richest company. Manufactures in China. Got caught violating human rights. Keeps profits overseas.
Confessions Of An Economic Hitman by John Perkins
Cheap: The High Cost OF Discount Culture by Ellen Ruppel Shell
Thanks for the info Gintai.
Matilah, in the early stages of a developing country, all of them exploited their people, robbed them of their land and murdering them if needed be. The stages China is facing is not worst off than How the West was won. Think Singapore in the 60s and how land were acquired.
In America, think Red Indians and Negros or slaves and Chinese railway workers.
We live in different times now. We know the errors of the past - it was based on race and other social divisions like religion and tribes. Since then science has proven that we're all THE SAME SPECIES, and coupled with agencies like the UN, various anti-racism movements in various countries, plus workers union movement and a myriad of other social institutions has well and truly solidified HUMAN RIGHTS and CIVIL LIBERTIES into present day humanity.
Western cuntrees have bent over backwards to "apologise" even taxing peopl to pay for reparations. They've ben the most instrumental and instrumental in propagating human rights so much so they've changed their laws and work practices to ensure far more "equality" and non discrimination.
Do I care about the lack of human rights in China? Not one bit. That's their problem. If they chose that kind of authority to govern, it's not ANYONE ELSE'S BUSINESS.
The crucial way to solve the low birth rate is to build more low cost studios to help parents take care of their grand children, which they can stay nearby?criesCme became
Every efforts should be given to increase the birth rates, more suggestion needed?
The reasons the Nordic type of social welfare success it free people other worry like health care, education, jobless & old age retirement and concentrate on taking risk, like a coalition of govt, each party propose their ideas because majority of the people are highly educated with free educations they know what to do. Any party can take over and run the govt. Because majority are highly educated and almost the same standard, so reduced the burden on only one party? The more education the population the less unequality? Japanese use robot to solve the old age problem and birthrate problems, no necessary must kept importing people?
Attack the US on Gitmo, on their use of drones in Afghan, Pakistan and Iraq, etc.
if the muricun gangsters wanna *grilled* china on tibet
ask them,
*when r u gonna give back the land to its rightful owners, assholes ?*
if the muricun gangsters wanna lecture the chinese on human rights
*how many children have u murdered today, assholes ?*
if the muricun gangsters wanna preach rule of law
*when r u gonna send ur convicted criminals to the gallow, assholes ?*
china should follow the good example of malaysia , set up a tribunal to try obama for naked aggressions against sovereign countries, which is the *supremem international crime* under the nuremberg protocol.
[libya, syria, yemen, somalia, afpak, iran, china.....]
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