



Anonymous said...

Hello is anyone there?

Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...

Yes, but not posting articles. Comments still possible.

Anonymous said...

It's fun to surf blogs.

It's more fun to have blog blackouts.

Hope everyday blackout so everyday more fun.

Those bloggers are really cute and funny. Good for a laugh. Hahahaha.

Anonymous said...

Laughing at yourself? Your are a nitwit.

Anonymous said...

Bertha Henson

[Licence scheme: Parity? What parity?]

"The thing is,
will Yahoo, in return for complying with the scheme and putting up a $50,000 performance bond, be 'accredited'?

The answer from the Communications and Information ministry is:
'Accreditation approval is based on the merits of the application and on a case-by-case basis.'

Now this really isn’t playing fair.

On Saturday, the group will be staging a protest at Singapore’s Speakers’ Corner.

You can bet we’ll be there!"


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Anonymous is Legion. They do not forgive. They do not forget. Expect them.

Anonymous said...

Knowing sinkie less than 200 will show up

Anonymous said...

If you cannot defend it, you don't own it. Our internet freedom is at stake here.

We the citizens have already lost the mainstream media rights to the State.

Now the PM is on leave after the controversial regulations is approved!! Ha !

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

PAP censorship spoils your fun!

However, according to some people govt censorship also "protects you"

Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...

Some people always need to be protected, like the animals in the zoo, kept in cages for their own good.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Lenny Bruce, a man way ahead of his time!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

redbean, suffice it to say the majority animals in the zoo are there against their will, that is assuming animals have the free will to choose, like us.

We may look like we're caged beasts, but then we also possess the cunning necessary for ESCAPE!

Government Protection and Public Service

Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...

Don't you think the animals also want to be free? They were outwitted by the human beans and could not set themselves free.

The cunningness of human beans is so superior that some could be caged without knowing it, while there is a strange trait in some human beans that chose to be caged.

Edmund Lim said...

@ RB 8.53am


Cuppa no blackout, rt?


Kopi-O Ka Kau ....... :)

Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...

Thanks Edmund and all. Let's all drink kopi kau kau for today : )

Edmund Lim said...

@ RB 11.15am

Kopi-O Ka Kau


Cheers :)

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Too true. Humans have been enslaving and out witting each other since one caveman decided that he should control all the other cavemen so the tribe could "progress".

Once that was accomplished, he conquered other tribes and enslaved the "useful" people.

Now his tribe is over crowded and the cave people are not happy. The Head Caveman promises to "acquire more caves" to ease the housing shortage, but he had to silence dissenters by throwing them into a volcano.

Power and Truth don't go well together. And they never will.

Anonymous said...




Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...

dotseng said...
Hello is anyone there

Just went thru some of the pictures there. Many netizens would share your sentiment on this regulation.

Anonymous said...

Zoo animals live longer than those in the wild.

Pet cats live longer than stray cats.

If you are a cat, you prefer to be a pet or a stray?

Anonymous said...

"Some people always need to be protected, like the animals in the zoo, kept in cages for their own good" LOL !!!especially the daft and zombies *&^%$#@
here let take a break have some kopi koa koa

Anonymous said...

Totally, absolutely, completely and irrevocably disppointed with the PM's decision.

Anonymous said...

This episode highlight the immense significant of having a stronger opposition presence in the Parliament to check the PAP power in the Parliament.

Anonymous said...

Why PAP can find 87 willing candidates under one party to contest last election?

Why best and strongest opposition WP cannot even find at least 30 candidates to contest, let alone win to deny PAP 2/3 majority in Parliament?

So like that how to have a stronger opposition presence in Parliament?

How? By Blackout? Hong Lim Park protest? Hahahaha.

Anonymous said...

WP can field another 20 or 30 candidates quite easily. Many will want to joint WP or any opp party. But how to know the candidates are not moles? Think so easy?

Anonymous said...

backout got use again the PAPaya meh???

Anonymous said...

PAP cannot find 87 candidates is for real. But there are always some leftovers at the bottom of the barrel that nobody else wants.

WP cannot find 87 candidates because of circumstances and unfair play. Some have been forced to run away, some sued until without pants to wear, some tarnish with black tar even before they step out to contest, some find it not worth their while to gamble on losing jobs and career.

Like that how can? Luckily we still have some courageous enough to stand as opposition candidates and serve willingly despite the odds. And so far none have complained about how much they stand to loose if they had remain in their old jobs.

Anonymous said...

Life is soooo boring with this blackout. The G thinks they have not caused enough unhappiness to the people? When will they ever learn? PAP has to exit lah else things will become far worse, more boring and more unhappy for people.

How can people be so daft to vote for this party? This is like emperor qin burning the books (blogs) and burying the scholars (bloggers) which 'resulted in an incalculable loss to the history of China, and to human knowledge in general.'

Anonymous said...

'According to the Records of the Grand Historian, after Qin Shi Huangdi, the first emperor of China, unified China in 221 BC, his chancellor Li Si suggested suppressing the intellectual discourse to unify all thoughts and political opinions. This was justified by accusations that the intelligentsia sang false praise and raised dissent through libel.' (wiki)

Li si= MDA?

Anonymous said...

Singaporeans who are leaders in their respective fields please come forward, the country needs you.

The opposition has a very very important role to play in the Parliament. So please.

Anonymous said...

Singaporeans who are leaders in their respective fields are very smart and making lots of money and having a good life under PAP.

And probably also buying and flipping those $10 million condos to make even more money.

So why would they want to join opposition, you tell me lah?

Anonymous said...

STForum 07June

Immigrants' impact varies]

Paul Chan Poh Hoi

"I DISAGREE with Dr Ker Sin Tze's commentary ('Growing the economy with immigrants'; Monday)
because Hong Kong and Singapore are two different entities,
and economic growth does not necessarily depend on immigrants.

Judging by angry outbursts against mainlanders in Hong Kong, and against foreigners in Singapore,
it is not difficult to detect tremendous stresses and fault lines beneath the veneer of these 2 vibrant cities.

Immigration does help an economy to grow,
but ultimately, we must depend on the native Singaporean population."


Anonymous said...

Voices, TODAYonline 07June

[The great importance of curiosity]

from Ee Teck Ee

"I refer to Professor K Ranga Krishnan’s commentary, 'The necessity of questions' (May 31).

Curiosity is the essence of life.

It is the characteristic that distinguishes most vertebrates from other living things.

It is well-known that the first thing an authoritarian regime wants to curb is the curiosity of its citizens.

There is nothing dictators are more afraid of than minds that ask too many questions."


Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...

Dr Ker was only writing the right kind of things for the people to read.

Anonymous said...

It is ok to grow the population by immigrants by 2x, 3x or 4x if the gov can release all our cpf monies and we can easily move and live in other countries. It is not fair for the gov to make us sacrifice our personal space while not giving us an option to move out.