Dr Ker Sin Tze - Hongkong as role model for population growth
Dr Ker, an ex PAP MP and Consul General to Hongkong wrote an article published in the ST yesterday. The gist of his argument is that what Hongkong can do we can too. And the principles can be summarised by this statement, “As the economy of a territory or nation grows and expands, more manpower is needed. Successive inflows of immigrants contribute to the growth of the economy.”
Dr Ker conveniently lumped a country’s economy and its polity together as an inseparable entity. A country is not just the economy with only economic interest and no other interests. The political interest and consideration of a country, of its people, is far more important than just the economy and economics.
Dr Ker can be right in describing a commercial organisation, a business concern. When an enterprise grows and expands, it needs more manpower and other factors of production to grow even bigger. A country is not just an enterprise but also a home. When the owner of a home gets richer, he does not fill up his home with more outsiders/guests to occupy every room and share all his wealth. A country is like a home to its citizens. The guests may be needed to work on the economy but never become part of the owners of the home. The home must never be taken over by the guests.
What Dr Ker has said reflects on his economic mindset. He is only thinking economics. And this is a dangerous premise to start with and that is where the PAP has fumbled and getting itself into bigger problem, losing its bearing and purpose, losing the confidence of the people and losing the country to foreigners. The party thinks that it is running a corporation and as such citizens, PRs, foreigners and what not, do not matter as long as they contribute to the economic pie. How dreadfully wrong can the party be? How blind can the party be that it cannot even understand that it is walking down a slippery road of building an economic enterprise but losing the core interest of its people and the country in the process?
Singaporeans will be turned into a stateless people, with no country to talk about, if this grave mistake is not dealt with immediately. Growing the economic pie is important, economic growth and well being are equally important. But blindly pursuing economic growth and losing the country is a great tragedy that only fools, economists and corporate honchos will do without a single care if there is a country and a citizen to care for. Where are the politicians, the political leaders of a nation?
And they are all so blind to this simple political consideration, the primacy of the state and its people? Unbelieveable!
When are they going to stop selling this snake oil of bigger population?
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"And they are all so blind to this simple political consideration, the primacy of the state and its people?"
They are not blind. Far from it.
Why? Simply because people and political considerations can be safely ignored in Sinkieland without peril to PAP power.
Or else why is WP still remain as the best opposition after 48 years of independence?
What can be achieved in 3 or 8 years when it cannot even be achieved after 48 years?
If you cannot even rise to manager level in the same company after 20 years, what makes you think you can be one in the next 5 years, let alone be the CEO?
So Dr Ker is right to focus on just economics and from a company perspective for uniquely Sinkieland. PAP and ex PAP people are really smart.
Dr Ker not only read but also write the right thing.
Redbean, this is one example of what is the right thing, to answer what you had asked in your post at 8:44 am
Ya, I think so. The first right thing to read.
We need to overthrow PAP immediately. This guy is a idiot. HK is made sterilize by tycoon such as Li Ka Shing, cranking house price, putting people in debt.
To sustain real estate bubble, HK import mainland Chinese. If real estate drop, HK will be able to replace themselves.
But right now, the HK elites poisoned HK so much that, today, HK people no longer think they can work their ways to prosperity.
What does HK people want? Everyone in HK think of buying a property no matter how unreasonable the price is, and wait for house price to go up further.
Next find a country pumkin China man, and sell their property to them. Then, whole family migrate to Canada.
HK bubble is entirely man made. In HK today, just b30% of land is developed. The government under build crucial infrastructure like roads and subway, to New Territory to make sure prices in Kowloon and HK island rocket.
Farmers are not allow to convert farmland into residencial or commercial property. Only way to do it is to collude with a tycoon, who will help to apply a license.
HK is an example of ugly chinese landlordism. How can our elite be so toxic? We need a Mao Ze Tong.
Maybe Dr Ker could be a more competent and better MND Minister than Khaw Boon Wan.
The Latter does not seem fit for any office, not even a talk only public relation man.
He is probably the most unpopular minister by now.
>> what Hongkong can do we can too.
Agree 100++%. It is what I've been saying all along. Singapore's population density has PLENTY of room to grow.
Keep those borders OPEN!
>> Dr Ker conveniently lumped a country’s economy and its polity together as an inseparable entity.
They are. It's called the political economy and it determines the success or failure of a nation.
>> the primacy of the state and its people?
Since when? This is just nonsense you read from assholes with political agendas. There's no such thing. The state itself is a FICTION -- arbitrarily created as the over arching territorial power and monopoly tax collector. There is only one "primacy" : the primacy of the individual.
Stop being a fucking wimp and man up lah.
>> When are they going to stop selling this snake oil of bigger population?
Not before you stop selling the snake oil that lower population is somehow "better".
The best case (lame argument, unsupported by evidence, but well supported by NEGATIVE EMOTION) you've made so far is: "people are unhappy". Which people, exactly? I can assure you that there are also "people" (like me) who supports wide open borders, free flow of capital, labour, ideas and culture, and a nice warm welcome to ANYONE who has the spirit of enterprise to make a better life for themselves (the self-interested and motivated individual) and for their kin. (the selfishly chosen "values" of each self-interested and motivated individual)
Got competitive 21st century spirit?
Nice to see Matilahhaving care for kin or at least agrees that people care for kins.
There are things very precious in life. Kis and family right at the top follow by relatives, clans, neighbours, friends and colleagues. At common level, there are the nation and the citizenry.
There is no ideal such as everyone is equal and the land belongs to all. Only believers in religions think there is such a land for them when they leave the world. They know no such land exist for them so long as they are breathing. They are very the right of course.
Apology for typo error.
Kis in the First Para at the Above Comment should be kins.
Matilah, please stop your stupidity. As a stateless person, I can understand where you are coming from. We are Singaporeans and have a country.
As long as there are states, and states are real, as long as there are religions, race etc, there is no such thing as a free and borderless world when every man is just a man with no colour or nationality.
Go and read my latest post and get some education.
>> There is no ideal such as everyone is equal and the land belongs to all
That's right. You want land? Then buy it, and it becomes YOURS. Not everyone can own land. Those who don't own land have to rent off those who do. That's reality. And no, people are not equal, nor should they be.
>> at least agrees that people care for kins.
When I say "kin", I mean family and extended family. As a human, with human limitations, you can "know well" about 150 people. You can "really know well and be close" to about 20.
When you are told you can extend this "kin" to your entire cuntree -- that is a politician or someone with an agenda stroking your genitals to make you feel good. Be prepared to get conned.
Lee Kuan Yew HATED the kinship which binds the old successful families. Culturally, Asians are very family oriented -- many successful Asian businesses are enterprises started by a long gone ancestor working his balls off decade after decade to raise his family and give them a future and financial security.
Along comes LKY and his assholes to tekan these old families so that the Lee Family can become dominant.
Some of the older bloggers here will remember that when the PAP first came into power, many towkays were shitting their pants as they feared LKY was going to do a "communist takeover". In some respects, he did. The formation of GLCs was in part done to "teach those selfish families a lesson".
Sour grapes lah.
redbean the joker:
>> Go and read my latest post and get some education.
What? and become stupid like you? No thanks. Consider yourself luck I read your posts and point out your laughable errors. ;-)
Intellectual rigour redbean, is what you lack.
Matilah, please, intellectual rigour is for the academics. You can insist to be stupid and I can't do anything about it.
My point is all about realpolitik, about real life situation. I do not wish to act or think like a pseudo intellectual and write papers and text books.
Go and read this article and the comments, 'Say No to PRs for Public Service Leadership Programme' posted in TRE. Those are the real feelings and emotions of the Singaporeans. No politician can run away from them.
You can go and get stoned and pretend to be an intellectual. I don't want to be one.
>> Those are the real feelings and emotions of the Singaporeans.
That's the problem: emotions and feelings (....nothing more than feelings...).
I'm an evidence and reason fella. I don't do so well with "feelings" as an indicator to "truth". Everyone has feelings and emotions, but few are able to at least rein them in. Those assholes on the TRE: for the most part -- emotional, very poor on evidence and reason.
>> No politician can run away from them.
A smart politician will EXPLOIT them. Only assholes who don't have emotional maturity run and hide from emotions: their own, and those of others. The cannot stand to see some poor fuck in a negative state... it affects them. I'm not one of those. I essentially on't give a shit how you feel, because why? everyone MAKES their own emotions! ;-)
>> intellectual rigour is for the academics.
Wow. What a cop out. Wah, you elevate academics to such a high pedestal lah. Most of them can't even earn money outside the hallowed halls of their "educational" institutions.
I give you a FREE revision (not intellectual nonsense, just scientific fact -- based on established evidence, not "feelings, nothing more than feelings..." or emotions:
1. Every human is the same biologically, as are their BRAINS. People are not inferior or superior because of RACE.
2. Brains can be trained how to think. It doesn't matter what "culture" or "background" you come from.
I'm referring to "intellectual rigour", not "intellectuals" per se. Strange how you cannot tell the difference. An you write fucking blogs! Amazing!!
>> You can go and get stoned and pretend to be an intellectual.
Don't be daft.
When I'm high I pretend to be a rock star lah, idolised by millions, women throwing their thongs at me, still damp and warm....
Intellectual? Please lah that's boring. Credit me with some standard of selfish indulgence...please...
People without loyalty to a nation compare Singapore which is a nation with Hong Kong which is a city in China.
HK getting PRC people is a city getting people from other parts of the country.
Dear ambassador, do you want Singapore to become SAR of China?
Treated as a hotel, Singapore is awesome. You come and go as you please, you don't give a fuck about what the government is doing to the sheeple.
Nation? Please lah. It is a CITY. Which means you'd expect lots of people to come and go.
HK is also awesome. As an SAR they have things mainland PRC doesn't have:freedom - individual AND economic FREEDOM. Nothing in the west rocks lkke HK - not New York, LA, London or Pais.
1. Every human is the same biologically, as are their BRAINS. People are not inferior or superior because of RACE.
Matilah, why are you making such a silly statement?
MS, you asshole. You read about the 31 yr old woman who killed her 9 year old son, dropping him from her flat? She had to spend full time looking after the boy who was a special needs child. And the grandmother has to work to be the breadwinner.
You think the boy got the same brain as everyone, not inferior or superior?
How can you be so stuuuuupid?
hey, matilah got new picture! matilah why you showing us your brain?
"A country is like a home to its citizens"
- if you have been homeless or almost homeless in your own country before, you will know this sentence does not make sense. home can be anywhere in this world so long as you are willing to embrace that you are a citizen of the earth not citizen of a small island. anywhere that makes you feel reasonably protected and secured is home, need not exactly be in this small island. people should sell their madly inflated assets to suckers and buy some undervalued assets some where else to live. does not matter whether guests or hosts, what it does matter is money sense.
- the one thing sinkies should learn from hk is not having coe system.
"A country is not just the economy with only economic interest and no other interests"
- this is what the politicians want to sell you when they want your votes.
- no one should be too concern (or patriot) with their own countries and should treat them as a spring board to greener pastures.
Kani nah. All fail English comprehension. I said: >> Every human is the same biologically, as are their BRAINS.
It means, motherfuckers, that our brains are BIOLOGICALLY the same. "Same" means they have the same structures and are made of the same stuff.
The differences come from variances of those fundamental BIOLOGICAL elements.
Tiok u boh? Uncles?
>> You read about the 31 yr old woman who killed her 9 year old son, dropping him from her flat?
Yup. Bad choice her part. Here's her payout:
1. Loss of son
2. In a state of guilt until her dying day
3. Severe condemnation from the public, especially the Christians (the world's most judgmental people) ;-)
4. Probably get life sentence for murder.
Lousy payout. A really bum "investment". Severe unrecoverable loss.
>> She had to spend full time looking after the boy who was a special needs child. And the grandmother has to work to be the breadwinner.
You must do, what you have to do. Does this make them "special", more "special" than the billions of other people who are also in hardship?
I don't think so.
>> You think the boy got the same brain as everyone.
Not anymore. It's splat like an omelet when it hit the ground :-P
>> why you showing us your brain?
Because I'm a show off.
Heard of the saying 'there is no place like home?' Not everywhere can one feel the security and comfort of home.
But I have to agree with you that with the Singapore home becoming so unhospital to its own citizens, other places could be more comfortable.
But before giving up on your home, make sure you get rid of the rascal that is messing up your home and making it unhospitable.
Running away to find another home must be the last option when all else failed.
"An individual, in promoting his own interest, may injure the public interest; a nation, in promoting the general welfare, may check the interest of a part of its members."
Georg Friedrich List (August 6, 1789 – November 30, 1846). Famous 19th century German Political Economist.
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