
Japan continues to stoke hatred against North Korea

The North Koreans’ participation in the Winter Olympic has drew vicious barbs from the Japanese, Abe and Yomiuri Shimbun. The media slammed the North Koreans for exploiting the Olympics for political gains. It even accused the warming of relations between the two Koreas as ‘the start of a dangerous, slippery slope’…’Such concessions could be endlessly expanded’, referring to the conciliatory attitude of Moon to North Korea.

All being said, the evil Japanese are hysterical. They fear the reunification of the two Koreas which would pose a strong challenge to the dominance of Japan and a strong reminder of the humiliation and cruelties committed by the Japanese during its colonization of Korea. Japan would do everything it could to keep the two Koreas divided for fear of a strong Korea. Japan still regard the Koreans as their colonial subjects, with total lack of respect for the Koreans as an independent and proud people.

The repeated condemnation of North Korea by the Japanese and Abe’s rude and arrogant interference of Korean affairs have been rebuffed by a self assured and confident President Moon who pointedly told the Japanese off. Abe and the Japanese still think the Koreans are stupid and would be pushed by them to kill each other. Japan is not going to go away quietly. Even with the USA toning done its hawkish stance towards the North, knowing that China and Russia would not allow a preemptive strike against North Korea, the Japanese would continue to want to stoke more fear and hatred against the North Koreans.

The Japanese may not be able to rely on the Americans to do the pushing and would be looking at Asean to lend its support. And Japan can be sure that there will be some silly Asean leaders that still think the Japanese are angels, despite their countries being invaded, people raped, and countries looted by the Japanese during WW2.

Let’s count how many silly Asean leaders will rise to the occasion when Abe comes calling to attack North Korea.


Pale attempt by the ST to clear the air on Eldershield

In an editorial piece in the ST on 10 Feb, it had a title, Clearing the air about Eldershield, and concluded with this paragraph:

‘Basic concepts ought to be explained now so that people can appreciate how lowering the enrolment age “makes sense”, as experts have observed – both to cover every Singaporean and to smooth out premiums. Of course, it’s natural for many to seek bigger benefits over longer periods. That’s why pains must be taken to show how costs will then rise and why a basic scheme must remain affordable. As for calls for a state subsidies for all, people need to see how this could lead to a blowout of healthcare expenses, especially when the Govt is obliged to offer premium support to the needy, and ensure the poor and frail elderly are not neglected. Any compulsory insurance scheme deserves to be closely scrutinized but first, the fundamentals must be made clear.’

After talking so much about the fundamentals, the most important question is still avoided, not to be spoken. Is the Eldershield Scheme a profit making scheme? Why should the people be compelled to pay for a profit making scheme and who is going to benefit from the profits? A compulsory scheme, a national scheme, forcing the people to pay from their life savings CANNOT BE A PROFIT MAKING SCHEME. Period.

If this point is addressed, all the woolly talks and deceptions about subsidies, helping the poor, high cost low benefits, overblown expenses, etc would take care of itself, would be non issue. The devil is that this scheme is going to be a profit making scheme, squeezing the people’s life savings to make profits…for who? Unless this is categorically denied by the govt, with a clear statement that the scheme is a NON PROFIT MAKING SCHEME, you can smell a rat.

No need to go round and round the bush. Profit making or Non profit making is fundamental to the real intent and agenda of this scheme.

More theatrics would not make any difference.

PS. With so many schemes, and so many scheming to empty the people's life savings, you can guess the financial health of the country. 


An independent Korea in the horizon

The continuing subjugation and colonisation of South Korea will not go away as long as the Americans have control of the state with its military presence. South Korea will forever remain an American semi colony to serve the American Empire's interest in East China, as a foothold to launch a war with China and Russia. The truce after the Korean War instead of a peace treaty was imposed by the Americans on the Koreans. The Americans would not allow the South Koreans to sign a peace agreement and the eventual reunification of the two halves of Korea.

The recent friendly gestures extended by the North Koreans under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Un that the Americans and the West painted as a 'mad man' clearly showed that he is a leader on his own, and a very rational and seasoned politician. He has wrestled the initiative for peace from the stumbling Trump Administration and the belligerent warmongers in Washington. And heaven has brought about another equally brilliant and peace seeking leader in South Korea in Moon Jae In to appreciate the North's gestures and the virtues of a united Korea. Moon would not have an ounce of a chance to bring about a unification with the Americans having a stranglehold in South Korean affairs. The Americans are having the final with the threats of a military option, not just against North Korea but also against South Korea.

The only hope for a free and independent Korea, united, is the most feared weapons in the possession of North Korea. Yes, the nuclear weapons in North Korea is exactly what the South Koreans need to break free from the American vice to dictate their own future as an independent people, not American slaves, not Japanese slaves.

Kim Jong Un could extend its nuclear umbrella to protect the South Koreans from the Americans and Japanese should the South Koreans declare independence from the Americans. Any attack on the South Korean govt and people would be an attack on the whole of Korea. A nuclear threat or attack on South Korea will trigger a nuclear response from the North. This would be the safety net for the South Koreans to be a free and independent people again.

There are many fools still singing the line that the North Koreans must give up their nuclear weapons so that the Americans can continue to threaten them with wars and the continued and unending occupation of South Korea as a semi American colony.

The nuclear weapons of North Korea are the tools that would bring about an independent and united and strong Korea.  Without the nuclear weapons, South Korea and the South Koreans will forever be slaves to the American Empire, held hostage with the presence of massive American troops and weapons in their land.

The nuclear weapons would pave the way for the Koreans as a proud people to stand up again, as a free, rich and powerful nation state. But before this can be achieved, the Americans and the Japanese would be doing all they could to prevent this from happening. Watch the Winter Olympics and the subsequent days for incidents to be blamed on the North Koreans to raise tension and to further divide the Korean people into North and South and the country divided, a people divided against their will. The slavery and domination of the Korean people did not go away after the defeat of Japan. The Americans are the new masters today, with the Japanese hiding behind the Americans and pulling all the strings to keep the Koreans under bondage.

Moon Jae In just said that further improvement in relations with the North is conditional to the North talking to the Americans, a clear sign that he knew who is the master and he has no choice to act independently for the good of the Korean people. The master must give the nod before anything can move.

The Evil Empire, USA is the stumbling block to peace in Korea

President Trump is a war hawk and is surrounded by even more hawkish advisors and ministers especially those who are die hard Neo-Conservatives who adhere very closely to the Wolfowitz Doctrine of militantcy and world hegemony.

America will thwart every peace effort to a unified Korea. A divided Korea will serve American interest to continuing holding total colonial military power over South Korea and its intent to station permanent military bases in East Asia especially in Japan, South Korea, Guam and the Philippines. USA will see to it that the present Winter Olympic Diplomacy between DPRK and South Korea will never lead to serious dialogue to a negotiated peace and a unified Korean nation. American military bases in Korea, Japan and Guam will will serve USA interest to  spy and check on Russia and China.

USA is continuously building a case for support against North Korea. It is using a similar effort to its approach in its terrorist attack and war against Iraq,Afghanistan and Libya and recently in Syria. If there is going to have trouble or war in Korea , the blame is on America and not DPRK. It is not so much as DPRK having Nuclear weapons. It is USA determination to continue its seventy year military occupation of South Korea that splits Korea into two states arbitrarily. USA wants to maintain control of the strategically located territory of South Korea which is a critical part of its strategy to encircle China and Russia so that it can remain to be the dominant global power and a world hegemony for time without end.

USA state propaganda relentlessly demonise DPRK  without end and as a result of its meddling DPRK and South Korea are not able to achieve unification . USA often sabotage efforts by DPRK and South Korea to improve better communications and relations because imperial America fears a dialogue between the North and South Korea poses a threat to its continued military presence in South Korea and the region. It is doing this to Korea as to what it has been doing to China and Taiwan because without USA meddling in the Chinese civil war, Taiwan would have been united with China long ago.

Imperial America always treat DPRK leaders with disrespect and contempt. It doesn't want to end hostilities in Korea. It is not open to dialogue with DPRK. It is not DPRK is a communist country . USA is using communist rebels  as well as muslim militants like Isil to fight the legitimate government of president Arshad in Syria.

USA never wants to sign a treaty with DPRK to officially end the Korean War. It refuses to talk with the DPRK government or provide it with assurances that it will never attack DPRK for whatever reason. Imperial USA policy is very hostile and provocative, yet it continuously bombarded the world with false and fake propaganda to demonise DPRK in all its mass media via TV, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and other world mass media control by America accusing North Korea of threatening USA and its allies and that DPRK is impulsive and evil and therefore it must be defeated and destroyed.

All the false accusations against DPRK is pure baloney. DPRK is not responsible for the Korean crisis. Just as China is not responsible for the South China Sea crisis. They are all manuafactured by imperial America to suit its evil agenda of world conquest and hegemony. Both the Korean crisis and the South China Sea issues are totally engineered by the Evil Empire , USA.

Thus USA has warned South Korea that other than talking on Winter Olympic Games it is useless for South Korea to have a dialogue with DPRK on peaceful unification without USA backing.

The ugly face of Western and USA white supremacist is there for everyone to see. They foster and supported the unification between West Germany and Communist East Germany but constantly thwart the efforts at unification between the two Koreas  and between China and Taiwan.

Never trust the West and the Americans. The native Americans had learnt the lesson too late and that is why and how almost all the native Americans of over eighty-five million or Ninety-Eight percent of them were completely massacred and genocided. China and DPRK must continue to build up the military especially nuclear capability to counter imperial America and if possible destroy this demon monster forever so that there will be peace on earth.


Monday, 12th February,2018


Air Show 2018 - Some aerial display pics

RSAF's F15 Eagle soaring to the sky
2 F16s in the company of a F15
Firing flares
Solid burst of flares by F15
Indonesia's aerobatic team in action
More actions from the Indonesians
Coming in from another angle like in Pearl Harbour
Malaysia's Su30, a match for our F15. The above pic is the Swedish Viggen that Malaysia bought.
Viggen also can fire flares
The deadliest bomber of all times, the monster B52, infamous for carpet bombing of Vietnam and a favourite weapon of the Americans to threaten North Korea and Iran with nuclear bombs carried by this aircraft. Also used to threaten China and Russia.