Many people
are trying to pooh pooh the seriousness of the 9 Terrex armoured vehicles on
the shore of Hong Kong as if they were toy cars, no weapons, so very safe and
innocent. It is really a non issue and Singapore’s relation with China would go
on as per normal. Singapore can still demand China to abide by the rulings of
the NOT UN backed Hague Tribunal, China must abide by international law, China
must ensure freedom of navigation in the SCS, China must not split Asean to
divide and rule. Singapore politicians can sleep very well and not going to
lose any sleep over the incident. How about 20 machine guns or rocket launchers
without the rounds instead of the Terrex? Safe and innocent?
The 9 Terrexes
are claimed by Singapore and were on an innocent passage through Hong Kong.
What if, the armoured vehicles belonged to some terrorist groups or a hostile
country? No country would allow such war machine to land on their soil without
permission or without their knowledge. In a worst case scenario, the armoured
vehicles could easily be armed and run through the city firing at anything on
site like a suicide mission or a point assault group clearing the way for the
main force to move in. How much damage can 9 armoured vehicles do to any city
or country once landed? Think about it.
In this
case, was someone testing Hong Kong’s custom alertness or a procedure to land
military vehicles into Hong Kong, a trial run in preparation for a military op?
Who knows, the incident is claimed to be so innocent. Was there any intent by
some nebulous party testing out their plans to back up Nathan Law and the other
silly girl to create a state of street violence when the opportune time comes?
It is not necessary that they would use the Terrexes, the perpetrators could be
more ominous and dangerous war machine like tanks could roll in when street
demonstrations go berserk. An innocent passage of the Terrexes through Hong
Kong with proper papers and declaration would be just another non event. Why
were these not done?
Once a procedure
like this is proven to be feasible, workable, the planners could use the same
modus operandi to turn Hong Kong into a mess. Do not take such an operational
slip lightly. No one knows for sure who was behind it and what was the real intent?
Don’t just pooh pooh it as just an administrative slip by APL.
Singapore is likely to be an innocent party but its vehicles could be made used
of by some unfriendly party without Singapore knowing it. Sure, Singapore has
no such ill intention against Hong Kong. But that does not mean other parties
did not harbor a threat with evil motive against Hong Kong and China.
Were the
landing of 9 armoured vehicles onto Hong Kong soil, or in Hong Kong port,
transiting or otherwise, with no papers or declaration, without the knowledge
of the Hong Kong govt, be that innocent or a sign of things to come?
Everyone is
looking at it from the political perspective, a ruse between China and
Singapore, China sending a message to Singapore in a deteriorating
relationship. No doubt China has cause for doing so, and wanting it to be so.
Beyond this, could there be something more devious behind an incident that
should not have happened at all. This is not the first time such cargo is being
shipped. Why so many holes in the incident? Why so many unnecessary and
avoidable lapses?
What do you