It is too late for the USA, according to reports, after forcing vast numbers of Chinese scientist, engineers and academics to leave for China and make China even greater. Crying over spilt milk is useless.
What can Musk and Ramasamy do? Pull rabbits out of a hat? Even Musk needs China. Changing mindsets takes decades and are those replacements for the Chinese willing to work as hard and incentivized when they are appreciated. TSMC's experience in Arizona is already well known, where work attitudes between Taiwanese and USA workers are diametrically different.
Trump was the culprit that created all these problems for the USA, with his trade war the ignition point. There was also his anti-China rhetoric that un-nerved all those Chinese talents, being demonized for spying, and becoming the object of anti-China bashing. Who wants to remain in a country that does not appreciate their contribution. China knows the value of such talents and are welcoming them home with open arms. Why not when they can contribute to nation building, innovation and educating future scientists, engineers and academics.
Musk and Ramasamy can grope around for four years of Trump. Then what?
Let the sickest country on earth iolate itself. It will starve and implode as it produces nothing after subcontracting everything to China.
Subcontracting is just a misnomer, and the accusation of stealing of USA jobs is a fallacy. It was the cheaper labor and the insidious intention to export its pollution to China, taking all the brickbats in the process. That agenda was the reason that the USA and the West allowed investments to flow into China. After all, cheaper products made in China was a godsend for them to enjoy.
The irony is that the USA and the West failed to realize that China inadvertently was given the opportunity to corner the raw materials to cater to its development, trained all the skilled workers to grow its manufacturing sector, and China was also able to provide a domestic market through lifting a major segment of its population out of poverty to support those manufacturing activities, besides growing its export market and competing with the West.
I should say that China opening up to the West was a blessing in disguise accruing to China in the longer term, which provided all the incentives for China to move ahead aggressively in every sector today.
Now trying to reverse the trend by attempting to bring back manufacturing to the USA is too little too late. Trying to stop China growing is also futile. Besides, pushing Russia towards China is self-defeating, with Russia now fueling China's growth with cheap energy to feed its manufacturing. With Ukraine cutting off the transit of gas through pipelines, this is forcing more Russian gas to flow to China, adding insult to injury. I have never seen such acts of self-feet shooting so openly displayed on such a scale.
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