Good morning All
It's high tme.that the Western Barbarians and Savages Robbers, Looters, Rapists and the most hideous crimes that they had committed against the Humanity to taste Great Sufferings and Retributions.
Let them starve like China in.the past for the next Fifty or so Years.
Humans after undergone such Sufferings then shall learnt about Empathy, Humanity and Respects for Living Things and Creatures.
Today we had one Banana Sinkie by the name of Timothy.
Wrote to the Shits Times Forum of how to allow the children to have so called Creativity by having them running wild like the White Barabians the way they brought up their children.
Have them running wild with the approval of the Rest of our peoples.
He lamented that we are not in approval of such behaviours and that strifed the future generation Creativity and Innovations.
Creativity to run riots and killings and murders like the Whites?
With their Destructions and Graffiti round the Island?
Hello Westernised WOG, go to the West then.
Asians like China brought up the children in their own displined and proper way so that they grew up to be respectable and responsible humans that contribute to Society.
NOT those irresponsible parents like you who bring up useless and destructive children with your decadence Western mentality.
Good morning All
Also in the recent past issue of "Shits Times" Forum another Banana Strawberry Sinkie lamented that the General Public does NOT supports their bringing up of their now also Strawberries Children.
He said that the Public does not open the doors of the Malls or whatsoever places and gave preference to them in their seats when they were in the Public Transport.
The worse is that they are pushing their children in gigantic prime mover prams.
Not say like us in our days of yore of brining up our children.
We in our time simply carried our children in our arms and in shaking and rock and roll buses of the old held our gravity swinging left and right.
Sometimes one on each hand and still survived till today.
We do NOT demand that others gave up their seats.
Also just to add their three tonner prams occupied so much space that had no room for other passengers.
Hello FOLD up your damn prams!
Have some common sense!
Why some of their children are so big that they could already take part in the Oilpigs and yet been pushed around in their prams.
In time to come, most shall have to walk with walking aids or in motorised scooters and bikes.
All there Strawberries So called Highly Electrocuted Homo Sapiens
had such Entitlement Mentalies.
Such soft Generation how to survive in the Harsh, Cruel and.Barbaric World?
No eyes see aka Mo Gan Thye!
For those who are pioneers, our parents never taught us about money management or the need to save. We grew up mostly being poor and learn about thriftiness as we grew up, and money management just became a habit. I laugh at all the talk about educating children now about money management when the whole world is all built on consumption, debts and more debts.
Another even funnier anecdote that I want to share was one neighbor telling us that we have to send our kids to Childcare facilities for them to learn how to eat properly, bathe, make friends and be independent. My children never had the opportunity, or should I say the need of being under childcare, but they are still able to learn how to eat, made many friends and are perfectly independent. The whole idea of that neighbor was probably painting a situation of need into hyping up the advantage of putting children under Childcare facilities. Which became a blessing in disguise for Childcare facility owners laughing all the way to the bank and the Government wanting more women to join the workforce.
They say, all florists claim their flowers are the most fragrant smelling. All fruit sellers claim their oranges are the sweetest. It is sometimes pretty silly for a customer to ask the fruit seller whether his oranges are sweet. He is not going to tell you the truth that they are not sweet. Would you buy them?
Anyway, this is just my experience in raising children.
Right you are Anon 10.42
Their creativity is changing Male to Females and vice versa from as young as 5-years old!
Channel News America reporting of China's graduates struggling to get jobs.
Woa! Sinkiesland Graduates long time already platform and piece meals workers.
By June this coming soonest at least 60K be RTS aka Roam The Streets soon.
Also credit cards mostly max to the MAX.
Wow Maxim Credits Ah!
Wanted to demoinse China.
China had the means to make sure their Graduates had good jobs.
No letting the So called Foreign Talents ursuped their jobs.
Even Intermediate and Lower Rungs Ones.
That's the 60K chia kia kee!
This is what you raised by having your children ran wild to have their destructive creativity and innovations
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