
4 more years of Trump will not change anything except higher prices for everything

 Four more years is not going to change anything. The only change coming will be USA citizens having to pay a high price for goods, whether made at home or made in China. What else does the USA make today besides weapons of destruction? Even the USA flag is made in China, said one commentator.

Instead of focusing on moving forward, the USA, running a race against China, is intent on trying desperately to pull China back by hook or by crook. This is not the way for a country to move forward, being supposedly a leader that the world is looking up to. How many countries will be thinking whether they will be next.

After pulling back Germany and Japan, the USA thinks the same modus operandi will work as well against China. And after China, who else is the USA going to pull back? India? India's century is next and will face the same tactical challenge from the USA. No doubt about that.



Anonymous said...

Nothing is going to change other than the comedic changes that will go on inside the Trump cabinet choices that is already facing challenges.

Trump will really be draining the swamp like he promised when he takes office. Only thing is he will be continually draining his own swamp and putting in new and more ferocious war mongering species.

Anonymous said...

Biden is saying that climate change is an existential threat. But Trumps said that climate change is all a hoax. Can you believe what these two clowns are saying? Just contradicting each other on such a simple thing that the whole world is clear and doing their part.

USA Presidents obviously never walk the talk. Their talk is just to win votes and fool the ground. After being elected, all is forgotten, and they ignore what they said during campaigning. After all, four more years is all they get, and it is so simple to just let the walking be done by the next President.

Biden may be aware of climate change, but he is doing the exact opposite with renewables like EVs and punishing China. With Trump, an anti-climate change proponent, he is just going to do even more harm to renewables. He even threatened 200% tariffs on Chinese EVs. That is what a fraudster, felon and tax cheat ever dare to say. With six bankruptcies to his name, how in the world could he be credible is mind boggling. And they still voted him in, something that only in exceptional USA can it happen.