
No American president interested in solving the $35 trillion debt

 This is call 'kicking the can further down the road'. There are many things that the USA does which is just 'kicking the can further down the road' for the next successor to hopefully do something, but that is never going to happen.

Just like the US$35 trillion debt. Every new USA President is intent on outdoing his predecessor and piling on the debts and spending like no tomorrow to make themselves sound great. They have no responsibility to reduce the debt, and it is other people's business. Same with the homeless problem. Lots of talk and shifting the homeless people out of sight is no solution. They just returned to the same place to eat, shit and sleep as soon as the law departs. It will never be solved.

Now the USA has a big problem selling its debts or Treasuries. How long this is going to continue is uncertain. China is not going to buy any more treasuries going forward. China is in fact trying to get rid of the toxic Treasuries, touted to be the safest investment.

Japan has enough financial problem of its own and is also getting out of treasuries to save its Yen, now slipping into the sewers. If Japan cannot extricate itself from its economic malaise, we may live to see new Japanese banana notes version 2 in our lifetime. 



Anonymous said...

Honestly, why would any elected President care about the debts when they know that after four years they may be out? After all, it is about making themselves sound and appear great by keeping up their spending of other people's money for wars.

And I would say that all these parasites are just intent on making themselves and their cronies richer, regardless of what happens to the country. After all, isn't it true that the economy is built with the top 1% in mind, by the 1% and for the 1% as well? Themselves included of course!

Anonymous said...

For the "elected" leader, there are no debt at all. As long as we "leader" can enjoy 5 meals a day in post restaurant everything is fine. If peasants start to kpkb, then just start to milk the peasants to reduce it a bit. Worst case scenario, we leader enjoy our good life elsewhere. Therefore the "problem" is actually the "peasants" who like to be screwed in every election.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Watch this clip, https://www.youtube.com/live/7s0pddtzO7I, from 6:15 min onwards. Just a few seconds. Google has stopped this clip from being copied and I could not post it here for view by clicking.
Watch the mental state of Biden the zombie.
He just read a speech in the middle of the Amazon jungle and turned to walk into the jungle. He had no clue what he was doing, where he was and where he should move to. He just wandered by memory, like a programmed robot, that he was in the White House... and after making a speech, he should just turn and walk to the back of the stage or room.
That is the walking zombie for you.

Virgo49 said...

Mr RB, the most funny thing is that the Whites really had very thick hides like rhino backsides skin on the faces.

This type of damn behaviour by their President and they just dont care so embrassing.

Whereas for us Chinese aiyo, better change the leadership fast fast.

Lose face you know!

Even just for a Company CEO or Director.

Also must change. Cannot malu ma!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Let them believe and live in their fantasy world...Made in Hollywood with their most intelligent man, Trump, as their president. Biden is equally intelligent, if he does not show up or open his mouth.

Anonymous said...

It that really Biden, or a robot?

Anonymous said...

As they say, if they do not open their mouths, people would not know they are stupid.

Anonymous said...

Solving the debt issue in four years is impossible. Even given 40 years is not possible. But give it to the 24-hour problem solver and he will do it in 24 hours, LOL. How? Just cancel the debt. Trump may say taking care of the USA debt problem is as easy as winning trade wars, another LOL.

But, but, but........

Anonymous said...

But Trump would still kick the can further down the road.

Anonymous said...

True, people like Trump have no debts. 33% of USA debt is owed by USA domestic investors, banks, institutions like pension funds. 12% or so is held by the Fed itself, with about 25% or so held by the USA Government. Yes, the USA Government holding its own debt. Hard to figure out how own self can owe own self, but they can.

Only about 30% of USA debts are in foreign hands like Japan, China, UK and others.

In other words, any default will hit USA investors the hardest, more so than foreign Government and investors. That is why a default is a no brainer. But no default is also unsustainable. Only God knows how all this will end,

Anonymous said...

Now they are not using the term 'default'. They are now talking about 'cancelling' the debt that the USA owed to others. Nobody can cancel debt owed to others. Only the USA thinks it is still 'exceptional'. If that were to happen, who dares to hold USA debts going forward? Even their own people, banks and retirement funds will stay away. It is a lose lose investment, just looking for a little better interest rate and may lose everything. How stupid can that be?