
Trump's New Cabinet - You are fired!

 Trump's cabinet picks show it is really 'garbage out and garbage in' in his new administration. Trump is using something funny that I always see on Youtube with a chuckle, trying to teach investors with the mantra 'when you see the green arrow, you buy. When you see the red arrow, you sell'. So simple? Better to use the analogy to teach people to invest with 'when you see the green man, you cross. When you see the red man, do not cross'.

If things are that simple as plucking grapes from vineyards, every investor would be a millionaire and who are going to be the losers? But investor education is less important as choosing the right people to run a country. Choosing people without the background or experience to helm important departments like defense, healthcare and foreign relations cannot just be based solely on loyalty and reward. Which is why I say that Trump will be doing the same thing as in his first term - changing appointments like changing his underwear when things go awry. How many of his appointments in his first term are now his political enemies?

Truth be said, Trump will really be making China even Greater now, with his tariffs on Chinese products, that will punish his own voters and supporters as well as the other side. The clown show just keeps going from one administration to the next, with shooting own feet being the common theme. What are the tariffs expected to do to China when it has a much bigger market to absorb its overcapacity? China will just keep producing the same products, at the same cost, sell at the same price outside the USA and EU, without the tariffs and the USA and EU can do nothing about it.

Sure, Chinese EVs and other products' market share in USA and EU will be reduced, but on the other hand is growing with the Global South and BRICS countries providing support. As it is, China is already giving Brazil, Argentina and Russia all the support in agriculture while cutting off USA farmers with its retaliatory move. China is de-risking it food security, knowing this is one area that the USA can do much harm to China when conflicts arise, just like in technology. China is not going to start looking for alternatives only when the shit hits the fan. China thinks far ahead, having now tasted the evil and toxic designs of the USA, warts and all.



Anonymous said...

Trump is doing what we in the East used to say ' playing 'tikam tikam' with his cabinet choices.

Suffice to say, this was already apparent during his first term, hiring and firing and changing people like changing his underpants, and now, with no other choices left at the bottom of his barrel, he is resorting to 'quick picks' like our Toto betting system.

Anonymous said...

Some are joking that if Hannibal Lecter had been real and still existing, he would fit into Trump's cabinet. As Secretary of Torture, I suppose.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize? If true, he might get it. Because in Trump's world, getting the Nobel Peace Prize is going to be easy as winning the trade war.

Anonymous said...

No smoke without fire!