
BRICS countries to prepare for nuclear war against the white countries

 First the world especially countries of the South including BRICS countries must be constantly and eternally be reminded that the continents of North and South America and Australia do not belong to white invaders from Europe. If these evil white invaders want to talk to people of the countries of the South about 'Democracy' and 'Human Rights' they must first return all these lands to the natives. Failing which they have no right and not qualified to talk down to non-white people of the South about democracy and human rights. It is just all hogwash and hypocrisy.

Having said that they the white barbarians who went on a rampage since more then 500 years ago to invade, ravage and terrorise all the non-white people and countries have become too arrogant calling themselves a superior race and the chosen people of their 'Christian God' while at the same time disparage others with very derogatory terms and language like calling the American natives savages, the Africans shit holes, the Chinese 'yellow peril' and the Indonesians and Filipinos 'little brownies' implying the Indonesians and Filipinos are nothing but brownie dogs. This tells us that they not only have the utterest disrespect but also have the most ugly innate insult and contempt for other non-white races and people.

The snub to Indonesian President Probowo is intentional and calculated. The pride of the proud Indonesians will not allow that snub and insult to be forgotten so easily.

The Trump government is now infested with all warhawks and warmongers who are also haters of other non-white races. They are crying for wars against all countries of the South thinking that wars will relieve their endless malaise in self made choas, unpayable debts of over 36 trillion of dollars, homelessness and collapse in industries and infrastructures.

Countries of the South wake up and with BRICS leadership be fully prepared to confront the West G7 led by the US. The desperate United States will launch wars on any country of the South at any time, any moment. On behalf of the South, Russia, Iran, North Korea, China and India must get ready to launch full scale nuclear war on G7 countries. It is of paramount importance to wipe out US and UK first and all their major cities must be targetted for nuclear bombing the moment the US starts a war.


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