
Descend to the Tiger Leap Gorges - A pictorial essay of Lijiang

  Tiger Leap Gorges is another popular attraction between Dali and Lijiang. To get to the bottom of the gorges one has the choice of walking down, free, or buy a ticket to take a long escalator down. Actually there are four escalators, each about 50m long and connected. Quite a long descend from the entrance of the escalator. Most visitors took the escalator, or at least on the way up. It is quite challenging as the path down is quite steep.


Tiger Leap Gorges in between steep mountain sides, 虎跳峡, Yangtse River. Click to enlarge pics.


Fast rushing water at the bottom of the gorges. A stone tiger is on the far side of the river.


Visitors on a viewing platform just above the rushing river.


A beautiful girl came to stand in front of my camera.


A full view of the mountain from the base of the gorges.


Virgo49 said...

Beautiful Sceneries!

Have NOT seen all as yet!

China with her Natural Sceneries even those remote villages are a sight to behold.

Still so many untouched and not destroyed by MAN's wanton behaviours just to make monies.

Even Deserts and unhabitable and inhospitable areas are been cultivated into uselful food crops that are needed to feed their 1.5B people.

Unlike some who kept clearing their natural habitat to built more BTOs flats. (Wow billions into the Treasury and chance Renumerations after Election can increased)

Also the Horses cried no more exercising on their Tough, oops Turf Club.

Paid so much for our memberships.

Unlike the White Barabians who only knew destructions and killings.

Also their concerted and real efforts to climate challenges and changes.

Now no more free bah kut teh meat and soup in their waterways and rivers.

Also no more free smokes as their air pollution is much controlled.

Now, sorry you have to buy your cancer sticks to smoke.

The Whites can accused China of the World's Worst Polluter.

Whereas they bombed bombed and bombed polluting and killed innocent beans and caused unprecedented widespread unnecessary runaways and relocations into their countries and now they shouted Go Home!

Mass deportations!

Who causing all these crisis?

The worse is that so many silly jump overboard countries especially the damn Asian Ones who took great pride in making their own suffered by implementing silly policies of fighting climate catastrophe whilst the Whites dont give a damn on it.

Doing away with the packing of plastic bags where one brought ten items and to save a five or ten cents performed juggling acts like a clown holding and grabbing all his purchase and kept falling onto the ground.

What's Stupid Substantivity Minister?

Sub sub suo!

No eyes see!

Virgo49 said...

Just to add saw Today's ST aiya don't want to say Shits Times paiseh!

NO accord on plastic pollution deal.

More time needed

There you have it and see!

Me no eyes see!

Cantonese said "Mo Gan Tei"

Virgo49 said...

Also CNA sympathetic to India that their forecast of their economy is declining BUT unexpected

Shrugged Channel News America.

Anyway Dotard Trump is NO friend to India.

Only now trying to seduce Putin to be UAssA Ally to break off from Xi and contain China.

Think Putin is Stupid ah?

Hold your horses.

Nothing is impossible and casts in stone.

Putin is White after all.

Last time tried so hard to be in the EU and NATO.

Was Ostracised.

That's why he still had soft spot for the Urukians and one said Whites must not killed Whites.

Killed and colonised the Coloured Peoples OK.!