
USA plan for world conquest and bring all countries of the South under US hegemony and bondage.

After the unfolding of USSR and the dismantling of Warsaw Pact countries in 1989 the US should have also dismantle NATO to show its sincerity for world peace and security. But US not only did not dismantle NATO but expanded it to include some former Warsaw Pact countries. In the meantime in the interim years from 1990 to 1998 US in cooperation with corrupted Russian leaders took the opportunity to ransacked Russia's industries in taking over all big Russian business conglomerates, factories, industrial corporations and mining industries for a song. This bankrupted Russia and caused millions of Russians to suffer deprivation and starvation. Fortunately in 1999 Putin came to power as the president of Russia and eventually put a stop to the bleeding of Russia and the destruction of Russia by the Americans. With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989 and the ending of the Cold War US went to form a unipolar world under its absolute control. US then created many wars with the motive to achieve its geopolitical agenda of world hegemony . 

In 1999 after the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, Serbia, Clinton gave a secret speech in Congress detailing on US plan and strategy for world conquest and hegemony. Below is the speech of Clinton in Congress which was sent to me by an anonymous netizen. 

After the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in 1999, Clinton's secret speech was exposed. Global News 7/29 Clinton's secret speech after the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in 1999 was exposed.

"On May 13, 1999, after five missiles bombed the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, as members of the US Congress strongly demanded clarification of the truth, President Clinton came to Congress to give a secret speech. 

"First of all, I must affirm that my following speech will involve the highest interests of our country, and of course it is also the top secret. Although we don't have to worry about anyone on this planet, we don't want to create any unnecessary things at this stage, trouble." "As we all know, since the end of the Cold War, in terms of the overall national strength of the United States, we not only have no rivals in the world, but we are also fully capable of controlling the world." 

"The goal of the new strategy I am going to describe will be that from now on, the United States will become the last and only empire of mankind." "We have set a detailed goal : the first step: NATO eastward expansion. You have seen that in the Kosovo war, we originally had lingering fears about him - Russia. Now, he has almost become a naked beggar. However, I think you can clearly understand that our eastward expansion is not just to make Russia make a fool of itself. The purpose of our eastward expansion is to control the entire Eurasian plate. 

There is a headache for us in Southeast Asia, that is China....." "In short, although there is a bit of risk on this road, there is basically no enemy that can stop us. A 21st century under the leadership of the United States will soon come." ( Applause from the audience) 

Next in response to the questions raised by the lawmakers, Clinton clearly showed the US strategic plan. One Member: Your excellency, the war in Kosovo has been prolonged for a long time, and the cost has increased. How long will it take? Clinton: Throughout the history of the development and development of the United States, the rapid economic development brought about by the Second World War is enough to prove that the war is in the interests of the United States. 

One Member: Is it possible that Kosovo will become the next North Korea or Vietnam and plunge us into the quagmire of war? Clinton: The Gulf War has proved that our casualties in the war are almost zero, which is like playing a video game. The difference is that they are gambling with us with their lives and the few belongings that must survive. 

One Member: Our repeated mistakes during the Kosovo War resulted in more than 1,500 civilian casualties and the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia. Does this prove that our war machine is no longer under control or there are other reasons? Clinton: What I want to emphasize here is that all bombing targets are established targets. At the same time, I would like to quote a sentence from the Chinese leader: After bombing military targets, roads and bridges, what else can we bomb. But the bombing must continue. To repeat: This is the strategic interests of the United States. 

Member 1: There is no doubt that the bombing of the Chinese Embassy was the result of careful planning. Your excellency just admitted this. But I don't seem to see anything in the interests of the United States. Clinton: In addition to Moscow, eastward expansion not only refers to Eastern Europe, a little bit further away, there is a country that worries us more, he is also a nuclear power, that is China. He should have been divided into 7 countries 10 years ago, but it still seems unbreakable. Despite our various suppression, his development is still surprising, and it is unlikely that he will dismember himself internally. Out of a consideration, he should be allowed the old Soviet road, that is, crazy armaments, which is enough to drag him into the water. In the near future, he will also be unable to say "no" to us due to the economic collapse and become an international beggar. 

One Member: It is said that if China's nuclear weapons effectively explodes in the United States , it can destroy the United States several times. Is it prudent to adopt such a dangerous strategy? Clinton: Before that, we did careful research and analyzed various possibilities. The conclusion we have reached is : First of all the "mistaken bombing" will stimulate the Chinese, but it will not trigger the Chinese leader to activate the nuclear button. Moreover, there is a stupid promise (referring to China's policy not using nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries and regions ). Secondly, what Chinese people want to do most now is to need our technology. Therefore the last thing they want to offend in the world is the United States. Third, in view of this, all they can do is protest. Fourth, even if they plan for the worst, they do it. Since all the most advanced weapons in the world come from the United States, what are we afraid of. 

Member 1: So is human rights higher than sovereignty? Clinton: I think it is politically naive to ask this question after I have finished my previous conversation on US global strategy.

Member 1: Objectively developing Sino-US relations is in the common interests of the two countries, but the bombing of the embassy will cause a serious setback in Sino-US relations, and it has already caused large-scale anti-American sentiment. There is no doubt that this will also affect the interests of the domestic business community. What does the president think? Clinton: This (China) is a terrible obstacle in our global strategy . But I can foresee that Chinese leaders are more eager to restore Sino-US relations than we do. Several of their key cards are also in our hands, such as the Taiwan issue, Tibet issue, Xinjiang issue and so on. No matter when, as long as we want to make some articles , it is not difficult to find topics. To fully achieve our goals in the Eurasian sector, there are still some troublesome places such as China and India, but our situation is still favourable. In the East, there are Japan and Taiwan as our unsinkable aircraft carriers, forming a situation of restraining China. The world will proceed according to our rules of the game, and any action must be done in accordance with the interests of the United States. After this, we have only one enemy aliens, if they exist and are stronger than us. ( Applause - thunderous applause) 

NB : URGENT: Please forward this article to everyone around the world. Make it viral. This article is very important, please take a second to click so that all non-white countries and people of the South know that we are all facing existential dangers to our countries and our lives because of the evil intent of the satanic monsters of the West headed by the United States to destroy all non-white countries and enslave our people and subject the whole non-white people and countries to US hegemony and bondage. 

All proud and dignified people and countries of the South must unite in solidarity to resist and fight against the revival of Western colonialism and imperialism led by the ubiquitous Anglo-Saxon United States and England. The United States and England is the embodiment of all evils in this earthly world and must be destroyed for the safety, peace and security of all countries of the South led by BRICS with Russia, Iran and China spearheading the fight. 

Please read and analyse each paragraph of the speech carefully and give your utmost comments to condemn the diabolical motive and arrogance of the savage West headed by the Anglo-Saxon US in no uncertain terms. Thanks 

 Southernglory1 Tuesday, 15th October, 2024


Anonymous said...

To the bananas, this is good news. They like to be ruled by the white men.

Anonymous said...

The United States is a rogue and terrorist country nurtured in war and terrorism. The US government and all its political leaders are serial war criminals. It has continually violated the Nuremburg Principle of the 1949 Geneva convention relating to the protection of civillian prisoners of war, the wounded and the sick and the International Law Commission 1950 proscribing war crimes and crimes against humanity. The wanton killings of civilians by US armed forces is always dismissed as inevitable, portrayed merely as "Collateral damage" by the US government and its mass media.
These American criminals must be brought to book one day and be sentenced to face the firing squad.

Thomas Ang: Singapore

Anonymous said...

There was a discussion about BRICS on Channel News America aired days ago, where many so-called experts were expressing their enlightened views. I was deeply disappointed with some of the shallow arguments by some of the views expressed by some of the experts, undoubtedly pro-USA hardcore elements in their biased espouse.

One particular expert was harping on the issue of what was the purpose of forming BRICS and according to him serves little purpose of value. Really? As a non-expert, I know that the purpose of creating BRICS was de-dollarization first and foremost, with finding an alternative solution to overcome the weaponization of the US$, which is getting more ridiculous. I think this view is shared by most people with a working brain.

Elsewhere, some anti-China shrills are even trying to fabricate issues, claiming that China and Russia are not as co-operative with each other and picking on small incidents and making them into big explosive talk that China and Russia are breaking apart or that their co-operation will not last.

In my humble opinion, whether the relationship last or not is immaterial. If the relationship can get rid of the US$ hegemony, it has already served its purpose. And the whole world will be thanking what BRICS has done to give them an alternative to trade in their own currencies, cheaper, faster and more convenient and avoiding sanctions.

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 12.56

What's you expect from these brains dead UAss Doggies?

So many expurts and so called analysts are all BS with their ahs ahs ahs and I think I think fighting for time to coin their lies.

They can beat the brains of the PRCs meh?

Only took pride to be hawkers, delivery agents and platform workers.

The Damn so called Elites marking time ploughing the wealth b4 it's too late.

They won't be around to see their cronies destructions and the sufferings of the new generation.

No eyes see.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Thomas Ang.

Anonymous said...

A Congress critter calling Bill Your Excellency? Someone doesn't know fake news, or how in 1999 Congress was Republican.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The US power elites in the Deep State and Pentagon have insatiable appetite for war and needless destruction. Since 1940 the United States has been continually at war from CIA funded interventions in Latin America in support of dictatorial regimes friendly to US to major wars in Asia and Africa.
On 7th Sept, 1945 US General MacArthur invaded South Korea which started the Korean War 1945 to 1953. In this war US bombed indiscriminately causing more than 3 million soldiers and civilians to die unnecessarily. In the period 1958 to 1965 the CIA infiltrated into President Sukarno's government and armed forces. President Sukarno's socialist government was disliked by the US. So CIA funded a coup which overthrown Sukarno's government. The CIA via US embassy in Jakarta provided the coup leader Suharto with lists of Indonesian socialist and communist or sympathisers members. All in CIA caused Suharto to kill over 3 million so called Indonesian cocialists or communists. Indonesians have yet to take revenge against the United States for complicity in the slaughter of innocent Indonesians.

Sujanto: Jakarta: Indonesia.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Sujanto: Jakarta: Indonesia.

Anonymous said...

From the end ofthe Second World War to mid 1970s some political pundits accepted uncritically that the US was at the height of its power unrivalled in military and economic strength. But Chairman Mao Tse-Tung did not feel that way. Chairman Mao Tse-Tung said, "All the reputedly powerful reactionaries are merely paper tigers. The reason is that they are divorced from the people . Look! Was not Hitler a paper tiger? Was Hitler not overthrown ? U.S. imperialism has not yet been overthrown and it has the atomic bomb. I believe it will also be overthrown. It, too is a paper tiger."
Of course Chairman Mao Tse-Tung did not mean we can dismiss the awesome military strength tactically. In dealing with the present reactionary US administration, the countries of the South led by BRICS with the guidance of Russia, China and Iran will adopt the correct strategic perspective in facing the Anglo-Saxon American aggression.

We can see how US power was first being curbed at the Korean War by China. Then US suffered dishonourable defeat at the Vietnam War, the Afghanistan war and had to beat some retreat in its savage ventures in South America and Africa. The defeat and downfall of US imperialism is yet to happen and of course in the not too distant future.

Lee Tai Chung
Tuesday, 15th October, 2024