
USA and Israel are the nuclear terrorists, not North Korea or Iran

 The same rhetoric about North Korea having the bomb and the whole world is going to be in grave danger. North Korea never really posed any danger to others, until the USA, Japan and South Korea started provocations by conducting military exercises on its doorstep throughout the years.

In reality, the whole world had been in grave danger since the USA had the bomb. The first country to suffer was Japan, with two nukes dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and nobody said anything about the USA being the nuclear terrorist holding the world hostage.

It is only a matter of time that Iran will have its hands on a nuclear weapon for deterrence purpose and that has come true. Unless provoked, Iran will now have the ability to retaliate. This news is a real game changer.



Anonymous said...

Iran's possession of a nuclear weapon for deterrence can be quickly fast tracked by China and Russia donating some. Or sell to Iran, then nobody can say it's political as it's a business transaction. Just like the sickest country on earth selling weapons to their proxies. Others can play the same game.

Anonymous said...

How about nuclear capable hypersonic missiles, if Iran do not already have them.

Just pretend that those missiles are not loaded with nuke warheads, and no one should therefore complain. After all, those nuclear capable submarines sold to Australia were given the same hogwash as not supplied with nuke warheads and are perfectly harmless. Who are they trying to kid?

High time for Russia and China to have hypersonic warheads sited in Venezuela and Cuba and let the USA have a taste of its own medicine.

Anonymous said...

The treacherous Americans loaned Japan 700kg of enriched uranium to kick start Japan's nuclear bomb making. They sold nuclear tipped missiles to the Pinoys for US$1, but with the Americans operating the system.

Anonymous said...

But they will keep on repeating the narrative that North Korea and now Iran are nuclear threats. I think this narrative has more or less sink into the heads of some daft leaders after being repeated for decades.

Some are so daft, having been nuked in the past, and still thinks nothing of sleeping with the devil. They deserve another lesson to wake up, if they will.

Anonymous said...

What to do when people do not look into the mirror.