
UN must evict the USA from the Security Council

Palestine & Arab groups sends Israel 3 objectives to follow failures to which promise to fight back. 9 min of plea buy the Arab and Muslim leaders but would be ignored by the American, Brit, European and Israeli terrorists. They would not listen to them. To these terrorists, might is right. The UN is nothing. They will ignore whatever resolutions the UN made. No use. In the Security Council, the USA will veto any action against the Israelis committing genocide in Gaza. The Americans and the Brits are the other hands that are massacring the Palestinians. They would not stop to do so as the UN cannot do anything about it.

The only way is to boot the USA out of the UN. Even this would not stop the genocide. The white terrorists have no respect for the human rights of the Palestinians, of the coloured people. They have been massacring the coloured people all over the whole with impunity. From Korea, the Philippines, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Morocco, Algeria, Yemen, Mali, Mozambique, etc etc, the killings of the coloured people would not stop until the white men are forced to stop by the might of the people of the world. 

The white men would keep on starting wars under all kinds of fake excuses and so called threats, especially the evil Americans. The Americans are the biggest and strongest military power in the world. No country can threaten them. The Americans would blast any country to pieces at their whims and fancies. The so called threats spread by the Americans are lies, nothing but lies, excuses to go to war and to kill coloured people.

The American terrorists, together with the AngloSaxon and European terrorists, and the Israeli terrorists are terrorising the whole world, using wars as their tools for the termination of their enemies, to seize their lands and wealth. They would use deadly force to invade and destroy countries and people. No amount of words and talks would make any difference.


Anonymous said...

The UN is the tool of the USA and the West to control the world. Same as all the other world bodies that they created - the IMF, World Bank, ICJ, ICC, SWIFT, Bank of International Settlement, Energy Exchange, Metal Exchange, Commodity Exchange and others.

BRICS is slowly taking over some of the functions of some of these entities like the creation of its own Energy Exchange, Metal Exchange, Commodity Exchange, all bypassing the USA controlled entities. It is part of the de-dollarization movement, with trading done outside the US$ and beyond the USA's control.

De-dollarization will be either gradual or rapid, depending on how the USA wants to take measures to counter it. Trump wants to punish those countries joining the de-dollarization and is one factor that will accelerate de-dollarization instead. It is just like running away from danger rather than staying behind to be targeted for the kill.

Likewise, the taking out of the Nord Stream pipelines accelerated the de-industrialization of Germany and Europe, that would otherwise be more gradual and controllable.

Anonymous said...

It seems there is no end to the genocide of Plestinians and the killings of Arab muslims in the Middle East by Israel and the Anglo-Saxon United States. No one seems to be able to put to an end this senseless killings and genocide. There is a lot of talk, protest and condemnation by the Arab elites and rulers but nothing further than that. It is all rhetoric to please and show the local home population that they are doing something.

But so far there is no solid action of resistance or fighting back in whatever form that may be necessary. It is just all protest and condemnation or No Action Talk Only just "NATO".

What is the fear of the Arab countries' rulers, leaders and elites in taking tangible actions to boot out the despicable Zionist Jews and the evil American barbarins. What is behind their fear of offending the Anglo-Saxons Americans and the European countries. Could it be that they have invested too much in US and the European Countries and that their investments might be held to ransom.

It is said that the royal families of Saudi Arabia, UAE, QATAR, Morocco, Bahrain and Tunisia have invested trillions of dollars in posh properties, hotels, business congromerates and further trillions parked in Western banks in US, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Berlin and Brussels. Therefore they have the fear that all their investments and trillions parked in the US and the Western countries might be robbed off if they take actions contradictory to US and Western interests. They have reminded themselves how Russia's 300 Billion Dollars parked in Western banks in New York, London, Paris and Brussels was hijacked and robbed off. So for their selfish self interests they dare not take any concrete action aginst Israel and the United States.

Actually for the survival of Palestine and all Arab muslim countries they can stop all oil sales to US and all European countries. They can sell all the oil to China which can buy many times more than the combining sales to US and Western European countries. They can also sell the oil to India, only there is the fear India might sabotage and resell the oil to US and European countries with huge profit. If the Middle East Arab muslim countries totally stop selling their oil to US and Western European countries it will paralyse their economy and all their economic activities will grant to a halt. This may make them reconsider about their diabolical behaviour in Palestine and the Middle East.

Another action they can take is to organise a modern Jihad against Israel, US and the European powers. In this Jihad they will have the strong support of BRICS and all other countries of the South in Africa, Asia, South America and Central America including the countries of the Caribbeans like Cuba, Jamaica and Barbados. There is nothing to fear that the desperate Zionist Israel and the West might resort to use of nuclear weapons as this may result in massive nuclear reprisal by Iran, Russia and Pakistan.

So the Middle East Arab muslim countries and all muslim countries of the free world must take concrete actions now to stop the genocide and killings of Palestinians and muslim.

Friday, 11th October, 2024

Anonymous said...

First problem is how to get rid of those USA military bases, 30 of them in most of the Middle East oil producers. These are not for protecting them. They are to hold them hostage. As I always like to say, inviting the devil into the house is easy, getting rid of it is impossible. That basically kills the Arab's fanciful thought of getting rid of the USA.

And that is what Asian NATO will do to this part of the world. Control, control and more control.

Anonymous said...

The imbecile Marcos Junior of the Philippines is held to ransom and hostage by the United States because of the over 36 billion dollars his father robbed from the Filippinos when he was a presesident and parked the stolen money in American banks in the United States. CIA will only release some money to the Marcos family each time he listens and obeys US dictates and orders.